School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Tobina:  I am never willing to pay more taxes but I can't see any other way I can do it.  At my age it is up to the younger and more energetic to do what is best for the children, community and me.  When it was my turn to support or not support a change in the school district, I supported it.  I don't know if it were better or not, but I thought it would be better for my high school age kids.  I had already seen the difference in what Howard offered their students and what the Severy students were being offered.  I don't think I was wrong.


At one point in the early/mid 90's there were 530 students in all three schools at West Elk. There was a influx of Grenola students at that time.  A gradual decline started after that.  The reason there are so many non certified paras at West Elk, is the fact that number includes the paras at Longton and Sedan as West Elk is the Special Ed Coop for those districts too.

momof 2boys

The more time I have had to think about the new school year and the changes it will bring, I have become rather excited for all of the new opportunities it will bring.  I am so looking forward to bridging the gap between the three communities, and work positively to make USD and even better, more cohesive educational system.  I think it is wonderful that the children from each community will have the chance to meet new friends and develop new relationships that will last longer than just their junior/senior high years.  I think that in the long run this is truly a positive move, and I hope that we as a community can move forward and do what is best for our children at West Elk America.


Well said, Gina!   USD 282 and the children you teach are fortunate to have you as a teacher.   I wish parents who
threaten to take their children out of this district next year would reconsider, especially after reading what you have said here.

I want teachers like you interacting with my children.  Let my children see a positive attitude, teamwork in action, a community that cares about what is best for our chilldren's future, overcoming obstacles, accepting change, working together for  the greater good, compassion, integrity, and leadership.

I don't want my children seeing adults complaining, threatening, taking sides, creating enemies, forging bitter alliances, losing life-long friendships, and minimizing the importance of a clean, safe, updated school building.

Our children are watching.  Actions speak loudly.  Thank you, Gina, for your integrity.

Every school district has it's positive and negative factors, and those factors are different for everyone because perceptions,opinions, and expectations vary.  My children have good grades, excellent teachers, a wonderful community, tons of friendships. This far outweighs ten extra minutes on the bus.  We will be standing by 282 and working toward positive changes.

Rudy Taylor

Gina! What a wonderful statement to make on behalf of the children and school patrons in Elk County.

Your example is typical of the teachers I've met in both Elk Valley and West Elk schools.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


You are going to pay more taxes with or with out a new school.  The choice you have is do you want to spend your hard earned tax dollars on repair and maintenance or books and learning.  The school buildings are old and inefficient.  The three campus model is old and inefficient.  We are looking for efficiencies in all areas.  But don't forget to do the math for the long term.  A $2 patch is a $2 fix every year.  If you could fix it right for $10 once look how much money you save after 5 years.  Things don't get cheaper.  Opportunity cost is always the best cost not the cheapest option. 

We spent $1.2 million on the grade schools for what....If we would have spent $12 million we would not be still having this conservation seven years later. 

If we don't become more efficient now it does not matter what we do in the future because it will be someone else's problem.  I have seen the expenses for all three schools and the ones that stands out the most to me is the cost of utilities at the high school.
The newest and best building we have is very very expensive to operate.  Simple things that were designed 35 years ago have had their time to play out.  For instance the south doors.  We have two sets of single swing doors facing south.  Every industrial arts, art, voag, or plain old student going to or from school uses it every day to get to class.  Every volleyball/wrestling/basketball spectator from home or the visitor section opens and shuts the door to get in.  On the east and west sides of the  building are double sets of doors with an air lock between the outside and the heated and cooled interior.  How hard would it be to install a new set of doors?

We have 36 lights in the gym that can be turned on to illuminate the area.  They use 400watts a piece. 400watt fixtures put out a lot of heat and the reflectors installed only allow down light.   It takes about 15 minutes to get to full brightness.  If the electricity blinks it takes time for the the lights to cool down then 15 minutes to fire back up(restrike).  If we would replace the existing fixtures with new high efficiency electronic ballast fixtures you get a light closer to daylight in color, produces minimal heat, start up takes about 3 seconds, restrike takes 3 seconds, also dimmable ballasts can be set to dim on available sunlight and use less watts per fixture.  Clean the sky lights and the more sunlight in the building the less electricity is used for illumination.

We can apply this dimmable light process to every room in the building.  If there is ample light from windows or sky lights the interior lights dim.  If there is no one in the area the light turns off.  There is a reason the coolers in Wal-Marts have lights that turn and off when you walk down the aisle. I also want to know why all the HVAC units are not tied to a central processor.  If there is two people in the building then the ac should not be running 24/7.  If someone turns up or down the thermostat it should not stay at the elevated/lowered state all night.  If the outside temperature is cooler/warmer than the inside the processor could exhaust or bring in make-up air. 

We spent thousands of dollars to replace the totally electric heating units with gas fired units for the roof units.  Then as we replace all the heat exchangers in the gas units.  The commericial units are only 80% efficient.  Electric is closer to 100%.  Did we trade electric rate for gas rate?    Do we buy wholesale gas or units from the city?  Westar just got a rate increase is it still cheaper to heat with gas than electric?  Could we look at placing 75,000sq ft of solar on the roof?  It would be expensive to install but would it pay out if we used it for 30 years?

We have a plan for a civil storm shelter for 500.  We have no back up gas storage on site.  We don't have back generation capability.  We have a storm and we will have hungry scared people for the duration of the event.  Shouldn't we plan for something more.


Patrick, I wish more people were listening to you.  You seem to have a realistic, pragmatic grasp of what it could possibly take to help West Elk.  I read awhile back that some BOE positions were coming open...Are you running?  I hope so.  You've got the ability to look at all facets of this problem facing West Elk.  You'd be an invaluable resource...Not to mention having the ability to play devil's advocate.


Maybe you should build three new buildings.   Grade school, middle school, and a new high school, then you wouldn't need any repair or maintenance.  Of course they must be in Howard so the children can get a much better education.  I'm so impressed that there isn't any repair or maintenance done at the High School.


If, and this is a very big if, because I can't see it happening, 3 new buildings were to be built, I would vote to build them at the junction of 99 and 160.  Away from city limits, closed campus with no access from the highways.  See why it is a big if?


(Crap, I'm going to hate myself for opening this can of worms...)

So I'd heard that the high school was originally supposed to be built at that intersetction, Wilma, but because of the blasting at the rock quarry, the engineers refused to build there?  Is that location safe enough now?

Besides, our communities don't take enough interest in our schools when the school is located just outside of Howard... do we think that they'd take any more interest when they're out in the middle of nowhere (or the school take interest in the communities)?  Also, what about water, sewer, etc?  At least if you're associated with a city, you can use the city to regulate these issues (and fix them).  If you're out in the country, then YOU have to be responsible for making sure the water supply is safe and the sewage is properly disposed of.  (Just speculating here... not sure if that location is actually within city limits or not...)

Patrick; what is the size comparison between the high school and the grade schools?  I understand there are inefficiencies, but could part of the operating expenses be because of size?

Also, YES Patrick is running for school board.  Voting is TUESDAY.  I think advance voting is open now, though.

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