School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Quote from: sixdogsmom on October 25, 2009, 07:10:46 PM
I have just left the West Elk website, and am a little astounded to find there is a complete section designed for promotion of this bond issue that used West Elk students and school equipment. This is disturbing to me, as I feel students are being taught the wrong thing; that is, where the money and influence lies, there goes public funds. I am currently searching for a Subject:   
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figure on the number of households in USD 282, as that figure times the 44 cents mailing expense required per household adds up to a hefty sum in my estimation. I am speaking of the glossy mailing campaign for the bond issue that is labled as coming from USD 282. At 1000 (My guess) households, that means half a thousand of my tax dollars used and does not include the production, or the printing on professional glossy paper. It also does not include the employee time spent producing address labels, the cost of labels, ink, and employee time to mail all these. This is beginning to stink IMHO!

Did you notice the postmark?  It was mailed 4 days AFTER the deadline to register to vote. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


There's a place on that site (West Elk) for leaving a comment. Did you?

There's a Pros and Cons along with a What If It Fails.

The school and school board can provide information about the bond, and have a duty to do so. I think that's what this is.


I was happy that they sent out a flyer, but was a bit miffed that they sent it out only 4 days before voting and yet put at the top, "The last day to register to vote in the election is October 19, 2009" and it was postmarked 3 days after that.  That's not right.  Plus not giving people enough time to research the facts.  Plus on the West Elk website, "they're unbiased pros and cons" needed some work as there were paragraphs after the pros but only two small lines after the cons that doesn't give people enough information to make informed decisions.  A lot of people in this county are not on the board and don't know about all this except through hearsay or the flyer.  It would have been better to send out ALL the information, the good, the bad, the ugly, either at the end of Sept, or the first of Oct. but I guess that's neither here nor there now. 


I did visit all sections of the site, Mom, I did not leave a comment, but may do so later. There were two cons listed on that section, and endless 'pros'. It was obviously a preconcieved project, and perhaps not in the best interest of ALL of the constituents of the West Elk school district. There were many dollars spent on this effort without the approval of All or even a majority of West Elk constituents. West Elk property has been used in the promotion of this project, not just the computer labs, but the football fields and the West Elk Highschool for a promotional film by the architectural firm. There have been West Elk employees used, and even though they too have a stake in this project, it is less than savory to use employees for this promotion. There is always the implication of less than fair play in hiring when employees are used in this manner. I must say I not only resent that but must question that it may be borderline illegal. My tax money should not be used to promote more taxation!


IMHO it is the duty of the school board to inform us, the public, of the particulars of the upcoming election and who better to do it than the people who work for us and are paid with our tax dollars.  And how should it be paid for if not by the district that is asking for a yes vote?  If anyone worked on it and wasn't paid for it, isn't that volunteer work?  I will bet if any students worked on it, that they enjoyed doing it.  Besides, isn't it their future that is at stake?  What they are learning from this is something that they can use in their futures.

IMHO there is nothing stinky about this.  IMHO every effort to inform the public of the problem and the proposed solution is being done.  IMHO everyone who is interested has had plenty of time to register and that this mailing has been sent only to registered voters. 


If you have not voted before this date thing could be an issue.  The letters were sent out to every person who the district has an address for weeks ago.  I received mine one with a postmark of October 1.  I know for a fact that they ordered a thousand, sent out over 750 with current school contacts, sent out more to the voters from the last election and had to order even more from the printer. 

I know I have only been registered here for 22 years so I wouldn't have any need to know when the date to do so was passed. 

