School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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You're right; I don't have kids so I don't fully realize the issue at hand here.  But I did ride the bus for over an hour to school (one-way) when I was a kid... from pre-school through high school, so I can sympathize with the kids. 
I was more playing devil's advocate and trying to figure out if this was going to cause a large divide in the community/county like it did when the high school was moved to Howard.  No need to say "you don't understand" because eventually, when I do have kids, this WILL affect me and my family.  I'm TRYING to understand what's going on, which is why I posed the question the way I did.  Sometimes, I feel like people dig in their heels and resist change just on principles/opinions.  Rather than step back, take a deep breath, and really figure out how these decisions will affect the community as a whole and for the future.  I guess that by NOT having kids, I'm even more concerned, because if this issue continues to grow and fester and not get resolved... I worry that Elk County will even HAVE a school system by the time my kids get there.


That is the biggest worry on my mind right now.  I too agree that it will be a big inconvience, but with all the students pulling out the district numbers are going to be even smaller.  That means even less money from the state and it is just a windfall from there.  I know that they are having a hard time even getting 2 positions filled.  I think the board was right to worry about filling all the other positions that they would have had if they don't do this combination.  I am not for the combination at all.  This year 2 of my girls will be at Severy, but next year I will have 2 in Severy and one will be shipped to Moline.  It worries me alot thinking about that.  I think the one that will have to go to Moline won't understand why she can't go to school with her sisters.  I just wish that we weren't in this position at all.  It is causing alot of problems for everyone.  So many rumors, so many angry people. 

Tobina, I am also sitting back thinking of the different positive things about this.  The kids from Severy and Moline will know each other before they go to Jr high together here in Howard.  Some of the classes have been very small since Kindergarten, and these students are excited to have more friends in their class.  We will still have grade schools for our children to go to.  The most important point is that we still have wonderful teachers that have shown that they know what they are doing.  Our kids do do really good on the state standard tests.  If I was to pull my kids I would make sure that the school that I am going to send my kids to match up.  I value my children getting the best education possible.  I feel that my soon to be 5th grader has been given a wonderful education.

I personlly don't feel that the board is going to change there minds.  I am writting an article to put in the paper.  I am not one to step down when it comes to the school board.  Like I said before, I put my childrens education very high.  I want them to be very sucessful in life.  If that means stating my opinion, then so be it.  I don't in any way shape or form want to be on the school board, but I feel that they really should have had the meeting before they voted on this change.   :angel:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Well, I encourage everyone to think like a school board member (scary, I know).  But I mean, don't go into this meeting armed only with your emotions.  That's not going to get anyone anywhere.  Calculate the amount of time your child will spend on the bus.  Calculate the amount of miles you'll spend going to/from school and school-related activities.  Go into this meeting armed with facts and figures.  And other options.  If we all go in there and just say "bad decision"; what can they do?  But if we go in there and say "here's a better option", then there's something to consider.  I also encourage you to visit with your elected school board rep and get the FACTS rather than just rumors.  Visit with them about what options they considered and what the pros and cons were for each option.  Then they won't have to waste time explaining all this information during the meeting; you can already get to the discussion part of the meeting.
Just some thought for a successful meeting.

momof 2boys

I have visited with school board members regarding this matter.  I feel that there was a rush to decide, and from what I hear the positions that came open in Severy weren't ever posted as open postions on the internet site until after school was out.  So of course you will have problems filling them.  I do have plenty of ideas, they were all discussed two years ago when we had a district wide forum.  Of all the options discussed then, the one they are implementing was never brought up then. 

Back to visiting with the board members; yes, this is a very difficult situation they are in.  But I personally feel as if they should have asked the professionals that work with our children what they feel would be best for the district.  Not that they would have to follow that advice, but atleast they could have gotten other perspectives rather than just the superindent's.  Yes, there are many ways to save money, and the best way to find those ways are to go to the people that work there everyday.  They see things others may not. 

Something has to be done to lower costs, I don't think that this was the best option for cutting costs.


