School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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D Whetstone

Quote from: sixdogsmom on October 22, 2009, 07:41:20 PMI do believe that fifth and sixth grade classes were conducted in the highschool building last year.


Last school years arrangement had only the sixth grade at the high school.  The number of students allowed for one sixth grade class at the HS/Jr HS. There were two fifth grade classes, one at Moline Elementary and one at Severy Elementary.



Last I looked we don't live in Longton, have no control over what they do with their school, don't get or have to pay taxes on their bond, and have no plans otherwise.  It is my understanding that the same fate to one district doesn't not predict the fate of ours.  I agree with you on one point.  It only makes sense to bite the bullet and close one and then the other elementary building later that same day.     I also agree that students will be lost from either community no matter what is done.  But we will lose the entire district if nothing is done.  That is what you want.  You want to lose the entire district.  Then you will be paying taxes on Sedan, Burden, Eureka, or Fredonia's new school bond issue.  None of theses schools are big enough  to handle all of our kids.  So they will have to build a new bigger building to teach them.   Do you think 5.5 mill will cover the added diesel to deliver the kids the hour and a half to school each way?

  The most recently hired superintendant has a name.  I have met him one time and he is a pretty decent guy.  Mr Reece did not create this problem, we did.     Would you trade places with him and deal with the issues that come from such a momumental task? 

There have been no temporary housing units purchased. The only way they would be an option is if the voting citizens choose not to fix the school permanently.  The roof leak is a constant problem with this age of building and is a problem that is being addressed.  All three buildings roofs are showing their age but currently the high school has the worse problems.  But if the entire roof needs replaced how will we pay for that?  How much double staff and two salaries equal one roof?  For how many years are you willing to make that trade?    For the past ten years we have not been able to put enough money into repairs.  THe money was spent on dueling gradeschools.  The time to address this issue is now  and the list is mounting up of dollars bandaiding the grade schools that could have paid for  over half the cost of a new one. 

If we use the reserve funds now we then have no reserve funds. 

I am still open for a plan that leaves the buildings open and saves enough money to do so.  Closing one does nothing but close one building.   Closing one doesn't save enough money in the long term.  The amount  of repair and age  of the buildings will still come back to cost us more money in the future. You have to look more than two years into the future.   A new building will be an asset to the area.  In fifteen years a new building will cost nothing except maintenance.  Fifteen years of manitenance on the Moline and Severy buildings will cost two million dollars more than the price of the new building  and the children will gain nothing. 

A band aid is just a band aid.  Why would we want to just cover up a problem?  Why not fix the issue?


Ok, so you mentioned portables.  I heard, and just asking, if the bond doesn't pass is option b to purchase portables to move all the classes to Howard?  Ok, if that is the case, why not just build a building with some of that money?  I am with you PEP.  To me its just a band aid.  Why not fix the problem.  I understand some of your points, but to me the biggest problem that people are having is understanding that we don't have the money.  Our district is broke.  Am I right?

I am also understanding that many people are having a hard time with the tax part of the deal.  Ok, will are taxes have to be raised if we go with option b?  If this is the case why would you want to purchase portable buildings versus a new building that is safer and will with stand more weather?

I understand to that many are having a problem with the dropping enrollement, right?  Believe it or not, many of us choice to stay here in Howard or surrounding communities.  I will not bus my children anywhere else, even if state does step in.  Which I don't think that they will they might, but we are just to far to bus are children anywhere.  I can't imagine they would think that parents would put their children on a bus to ride for over an hour to go to school.  I won't that is the bottom line.  But if we don't fix the problems that the district has now, they will.  They want to see that the state money is going to a good school, that understands that they can't keep running like we have been doing. 

To me the bottom line is, like PEP stated, we can't just put a band aid over the problem anymore.  If we do what the state wants and build a new school, I don't think they will close the district down.  That is my opinion.

Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

L Hendricks

Citizens are suggesting repairs to existing elementary schools as an option.  The only money we have for repairs is what the district has been able to set aside over the years and it equals $650,000.  Currently that money is on hold waiting to see what happens with the election - if the bond passes then that money will be used to make the roof and metal sheeting repairs to the high school.  IF THE BOND fails then the board has looked at using that money to make the existing high school campus the CENTRALIZED campus - through some sort of temporary classrooms.   With school finance, if we need 1.5 million dollars to do repairs on one of the elementary school, the only way we can get that money is through the Local Option Budget (LOB).  Our current financial situation doesn't allow for us to raise that extra money because we have maxed out the LOB - we cannot raise it anymore. The money we currently raise with taxpayer money pays for the operating cost of the district.  The only way for taxes EVER to go down is with a yes vote.  Both Longton and Sedan are post bond years, and have decreased their LOB.  With a no vote, you are guaranteed to keep the school taxes high and most likely see decrease in programs - like Vo Ag, Arts, Music, Woods, Home Ec (Facs), Spanish, Business - all important aspects of a well rounded education - especially for students that may choose to go straight from high school into a career.

Diane Amberg

Doesn't the roof need to be repaired regardless? A fund drive for roof repair?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 23, 2009, 11:29:24 AM
Doesn't the roof need to be repaired regardless? A fund drive for roof repair?
LOL you would think so.  I'm still not comprehending anyone allowing the schools to go to hell to begin with. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I agree with you, Steve.


One more thing, we were told that if Longton district is closed, we will be assuming their tax debt for their bond issue. Should we pass our own bond issue, and the state closes Longton, we will be paying for both bonds. Also, if the state then closes our district, we will be paying both issues, and paying into a third district as well.


 you know the other thing that hasn't been mentioned is how their going to fix the mismanagement of money.   If they get a new building, whats to stop them from saying ohh we can't afford to fix the roof cause football or band or any of the NON essential programs for a education might be cut. 

I don't see building a new building when we're not keeping up the ones we've got.  Can't keep raising taxes to build a new building every time the other one falls apart because it wasn't kept up. 


You are not seeing the point.  They are not "mismanaging" the money. The extra money for this maintanance is not there because it is being split between 3 facilities which is why this bond issue needs to pass so we can afford to keep the maintenance up. This is why the bond has been brought before the public.  The school district needs our help!

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