  It is a statement of what the bond issue is about.  The school put out the mailed flyer.   They can tell you to go vote but not lead you one way or the other.ut, where the building will be constructed and what it will cost. 
Quote from: srkruzich on October 25, 2009, 07:46:18 PM
Quote from: sixdogsmom on October 25, 2009, 07:10:46 PM
I have just left the West Elk website, and am a little astounded to find there is a complete section designed for promotion of this bond issue that used West Elk students and school equipment. This is disturbing to me, as I feel students are being taught the wrong thing; that is, where the money and influence lies, there goes public funds. I am currently searching for a Subject:   
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figure on the number of households in USD 282, as that figure times the 44 cents mailing expense required per household adds up to a hefty sum in my estimation. I am speaking of the glossy mailing campaign for the bond issue that is labled as coming from USD 282. At 1000 (My guess) households, that means half a thousand of my tax dollars used and does not include the production, or the printing on professional glossy paper. It also does not include the employee time spent producing address labels, the cost of labels, ink, and employee time to mail all these. This is beginning to stink IMHO!
Would you rather have one sent by me with my bias on the issue or the school with no bias?Did you notice the postmark?  It was mailed 4 days AFTER the deadline to register to vote. 
The students designed the website themselves.  It is a class.  It by no way is a campaign.  I had no idea that you wanted to shield our children from the opportunities that web design and associated media would teach them.  I guess we should get the slates back out.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on October 25, 2009, 08:12:14 PM
I did visit all sections of the site, Mom, I did not leave a comment, but may do so later. There were two cons listed on that section, and endless 'pros'. It was obviously a preconcieved project, and perhaps not in the best interest of ALL of the constituents of the West Elk school district. There were many dollars spent on this effort without the approval of All or even a majority of West Elk constituents. West Elk property has been used in the promotion of this project, not just the computer labs, but the football fields and the West Elk Highschool for a promotional film by the architectural firm. There have been West Elk employees used, and even though they too have a stake in this project, it is less than savory to use employees for this promotion. There is always the implication of less than fair play in hiring when employees are used in this manner. I must say I not only resent that but must question that it may be borderline illegal. My tax money should not be used to promote more taxation!
So in the future at the book burning that we will have down at the local library because I don't approve of what books are on the shelf can I quote you as to the legality of the activity?  The architectural firm is hired by the district to design the building.  They asked members of the community at one of several community wide events held to voice opinions about the building and its design and construction.  I am sure if you were in attendance you could have voiced your concerns on camera for the video.  But you weren't there were you.  You showed no interest.  The employees are taxpayers and some with kids in the school system.  The fact that they actually live in the distict and have gainful employment should be commended not riduculed.

What did the football field ever do to you? 


I've had enough!  I can't sit back and listen to the negativity anymore.  Do you have a child or grandchild in the WE schools system?  Did you go through our local school system?  Do you even care about the education of the children in this community?  Or are you so selfish that all you can think about how this is going to effect you personally.  Someone paid for the school you went to. 

If you don't like the website and mailings then complain to your school board member.  Don't come on here and complain to the vote yes people you have volunteered their time and used donated money to get the information out to everyone.  They have had meetings in every town, if you have unanswered questions it nobody's fault but your own.

1000 (your guess) mailings @ .44 cents = $440 not a "hefty sum".  If it cost the district $440 to get the proper information out to the public then it was money well spent.  Other wise they might be listening to you spew negativity all over and not know the facts so they can make a decision of their own. 

I hate it that this decision has to be made, it would be nice to have a growing enrollment and 3 campus' well maintained and paid for, all the while supplying a great education to the local youth.  But it is not the case.  We have 2 old inefficient buildings and not enough money coming in to keep operating like we are.  We have choices, one choice we don't have is to do nothing.  Take all emotion out of the decision and look @ it as a business and its a no brainer.  Our school needs to be ran like a business.  Things aren't going well then cut cost and overhead, re-organize, become more efficient and do everything in your power to make it work.  If you can honestly look @ the situation and think the bond is bad then vote no, it's your right.  But don't complain when the schools are closed in favor of something else.  Something the public don't have a vote on.   

If you want our towns to stay alive then support our school.  Most of all the business in our community is run by people that went through our school systems. The school building don't make the community the people who come from the school does. Think about it.  Moline: Murphys Oil, Mills Feed, Double-C, Swinging Bridge Cafe, Q-Mart.  Howard: Batson's, Cookson's, Lanning's, Harrods.  All of these are examples business that are owned/run by people that went our schools system. Very rarely does someone with no ties come to our community start or run a business here.  You don't want your town to die?  Then take care of the students, take care of our own, prepare them for their future.  OUR FUTURE.   


Quote from: patriotdad on October 26, 2009, 12:34:50 PM
I've had enough!  I can't sit back and listen to the negativity anymore.  Do you have a child or grandchild in the WE schools system?  Did you go through our local school system?  Do you even care about the education of the children in this community?  Or are you so selfish that all you can think about how this is going to effect you personally.  Someone paid for the school you went to. 

Isn't it wonderful that we have freedom of speech?  :)

My parents paid for all the schools I went to as I went to private schools my whole life, and selfish?  My responsibility to the community is second to my responsibility to my family.  Family and our survival always comes first.  Well actually, God first, family second, friends and neighbors third, community last.  When one of those lower on the list comes into conflict with one of the ones higher on the list, then it ceases to be a concern. 

But, just FYI, I am glad they took the time to send out the flyers. 


Very well said, PatriotDad!

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