Sounds like you have done your homework, Minnie.  I hope that everyone follows your example and the meeting is productive and commands results.  I worry that if too many people go in there all bent out of shape and emotional, the meeting will not be productive... and if anything, counter-productive.
Speaking of the forum a couple years ago; how was that environment?  Was it a good, open meeting with many positive discussions?  Were there action items that came from the meeting?  Did they narrow the options down?  Or was it just an open forum for everyone to voice their own opinion and nothing was really narrowed down?  It seems like basing decisions on discussions from 2 years ago isn't good; that's too long and things within the county have changed. 
I hope that in this upcoming meeting that they give the teachers and staff a chance to speak, too.  And I hope they will without feeling risk of losing their job.  And I also hope that the school board is prepared for this meeting.  Meaning; they have developed a plan to run the meeting in an organized, effective manner.  Give people the chance to speak, but not let them philabuster.  Limit the time each person can speak so that everyone gets their chance.  Maybe even hand out numbers as they walk in, so that they can only speak in order (and those who arrive first can speak first).  They should also hire/have a person to take notes so the board can refer to them later in discussions.  Even if the previous open forum was a good, open discussion meeting; that was before a decision was actually made.  Just like on this thread; things can get heated very quickly (and people can ramble on, and on, and on, and on...   ;D ).  I'm done now.   :laugh:


Tobina, you are on the right track.  It is arrogant and condescending to think that you don't have the common sense to figure out what would benefit the kids, even though you currently don't have multiple children in the system at the moment.  If having children in the system were the prerequisite, then most of the Board would have to step down.

Angie, I am very impressed with your committment to USD 282.  But then, you always did have the best interests of the kids at heart.  I agree, the teachers in Elk County are good.   

I wish I had the answers to the problems facing USD 282 right now.  But, to be honest, I had children riding the buses in Elk County and found it easier to move to a new location so that we were all going in the same direction.  I am sure that the loss of revenues that will result from the Board's decision will be a blow to the district.  I look forward to reading what the outcomes of the upcoming meeting are...and I hope that the Board will listen.  Not likely, but I can hope, right? 


I went to the meeting a couple of years ago.  I don't think the meeting went to bad.  They did limit the amount of time each person spoke and they also set a time limit for the whole meeting.  I think it was 1 1/2 hours.  I don't feel like they implemented anything.  I guess they did change the number of hours we go a day and this in turn limits the number of days that we go to school.  We had one to two days a month off.  I didn't like this.  I felt that they either needed to have four day weeks or not.  It was not easy for parents or children to get used to.

I am going to say  I don't really get along with the superindant.  I feel that he doesn't treat our teachers fairly.  I know people know that I used to teach, but that situation has nothing to do with why I don't care for Mr. Moore.  I feel that he relys alot on others to make the decisions or he listen to others and is persuded to easy.  He needs to toughen up.  I don't hate him, I just don't always agree with the decisions that he makes. 

Also, we have new members on the board since the last meeting.  Maybe they could really brain storm some ideas, do research, look at other schools, something but this.  As Minnie stated before get the opinions of those having to teach these students.  Their opinions should weigh heavy on the decision, don't you think.

Ok, you can tell this is a subject that I take very serious and I am starting to ramble!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I am not familiar with the busing as it has been and I am wondering.  Suppose a child is picked up on the far west side of Elk County.  Is that child brought to Howard, then to Severy or is that child transported directly to Severy?

If the school situation is changed according to the present plan, would that child be riding the bus any longer than he did last year?  If Moline children are bussed to Severy, a 20 mile ride, or the other way around, is that child going to be on a bus any longer than the child from the far west side of Elk County has been all along?

Do any of you know families that live in towns like Wichita that the children all go to the same school?  Are any of them bussed to the school that they have to attend?  And how do the parents handle conflicting situations.


My problems with busing ended when I left Elk County so long ago.  Now, because my children are so close to their school, they just walk...except when it is raining or snowing...then Mom's taxi gets into gear!


Does Mr. Moore have kids in the school system?  To be honest, I've never even seen the man!  As someone new to the community, I try and introduce myself to people I haven't met, or at least ask someone "who is that?" when I'm out and about.  But can't say I know who the Superintendent is or ever seen him at events (school and/or local)?  Or his picture in the paper?

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