School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Thank-you David, for that great overview of the meeting.  I agree, breath in, breath out.  Repeat. 
I've stated before, "everyone likes change... it's the transition period that they hate."  Just keep the long-term goals in mind and don't let your past prejuduces and pre-formed opinions get in the way. 

L Hendricks

Dr. Dave - you did a great job recapping the meeting last night.  I counted over 45 citizens, staff, & teachers there.  The board has spent a lot of time on this issue, had a lot of discussion last night.  I too felt the independent studies were very helpful (probably ought to have one done for the high school too).  I wasn't in favor of the split last year, however, I still feel it is a better solution than closing one grade school for the short term and moving all the kids to the other.  At the Feb meeting, they eliminated two elem teachers, so it would appear all the rest of the elem teachers are "safe" although several will probably have to move buildings and change grade levels.  It too appeared to me that the board had reached a consensus that the long term solution was one campus.  If they can design a modest building, I truly feel the savings of moving to one campus will be about the same as the cost to build a new one - that is just an uneducated guess.  I think it is important that we keep encouraging our board members that they must pursue the long term, that the short term will not be a long term solution.  Again, the board really wrestled with the issues last night... probably several didn't sleep well last night.  Remember these are elected officials and do not get paid a dime to serve our community... let's keep supporting them through this tough time!... Stay with us as we grow


I just came across the following today, a 32 page report entitled:

Renovate or Replace - The case for restoring and reusing older school buildings

It deals with what to do or has been done with old school buildings in Pennsylvannia.  I'm not advocating any specific course of action, but will interate that whatever the structure of Elk County Schools in the short and long-term, any current buildings, and some from the past, need to be utilized in a manner that is contributory to the overall vitality of the area, and not allowed to become unproductive drains on society. 

I provide a link to this report so that it may provide some insight to those of you working through this issue in Elk County.

Please scroll through the entire report as it doesn't have a table of contents, but contains many sections, among them:

Many Older Schools Can be Renovated to 21st Century Standards
Renovating Older Schools Can Help Conserve Resources, Revitalize Older Communities
Well-Constructed Buildings Can Last Indefinitely With Systematic Renovations
Public Schools Form an Essential Part of Architectural Heritage
Neighborhood Schools Can Help Keep Older Communities Vibrant
Old Buildings Can Be 'Green' Buildings

I hope I have been of service,



Yes, Dave thanks so much for the information.  I couldn't attend the meeting and prayed that night that they would reach a discussion that is best for the communities and the school, not for any certain outcome.  I feel that we have to do what we have to do to keep on track for the long run.  And if it means that I have one in Moline and two in Severy that is o.k.  I feel that the education that our children receive is to good to pass up and it is what is important in the all of it.  Not that they are all together in one building, or whatever.  My main goal as a parent, when it comes to education, is that they get the best education.  I feel that is being acheived at our schools.  I also commend the board members, some of them will also have to deal with children at different schools.  But they made this discussion for our schools, not for themselves or for any certain person.  I wasn't for the split at first, but taking time to really look at the situation and hear different things, I to feel that this is best.  I also have been praying that I could overcome my personal feelings and think what is best for the kids.  And I believe they will be fine.  Actually, my oldest who will be at Moline is excited!  She thinks it is great that she will have a locker. 

Thanks also to all the community members that attended the meeting.  This shows lots of support for our school system!!  And also the individuals that were on the committes that put all the work into finding solutions.  Your work is greatly appreciated!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


It only took a year but we have a plan for what we will do next year with our grade school kids.   Exactly what was board suggested  to do last summer but didn't.

We have a plan for the long term......One campus, with an emphasis on the one.   It might take 30 or 40 years but we here in the Elk county area will get it right.  And on our terms.   Nobody is going to quench our funding to try to make us more efficient.  We still have no reason to change but we are going to just because we want to.   We have buried the hatchet, gave up on the four day week, fired half the staff, and still have not saved a dime for the future.  We still are travelling over 100 miles to go to ball games, math relays, and transporting every student to and from their front door.

We have great reason to start working together. 

The MEG/LSO is finally combining.  It is like we are finally realizing that we have the same interests in the same students and the same school.   The infighting and out fighting is settling out and the I will never's will come to terms with the it will be a cold day when's.   

Sixth graders and Kindergartner's  ;D alike are getting the recognition that they deserve. Planning for the great day is in the works.

Except on the PE night program. :'(, student teacher conferences, staff meetings and computer access...........

I think we need to scrap all the computers that we have at the high school and buy every student a laptop.   Every student needs to be tested by computer program so every student should have access to a computer at all times.  Computers should be replaced every two generations. Why not get displays planted in the backs of the seats and teach the students while going to and from school, games, and trips?  Why can't you catch up on your homework while the driver brings you home?  Start assigning bus work.   Extra credit for not driving and riding the bus.   Every new vehicle on the market has a heads up display for movies and games, why not one for smarter kids?

Since we have decided to baby all students all the time picking them up in the yard next to the ten speed and dropping them off between the garage and the front porch why not provide some insentive to make all students have the same experience as the pre-schoolers.

Most of the high school still drives to school every day.  The parking lot is packed.  Even when fuel went to $4 a gallon the lot was still full.  The money is there to spend on gasoline so why not hardware. 

The state won't let us keep busses over twenty years old because they are unsafe.  We need two in the next few years.  I think we need to look at different models for each application and  more efficient propane, hydrogen....  The pre-K students need to be picked up in a stable vehicle that stresses safety over anything else.  Like a H2 Hummer.  With GM trying to sell of the division we could get a fleet discount. They get 9-12 mpg just like a thirty passenger bus. The Severy and Moline students with parental concerns for the amount of time spent in transit from home to school could be picked up in 140mph vehicle such as a Corvette or Ferrari. 

There would be a small up charge for getting your student to school before they leave home but this has been you concern, the time it takes to get to school not what they learn or how well they learn it.

Car pooling:

If every single driver only vehicle in the school parking lot grabbed a grade school kid and took them to school we  would not need buses.

When we go to far away events like the math contests, why don't we buss pool with other schools?  You can't tell me that the other teams volleyball team fills their 40passenger trip bus any more that ours does.  It would take some logistics or cooperation but so what.   If you are scared of the other schools than don't get out of your house because people are people.    Where they live is usually based on what they do not who they are.

I know it sounds crazy but I am just going with the flow.


Is it for sure they are having a special board meeting on monday to change what they decided last meeting?


You know, they make their minds up and change! Most of the students know about the change and are excited.  Why change? Personally, I don't want my 1st grader up stairs, but whatever they decide I am sure that will be fine.  My biggest grip is that they can't make up their minds.  They voted it pasted why not stick to it.  But who know, maybe we can't still run both grade schools.  We will just have to find out!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Are we sure they're discussing/changing their decision?  Is it possible that they have other details in regard to the matter that have to be worked out?  I would think someone might have more information................ ?  One thing is for sure.... :-\ it could be a very long time until August!


I don't think that any kids will be on the upper level of the school.  Especially 2nd and below because it's against state law, at least that's what they said at the last meeting.  We just want it to be over so we know where we stand.


I don't think that anything will be over until August.  Until that time no one will know what is going on.  They can change and change and change until their hearts are content.  And they will probably do that. >:(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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