School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Quote from: HoganRanch on March 24, 2009, 01:47:30 PM
Our expected enrollment for next year is 356 and Burt said that if enrollment falls to 320 or less he would recommend that the board close a school because it would cost too much to run both schools with that low of enrollment.  That means if we lose 36 students before August they could very well close a school this summer.

That's not entirely accurate, as the state allows you to average your enrollment numbers for the past 3 years. Enrollment declines every year, but funding declines slower than the drop in student population.

Even if the enrollment dropped to 300 next year, we'd still get to use a higher number for calculating FTE.

This is no reason to celebrate, as it just buys you a little extra time.


New school or annex?  I really don't know that anyone is looking at the big picture.  Everyone is very emotionally involved, that is the problem.  It's hard not to let your emotions get in the way.  I could have pulled my children about 6 years ago, but decided against it.  I was so emotionally involved and mad at the school board and their decision, but decided that the best would be to leave them in the district.  Not for me, because if it would have been up to me, they would have been pulled.  But emotions aside, all districts in this area are looking at the money crunch.  It was in the newspaper last week that Sedan was, and I am sure that Central, and also Elk Valley are too.  There is a decline enrollement all around.  I don't know a person around this county that isn't feeling some sort of money strain.  It's hard times.  I do hate to see students leave the district.  But if the parents feel that this is what is best for their kids then they are going to do it.  Even if their emotions are what is pulling them to do this.  I am not trying to rag on anyone, but I think we all need to just wait this out a few months, too.  They might get those bus things and other numbers in order and see that they would be better off to either close a school or change which way students are sent.  It's so frustrating. 

I think that we need to all pray, alot, about this issue!!  Pray for the board members, the parents, the facility, and most of all the students.  God has a plan for this school system.  Pray is mighty!!

Hogan, I hate to lose your children to Sedan.  Not that Sedan is a bad school, but hate that it might come down to it.  But can I ask, how long will they be on the bus to Sedan?  And you are so right about taking Severy and Moline out of it and go by numbers.  But doesn't both schools need repairs?  Doesn't Moline need a roof that would cost $10,000, and doesn't Severy need somethiing done?  I am not trying to be a downer, it's just that neither school is really cost effiecent.  The annex thing sounds good to me, but I am not a contruction person.

Keep USD 282 in your PRAYERS!!!  That's all that will help this situation!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I contacted sedan and they said the bus ride would be no more than 25 min.  We have family that works at sedan and most likely they will ride with them so busing is not an issue right now.  Sedan is also considering going to a four day school week not this year but next year. They sent home letters with each student asking what they thought of a four day school week so that they would have actual numbers before they make a decision. We are for a four day school week anyway. 

The other issue is I don't want my kids seperated and at sedan that won't happen. 
On the repairs for both schools the board said at last meeting they were not going to do any repairs they were going to put everything on the back burner if you will and  if this is a short term fix it really doens't matter. 

We hate to leave the district too but every family does what they think is best for their family and that is what we are doing.

I agree everyone needs to pray and pray a lot!!!!


Question: Is the 356 projected student number for grade school K through six? Or is this a number for the entire district including jr and high school? Anybody know, or is this a shuffle number, one that is pushed about to back a particular argument?


Moline and Severy are in need of repairs.  Howard is in need of building a new building with a teachers lounge and skylights, and I'm sure we'll need landscaping also.

momof 2boys

I am so sad that we could be losing students due to this situation.  But I understand your reasons for pulling your children out. I also understand the economic situation we are in and alternatives are few.

I would just like to say this however, those buildings (Severy and Moline facilities) are just that "buildings".  It is the people that work there and love and take care of your children that are the heart of the school.    It is the teachers, secretaries, principals, cooks, aides, and janitors that the students smile at and hug when they arrive at that "building".  The people who spend all day with your children that make them feel safe, secure, and loved not the "building".  


Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: sixdogsmom on March 24, 2009, 04:16:10 PM
Question: Is the 356 projected student number for grade school K through six? Or is this a number for the entire district including jr and high school? Anybody know, or is this a shuffle number, one that is pushed about to back a particular argument?

Current enrollment is around 350, I believe. These numbers are K-12.

2004-2005 was 420
2005-2006 was 404
2006-2007 was 356
2007-2008 was 352

Not sure about current year.  Most of this data is on the website if you google  "USD 282 FTE", you'll find it.

I'm assuming the 356 number is the average of the last 3 years. Gina please correct me if my numbers are off.


Quote from: gina on March 24, 2009, 04:30:52 PM

I would just like to say this however, those buildings (Severy and Moline facilities) are just that "buildings".  It is the people that work there and love and take care of your children that are the heart of the school.    It is the teachers, secretaries, principals, cooks, aides, and janitors that the students smile at and hug when they arrive at that "building".  The people who spend all day with your children that make them feel safe, secure, and loved not the "building".  

That could not have been said any better or been more accurate!!!


If your sole reason for leaving the district that you will still be paying taxes in and sending your child to another is distance from the school than what is the logic?  Is it the length of time on the bus?  Is it just because it is different?   
Quote from: gina on March 24, 2009, 04:30:52 PM
I am so sad that we could be losing students due to this situation.  But I understand your reasons for pulling your children out. I also understand the economic situation we are in and alternatives are few.
I don't understand your reasons for pulling children out...

Will you allow your children to go on bus trips more than 25 minutes of ride time? I don't think that you can honestly say to your kids sorry you can't go on the field trip because it is too far away?  You can't go to the game because it is away not home?  I am sure that the statistics will show that is 100 times safer to ride 45 minutes on a two ton school bus twice a day than 5 hours unbuckled in a feed truck.  Safety and convenience are not interchangeable.

This is why we all live in this area because we don't like asphalt and invasive lighting.  We give up convenience for quality of living.  Starry nights are worth at least $2.00 a gallon.  These small things like buying more gas are trivial compared to the murder rate, rape, and abducted children of urban centers.  We live in Kansas and this is not a metropolitan area with a crack house and middle school on every corner. This is also not a bad thing.   We have to appreciate the fact that it is 25 miles to the closest stop light.   

How can we ask a community (all of Elk Konnected area) to come together if you are willing to gamble with your kids education at another district and tear apart our Konnection?  I do not mean to belittle the neighboring districts but they just don't seem to have produced the quality of graduates that post secondary institutions are looking for.   I know not every one goes on to college but shouldn't every one have the educational tools to be able to handle it if they want to?   

We are changing the school system not for the current problems of financial instability but for the long term benefits of becoming a more cohesive unit.  One school unifies  the area.  We have had one school for 40 years.  We need to have one campus to focus on improving student body by not wasting money on repairs and retrofits in ancient buildings that have served out their useful life.   The one campus magnifies the goal of bettering our students. 
If we do not have to install roofing, replace tiles and re plumb water fountains we could actually teach.  Retaining staff that have gone unrewarded for the quality of service that they have done is easier if you can actually keep up the median earnings.   

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