School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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It sounds like the problems here are almost the same kind of problems
as the rest of the government schools across the country. 

I was at a church in rural Ks a few weeks ago that was meeting to
begin its private school.  A gov't teacher was there and offerred a few
opinions.  It looks doable for sure. 

It's worth a lot to keep the gov't people out of the local school business.
Unfortunately, many do not see the value in that.


Feeling feisty today, Tobina? LOL As they say Down Under, good onya! You make an excellent argument and one that I hope will be taken into serious consideration by everyone this will affect. We either want our children to be educated in Elk County or we don't, and that's what it will come down to. And as you said, our tax dollars will go to other counties instead of staying here at home. I do wish people could put aside geographical biases and look at the cold, hard facts. Change is rarely easy, but it's often necessary if anything is going to survive.


Wait a minute, am I hearing that land owers should pay more. The people that should pay more are the people that have children in the district. As far as teacher,s, how many of you work 9 months and get payed for 12? Plus they also have all the Federal holidays off.  So you can bet the first people laid off will the people at the bottom. Not that everybody does not need money, but the thought is, why keep someone that keeps the buildings clean or drives the bus. Or the Para that helps the teachers do
their work?
Now Maxine and I are really not complaining as we have children that are teachers, but the district needs to take a look at everyone. We still think the one school is the best bet. If people can not see that a new school is better the the two old run down ones. I bet they do not have children in the district or they are teachers that are worried about losing their jobs.
Maude and Maxine.


Hey Maude,
That might hit home to some people. We pay taxes on a farm and a house in town, I do not think it will hurt our  taxes to much.
As I sure there are a lot of people worried about lossing their job, as the district is declining every year.
I hear a long time a go when I worked for a school district here in Topeka. That a Federal rule was that Children could only right the bus for just an hour. Any one know about that ?


How about the people who own land but don't live here?  Should they have to pay for the schools?  You're darned right they should.  If they want to own a nice piece of Elk County, they should be willing to pay for it.  Then they should make an effort to live on it and to know what is happening.  I can't see that paying more taxes to help keep our schools is going to hurt me much.  I qualify for homestead refund and this year I got 65% of last year's taxes back.  Of course that is only on the property that you live on.  It doesn't cover income property.


Quote from: Maude on April 22, 2009, 04:34:21 PM

As far as teacher,s, how many of you work 9 months and get payed for 12?

Uh...Educators are only paid for 9 months of work...They can elect to take it spread out over a 12 month period.  Imagine the quality of teacher that you could attract if you did indeed pay the teacher for a full 12 months...!!  Their income would finally be commensurate with their levels of education.


I think that the people who have children, and send their children to those schools should pay for those schools. I have 3 children and all 3 go to burden.  That is where I want my education dollars going. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Where do you pay your taxes?  If your children are going to school in a district that you don't live in, your tax money is being used to pay their tuition to that school.

Diane Amberg

I had a "school year" contract too. I had money taken out each month and put in my credit union and they automatically sent me checks during the summer.


I believe that part of Elk county is in USD205 school district unless they have changed it in the last few years.

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