School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Average value of residentual home in Elk County. $42,658.


Yes, so the number of students has been shrinking.  So let's just give up on the rest of the kids in the school system now, and who will be in the school system within 6-7 years.  Who cares about their education?  Just as long as we're meeting our immediate needs/wants, then who cares if our future generations will have to drive to Independence to go to school.  Our county is shrinking, and your kids are already out of school and have moved away... so who cares about drawing new people to the community, or keeping the ones who are already here?

It's that line of thinking that has got us into the situation we are in now.
Have some PRIDE in your community and county.  Have some POSITIVE ATTITUDES that we can make this downfall turn around... heck, we already have shown proof in a very short amount of time!  Don't DRIVE AWAY potential residents of the county by negativity.  Have FAITH that those of us who want to change the path CAN and WILL... and just sit quietly if you don't want to be a part of it!

I quote again a very wise man from our community... "Someone paid taxes so I could go to school and get an education, so now it's time for me to pay taxes so someone else can do the same."


Believe it, Diane.  Houses in Elk County are not worth an awful lot.  Part of the reason tax collections aren't much.  Sure we have some homes, new ones or restored ones that have a lot of money tied up in them.  I have no idea how the taxes run on these, but most of the houses are older ones that haven't had the money to keep them up.  We have some older houses that have been restored that are beautiful examples of by-gone times.  But for the most part the houses can't be sold for as much as $50,000.  If I could get $50,000 for mine, I might be tempted to sell and move in with a daughter.  Nah, wouldn't be able to live with any of them.

momof 2boys

Tobina, I totally agree with you about the negativity that I have heard from some people (no one on the forum) regarding the changes that occurred.  Negative attitudes have never resulted in anything positive.  I totally applaud those parents that although they weren't happy with the changes, are still keeping their children in the West Elk School District.  I have even heard of some parents that live close to Grenola and still plan on staying in the system and weathering through the tough times.  I feel if we stick together and work through these tough financial times, in the long run the students of W.E.  will benefit far beyond our expectations. 

Those with such negative and spiteful attitudes need to accept the situation for what it is and try to find a positive manner with which to work through it no matter their decision.  I am sick of comments such as being so angry about the situation that they plan to send their child somewhere else and do all they can to keep a bond from passing.  Such spiteful, hateful comments are only hurting the children of this district.  How is it that adults can act so childish?  If you want to go somewhere else, by all means go, but don't go verbally "slamming" the district, that has provided your child with a great education, to everyone you see in public. 

As far as the bond issue.  The citizens of Elk County need to get the correct information regarding the cost and how it would effect their taxes compared to the current tax situation.  I think if everyone is presented with the complete facts that they will then be prepared to make the best decision for U.S.D 282. 


Quote from: gina on April 15, 2009, 04:52:00 PM
Negative attitudes have never resulted in anything positive.
As an electrician that statement is Wrong. Negative attracts the positive.  It is the positive that get off its lazy atom and attracts its self to the negative.  With out the - you have no +.     Cohesion will occur when all mass of equal and opposite charge combine to form a new and stable form.   You can't have one with out the other. 

If you are thinking about pulling your students out of WE and go somewhere else what are you teaching your kid.  Mileage is more important than quality of education.  That divorce is justified.    That if you can't get along with someone else then it is better to go away then to save face and bit you tongue.  I didn't get to go to grade school in my hometown I am extremely bitter about that......NOT......I could care less.  From 5-12years old all I cared about was when the clock said 3:15 so we could ride the bus home. 

The total bill for keeping the two grade schools open today might not be less than a new building.  But in twenty years the new building will still only be 20 years old.   Your grand kids will be attending in it....  The current buildings would be 60+ years old is that old enough to start thinking about a new plan?  But the plan keeps the district financially viable for the next 20 years. 

With the downsizing of the salaried staff, loss of administration, qualified staff, and the extremely positive step of having all the educational buildings within walking distance,  the security and safety of our children way out way the short term problem of change.  I think we are still scared of change. 

I don't want to send my kids to Eureka, Sedan, Fredonia, or Burden to school.  Their programs are not that great and it is too far away.  If we don't make our infastructure more efficient we are going to be forced to consolidate with one of those schools.   We are not the center of any of them.  We would lose all three campus buildings if that happens.

So the way I look at the Bond issue is if you vote yes you are for keeping all the kids one stable family unit that gets kick ass test scores every year.  If you vote no, one or the other of the grade schools is going to be closed. I think that would be the worst situation we could do.  No one want that.


There is an article in todays' Parade magazine about Greensburg Kansas and the 'green' school that is being built there. The 210 students (K-12) are currently being educated in portables but the school to be built is the very latest in 'green' technology; geothermal heating/cooling, etc etc. The cost to build this school is estimated to be 49.4M (million) with the Feds picking up 29M (million), the remainder to be paid for by the local taxpayers. That is just under 20 million to be paid for by the local citizenry--- doggies, I am happy I do not live in Greensburg Kansas for more than one reason.  :'( :'(


Do you think they'll get a better education because the Fed's are being so helpful
with all that $$$ money?

There's a private school about 6 or 8 miles South of GB.


Private schools don't get any GOVT money$$$....It is all private money.....Hence the name private.  You don't have to teach to a standard, you don't have to have special ed, you don't have to be forthcoming with the financials.......

                                       math grades                               Science    History
                                     3    4    5     6    7       8      10    4   7    10  6     8     11 
WEST ELK SCORES 2008  90 100 94.1 96.8 87.5 89.7 61.5 97 87.5 88 93.1 82.8 72
Our test scores for 2008 as well as the last few years were better than Greensburg, Chapman, and way better than USD259.   

259 spends more on electricity than we budget for the entire county....

What could happen if we could budget our electric bill for education?  Less expenses more education.  Lower taxes....With a higher result.


Perhaps Elk County ought to have a private school.  Going it alone without the Fed's & state
would be better - don't you think? 

Homeschooling sure has gained too.  Wonder if some folks home school their kids in Elk Co?


Explain how cutting 1/3 of the budget is going to help?

That would be great. Bring in a private school.    While you are at it let us bring in a manufacturing plant, a distribution center, a retail hub, and a technology center.   Great idea but this is Elk county.

We can't support the tax based education as is structured right now because of lowered enrollment.  How is providing another choice to pull kids out of school going to help any one?  Private schools need two things.  A Lot of money backing them and a lot of money for the parents of the students attending.  We are not a white collared workforce.   Who is going to send their economically privileged kid from some economically vibrant area to educate them in a economically depressed community?  I am not seeing the draw. 

I will still put our numbers up against any school.   Grades are grades.  Education is happening here better with less than else where with more.   

Homeschooling....Really     We have kids that come to school with no coats in the winter, dirty, can't name their immediate family members as they have never met, then we send food home with them for the weekend so we are sure that they eat when they are not at school and you want them  to be educated at home?
Home schooling works really well if the home is smarter than the school.  If you have a good teacher at either place you can create a well rounded adult.  But I really think the socially repressed elk county home school-er is going to be at a disadvantage later in life.   Networking, teasing, bullying, group study, differing opinions, different race.... why would you not want students exposed to as much as possible when they are six not 18.   I see a long road if you don't use every step available to climb to adulthood.

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