Arrested for Cheering at High School Graduations??

Started by Teresa, June 12, 2008, 01:02:58 PM

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Sorry, based solely on this article, there just is no way to make this right.
I will reserve my other comments until later..  :P

7 Arrested for Cheering at High School Graduations,2933,365461,00.html

COLUMBIA, S.C. —  When school officials in Rock Hill, South Carolina, tell graduation ceremony crowds to hold their applause until the end, they mean it — Police arrested seven people after they were accused of loud cheering during the ceremonies.

Six people at Fort Mill High School's graduation were charged Saturday and a seventh at the graduation for York Comprehensive High School was charged Friday with disorderly conduct, authorities said. Police said the seven yelled after students' names were called.

"I just thought they were going to escort me out," Jonathan Orr told The Herald of Rock Hill. "I had no idea they were going to put andcuffs (sic) on me and take me to jail."

Orr, 21, spent two hours in jail after he was arrested when he yelled for his cousin at York's commencement at the Winthrop University Coliseum.

Rock Hill police began patrolling commencements several years ago at the request of school districts who complained of increasing disruption. Those attending graduations are told they can be prosecuted for bad behavior and letters are sent home with students, said Rock Hill police spokesman Lt. Jerry Waldrop.

All the cases, except for one that includes a resisting arrest charge, will be handled in city court and are punishable by a maximum of 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Orr said he thinks people should be allowed to cheer.

"For some people, it might be the only member of their family to graduate high school, and it was like a funeral in there," Orr said.

William Massey, 19, was arrested but said he plans to fight the charge. He said he simply "clapped and gave a little whoop" when his fiancee's name was called. Massey said there were warnings before the ceremony but none that said he could be arrested.

He said not everyone who cheered was arrested.

"There's a lot more people that did it than six or seven," said Massey, who graduated from Fort Mill last year.

Fort Mill Principal Dee Christopher says school officials don't ask that offenders be arrested but that he plans to keep a police presence at future graduation ceremonies.

"We think it's important for every graduate's name to be heard and for every person in the arena to be able to see that student cross the stage. ... That's why we have disruptive guests removed," he said.

Last year in Galesburg, Illinois, five students were denied diplomas from the city's lone public high school after enthusiastic friends or family members cheered for them during commencement. Students could get their diplomas after completing eight hours of public service for the school district.

WHAT???? five students were denied diplomas  You have totally GOT to be kidding me!  ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Seems very heavy handed to me. I think our courts have better things to do than deal with criminal cheering.



For cripes sake! Pretty sure people cheered and clapped at my graduation, I cheered and clapped at my sons graduations, and I cheered and clapped at Ashleys 8th grade graduation and so did the other parents! nobody complained and nobody got arrested!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats




This is absolutely ridiculous.  Graduating from high school is a very big step in the lives of these students.  If there is a lot of extra cheering, I'm sure the ones presenting the diplomas could have paused and with gestures (clean and acceptable  ;D) quieted the crowd and then called the next graduate's name.   


But with a large graduating class, it could take hours if every graduate is cheered and applauded and the officiates have to wait for the crowd to quiet before continuing.  I think the problem is the previous celebrations that got out of hand and that the media shared with the world.  Monkey see, monkey do and so the little people pay.


And it just keep getting more crazy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???

(From  Newsmax)

The 2008 election has yet to be decided, but one thing is clear: If the Democrats win the White House, expect an all-out attack on talk radio. Political talk, as we know it, could end.

If they win, Rush, Imus, Savage, Beck, and dozens of other major hosts will be muzzled by using federal regulations to control political talk.

So, what's their plan of attack?

As Newsmax magazine reveals in its special report, "The Battle for Talk Radio," leading liberals in Congress, the Democratic presidential candidates, and even some Republicans speak openly of their plans to end conservative talk radio using federal regulations.

Their weapon: a revived Fairness Doctrine, which would once again require stations to air divergent points of view — a clever ruse that makes station owners leery of airing controversial talk-radio hosts fearing law suits and federal sanctions.

With a new Fairness Doctrine, you could see many top conservative radio hosts canned.

This Newsmax special report also features an exclusive interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly who tells Newsmax there is no question a plan is being hatched. "The far-left kooks will try, but they will fail," O'Reilly says.

~~We can only hope!~~~  :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Don't worry, Teresa..... Obama is an empty suit.  And when people start realizing it is the empty suits around him that are hoping to run this country for the next four years, (DNC and other very creepy far lefties) hopefully they will come to their senses.  As one of my friends put it, "This guy is spookie!"
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."




Poor Ole Imus ..........He got nailed for what everyone else does all the time. That whole thing was stinkin' from the get go.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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