School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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 ;D ;D You're on a roll tonight.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


patrick do you mean sally or mary mericle or do you mean sally and mrs. wilson???? and anyway's i was told that it was mrs.mericle that will teach 6th and that sally quit

                                                                 ????anybody else????
Sword with a double edged'll cut you either way.


Did Sally quit?  I heard they told her that they didn't have a position for her.  Is it that she didn't want the 3rd/4th grade split?  Oh I will miss her at school, she was wonderful.  I am taking it that Mary Mericle took the job.  Unless  like someone said Gina and Mary switched positions?  Don't know


Can anyone verify that Sally Morgan quit?  She is a wonderful teacher!  She also was great to have in the next classroom beside me.  (Mary you were wonderful also!)  I hope that this is not true.


I have heard nothing but nice and good things about Mary, Sally and Gina.... They are awesome with the kids ..and the kids respect and just adore them.( which is half the battle   ;) ) cause it sure makes teaching them easier when they are happy in the classrooms.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Somebody clue me in....Isn't that fact that we didn't have ENOUGH teacher start this whole fiasco??

Now I really am lost.


Here is what I know from a school board member. Sally quit, don't know her reasons. I do know that she was supposed to teach 6th. She told them when she was hired she would only teach 6th or Jr. High. It was offered to others down the line. Lynn, Mary ect... Mary took it. I personally feel that this is more of Bert Moore trying to undermine what the board did to get back at them for not doing what he wanted. Time will tell if he is constantly going to undermine and cause problems to make the board look bad and to make the plan fail.
The paper this morning hmm well lets just say that Bert is trying to justify hisself or at least make himself look good. More smoke and sugar coating. I know for a fact that he renewed his contract for only a year SEVERAL months ago!!! To me it just looks like he is throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way. GOOD! I say. I do not believe that he is beneficial to our school or our communities. How many games, activities and graduation have you seen him at? Very few and not graduation. I would not believe a third of what was written in the story. I am sure that Rudy printed what he was given. Darlene Riggs said it right at the meeting. There's a whole lot of sugar coating on this stuff. I think that all of the board needs to remember that Bert Moore works for them and they work for us. Not the other way around. I for one would be writing up a reprimand to go in his file for continually withholding information or falsifying it as he sees fit. Misleading, the public with this article is a prime example. You cannot tell me that the pilot program was going to save that much versus what they finally decided to do. It should in all actuality be around the same cost with the exception of we won't loose at least 30+ kids had they stuck to the change. I believe this is more deceivement my Bert. ALL of the figures on ALL options should of been presented to the board for consideration. Not here is what I want and you vote for it. Wrong answer.
I commend the board members that made the change and especially Rob for voting NO in the first place. If I was from Severy I would be very worried and very angry at my board members. Be aware, very aware that one of those board members will make a motion in the near future to build a new school in Howard to house the grades schoolers. Maybe they should take a little look at Sedan before doing so. Yes they have their schools all together but when your enrollment is declining who is going to attend there? That is from a Sedan person. So building a new school won't solve the main problem. With the rising cost of fuel people will be moving to the Cities for closer work. The few left behind will be paying for it with unaffordable & unreasonably high taxes.
More and more stuff is coming out all the time. I was told last night that the teachers did suggest that the 6th grade be moved to the junior high. This happened months ago also. OOOHHH wait uh yep here it is more sugar and smoke screening. By you know who. And just so you know Bert Moore makes $103,000ish with his new raise. BUT don't be totally alarmed West Elk does not pay all of that.  That being said if Bert is so worried about the teachers not making enough money (which they don't) then give up some of your salary to them.


I have to agree with Lisa....

I think it is hard to throw out a number when, and someone correct me if I am wrong, there was no available number to start with???

I don't think anyone ever put a number out that included the transportation or the loss of revenue for the kids that would be pulled out of the district.  I agree it was deceptive to give Rudy that misinformation in an attempt to make himself look smart and everyone else to look bad.

Smells like a lot of sour grapes to me.

Worst thing is we get a lame duck for a superintendent for a whole year, instead of someone involved and leading.


You can not compare todays children with children of 20 to 30 years ago!  First and second  combination is the most difficult and needs to be avoided u8nless you have a large pool of children to select from.   The Elk Co. schools have had a bad reputation with teachers looking for schools.  if you wold like to discuss this with me, give me a call!    MY typing is not so good.    316-722-5259 in Wichita

L Hendricks

OKay - this $150k was getting to me and after my husband came home with another rumor, I called infamous PEP and he called the Dist Office and the Dist office told PEP that it was misquoted in the paper - the new option will NOT cost an additional dime however there is $150K left on the LOB if we were to choice that option.  As far as the Sally Morgan rumor, I am trying to get that straight from the horse's mouth too.  I think we all need to be very, very careful with the rumor mill right now and if it sounds outrageous - check it out.... Too bad we don't have a for Elk County....

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