School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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If it is and I think that it is, then the school tax for part of Elk County would be the same as Cowley County and the taxes would go to Cowley County.  Headaches for the county treasurers.  I think that is the way it is.  I don't know.


Why dont we take a hard look at the schools?  One person said do we really need a baseball team and a track team?   Do we really need 5, Yes Five Basketball teams, and thats just the boys, How about 3 football teams, Coaches are being paid for each team individually.  Why cant we have just 1 or 2, several players play on several squads, because their isnt enough players, but if there wasnt enough teams, then there would have to be cuts. My god, thats not fair.  what other school does that, uh, everyone.

Why do buses need to pick every kid up at their front door, whats wrong with them walking to the corner or a centralized bus stop, like bigger communities.

"Also, why do those people who own land have to pay extra taxes?  People who work jobs in town don't have to pay taxes on their desks, chairs, and how many pens they use in a year.  And if taxes rise on land, it will get passed back to food prices, you can guarantee that.  Now, a different idea would be a land tax break for those who own land and actually LIVE in Elk County."

Can you really say $257 on 160 acres is fair, when people in the towns pay 3 or 4 times more than that for a few lots. The people that work jobs in town dont have to pay taxes on their office equipment but the business do, they have to pay property tax on everything they have.   Im sure the market and restaurants have to pay personal property taxes on their coolers and such.  and if taxes rise on land, it will get passed back to prices you are right, but how much of that food really stays in elk county?


Quote from: PrehistoricRez on April 23, 2009, 12:18:54 AM

Can you really say $257 on 160 acres is fair, when people in the towns pay 3 or 4 times more than that for a few lots. The people that work jobs in town dont have to pay taxes on their office equipment but the business do, they have to pay property tax on everything they have.   Im sure the market and restaurants have to pay personal property taxes on their coolers and such.  and if taxes rise on land, it will get passed back to prices you are right, but how much of that food really stays in elk county?

You choose to live in town and pay taxes to the town and county and state and fed.   If you don't like it move. If you feel you are paying too much then quit paying.   I am sure no where else in the entire nation will tax you in this way.  It is only here.

Taxes are taxes....WE all must pay them.  I wish we could go to a total sales tax and eliminate the property tax altogether.   Then all the people that shop out of town would feel even better about their purchases knowing that they are doing their part helping other city keep their schools open.

Quote from: PrehistoricRez on April 23, 2009, 12:18:54 AM
Why dont we take a hard look at the schools? 

I think the last 60+ pages  of this post have addressed every posible angle of approach with school changes.   


Jane; yes, you're right about the bus, but it's that they have to be allowed to stop, have a 10-15 minute break if they ride for more than an hour.  Too bad that wasn't the law when I was riding the bus!  The bus came between 7 and 7:15, and we got to school (usually the very last bus) right as the 8:30 bell was ringing for class to start.

Remember; taxes don't just go to schools, but to all the other things in the county; road work, maintenance, etc. 


The school system like it or not is going to change in the next few years. One of two things will happen:

The bond issue will pass and we will build a central campus to eliminate the inefficiency and redundancy of three campus system. 

The bond issue will fail and we will slowly lose our school system.  At first the lesser important programs will stop, little things like baseball, softball, and wrestling.  Then the VoAg,music, and other secondary activities will be curtailed.   We won't add  things like Spanish, Physics, or smart boards because we won't be able to afford them. 

The preliminary design, planning, and schedule will be done and you can compare apples to apples.  Is it going to cost more to build new than to keep up three buildings?  Is it going to provide more assets to actually teach kids not just house them close to home?

We have a architect with a plan for a plan.    The plan is to involve the community in as much of the pre planning and design of the new building.   The first stage is to decide if we want to bid the entire project to general contractors or bid the job to a construction manager.  The advantages of each are subtle. 

The general contractor plan: The entire project is drawn up by the architect and approved by the board then after a bond passes the bid packages are sent to general contractors for bid.  The upside to this is the lowest cost is the winning bidder.  The downside is that the lowest cost is the winning bidder reguardless of quality.  With more and more contractors looking for work it is likely that we will get several less than desirable contractors submitting bids.  To reject a low bid you have to determine without a doubt that the contractor is not qualified.  The general contractor would have to build to the specs but there are 20 ways to do that. 

The construction manager plan:   The board interviews then hires a construction manager.  The construction manager would work, with the board appointed FAC,  through the workshop process of designing the building.  The advantage of this is any construction questions and processes including accurate costs and availability of materials could be addressed and design changed accordingly.  It could possible speed up the design process and keep construction delays to a minimum.   The biggest advantage is that you get a detailed look at exactly what we are getting before it is voted on. 


Wouldn't a metal builing cost less and serve just as well?

You all using any Federal money for the school?


Quote from: redcliffsw on May 02, 2009, 04:17:15 PM

Wouldn't a metal building cost less and serve just as well?

You all using any Federal money for the school?

Metal buildings, prefab, conventional brick and mortar, and precast concrete are all being looked at.
With metal buildings you have to spend more on the interior of the exterior wall than if you had a block and mortar wall.  The brick exterior could still be utilized to match the existing building with a metal building.

Metal building has many advantages such as the sloping roof, although subject to hail damage, is a great roofing system.  It is more expansive needing to insulate the ceilings/roof and there would be more wasted space in the attic.  The problem with a sloped roof is it doesn't provide a good accessible place to install rooftop air/heat units.  The ceiling and roof are one and the same so the interior walls are all non structural.  The other disadvantage of metal is that the other trades have to wait for the entire building to be built before they can start.
It might be the perfect choice for the multipurpose room.  It won't work for the safer room.
Brick and mortar construction allows you to install wiring, hvac, and plumbing as you build the wall. 

The only Federal money available that we are aware of at this time is 75/25% matching grant for FEMA funding for the reinforcing of a Safer Room.


Please vote.   

The WE school board has issued a resolution to put the bond issue on the ballot this November 3 to build a new grade school adjacent to the existing highschool.



How can you be come worldly sequestered in rural Kansas?


RE:  Pep.  "How can you be come worldly sequestered in rural Kansas?"

By hiding behind time worn traditions.  It has never been done.  We have never done it that way.  It was good enough for my father, it is good enough for my children.  And I have heard a lot more that don't come to mind right now.


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