School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Rudy Taylor

        Some 80 to 90 residents of Elk County held a "community conversation" Monday night in the West Elk High School commons --- and there wasn't an unkind word spoken during the two-hour session.
   Moderated by Terry Woodbury of Kansas Communities, LLC, it was the second such combined conversation of people living in Howard, Moline, Grenola, Longton and Elk Falls plus Severy since it is included within the USD 282 school district.
   Since Monday night's meeting included several members of the USD 282 Board of Education, it was necessary for it to be opened and closed as a special meeting of the board.
   The meeting was planned by the Elk Konnected organization which tries to pull together the various communities in Elk County and come up with positive solutions to the challenges facing these towns and rural areas. At the apex of their concern are the young people of Elk County and the two school systems which serve the area --- West Elk and Elk Valley.
   The evening was spent by split-out groups which at first were divided into the towns where participants reside. The eight groups brainstormed about any and all concerns they have about Elk County then tried to focus upon one positive recommendation to deliver to the larger group.
   They then were reshuffled with members of each community included in each group, and they continued their discussions to positive strategies for Elk County's future.
   If there was one issue to dominate the discussions, it was the school situation both in West Elk and Elk Valley districts. All expressed concern over decreasing enrollment therefore less state funding for schools.
   West Elk patrons were more vocal about their current structure of schools which includes three campuses: West Elk High School at Howard, Moline Grade School and Severy Elementary School. Even though certain streamlining efforts are currently being worked into the district, there remains disagreement over how the future school system should be structured.
   Several of the focus groups found consensus that USD 282 should work toward a general idea of one centralized campus, but all expressed concerns over the impact it would have on the towns that would lose their campuses.
   At least two of the groups expressed strong feelings that before any centralizing is done, there should be an improvement in communications among the communities in the district. Also, they believed any such plan should include specific proposals about the future use of the school facilities that might be vacated.
   But the West Elk school situation was not the total focus of the evening.
   "Better communication" remained the biggest concern of the group. While the group was large in number it was a small fraction of the total number of Elk Countians. It will require many such meetings, perhaps one in each town, to gain input of residents and put together ideas for Elk County's future.
   "We're trying to rebuild the public square one community at a time," said Woodbury who currently is working with 15 Kansas communities. "That can happen only if we build consensus within every town, every neighborhood and within both school districts."
   Among comments from Elk County participants:
   "We've got to more than hang on and survive in Elk County. We want to thrive and improve our lifestyles."
   "We've got to ratchet up our communications between our towns."   "The people in our school districts need to have more access to our school facilities, especially evenings and weekends."
   "We should share some curriculum between Elk Valley and West Elk schools, which would expand our class offerings."
   "We need a Grow Your Own concept for bringing back teachers, store owners, farmers, ranchers and other vocations. Let's train them to stay here and help us make a future for ourselves and our children."
   "Aggressively work in economic development as a countywide project."
   "Develop the best possible virtual classes using modern technology. Link with other schools not only here in Elk County but throughout the state and nation."
   "Work on a dynamic public relations program to make sure our own residents are saying the same thing, seeking the same goals."
   "Look into green concepts as we make facilities improvements. This may lead to successful grant applications."
   "Focus on quality in everything we do."
   "Keep moral standards high on our priority list. Our children, parents, teachers and administrators must strive to be good citizens."
   "Above all, work together to put our children first. They are our future."
   The Elk Konnected steering committee which is composed of Andrea Arbuckle, Nancy Barker, Richard Fish, Liz Hendricks, Sally Morgan, Dave Sanchez and Dave Whetstone will compile findings of Monday night's meeting (as they relate to the school district) and report them to the next meeting of the USD 282 Board of Education, next Monday night, Dec. 8.
   Woodbury commented, "We did not come here tonight to make decisions. We came to talk among ourselves and try to understand the views and concerns of our neighbors."

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Clubine Ranch

Rudy, Thanks so much for your very well worded account of the Community Conversation. I truly hope people stop, read, reread, and read as many times as it takes to hear what went on in those two hours. Then I hope they positively discuss it and add their own hopes and concerns for our Elk Konnected area. Yes, we can find solutions by pulling together and truly listening to positive ways to make progress. Barbara


Before we build a thing we have to get the school more efficient.  We have to eliminate as much waste as possible.  I am talking about physical stuff.

  • Recycle every thing

  • Compost what will not recycle

  • Use every square foot of space available
Install airlock set of double doors on the south wall of the commons/cafeteria

    • Do we have compact fluorescents where we could use them
    Move the band/vocal to the stage/auditorium use the music room for sixth grade

      • Could we replace the Metal Halide fixtures in the Gym with T5 Fluorescents
      Speak Spanish on Thursdays

        • Replace common area lighting switches with motion/occupancy sensors
        Sell corporate sponsors on the school

          • Install individual thermostats on all the steam heated classrooms in Moline grade school
          Turn out more tomatoes from the greenhouse

            • Teach to the level of the student not the age of the student
            Communicate to your boss....Us the taxpayer

              • Change the name of the grade schools to west elk
              Combine/Disolve the current alumni system

                • Find viable uses that employ many people at the Moline and Severy buildings ie...Regional recycling center, distribution for east and west coast production companies, Wind energy education center, Hospice center, Community health and wellness center,  shopping mall, Cheese Factory

                  • Switch Severy from gas to solar heat with electric backup
                  Buy a propane generator set up outside of the city limits and provice electricity

                    • Make the computer system available and all programs accessible from all points of the district
                    More life skills. Balancing you check book, accounting, balance sheets, credit card management, get a job keep a job

                      • WE RULZ
                        • Ask for help
                        Quit using the executive session


We have a possible budget shortfall of about $330,000 next year.

That is about 8(eight) full time tenured staff. 

We still have every bus we have ever owned.  We are talking about building a new facility ...with a practice gym....maybe fixing up the old high school(WE)..........not a snowballs chance in hell the new grade school will be built on the site of the old grade school.

We didn't get a timely responce from the neighbors so we won't knock on their door again any time soon?
We still have three practice times on separate days.  We utilize three schools.....Where is the efficiency that we were supposed to be looking for three years ago when we only had a $150,000 short fall.  We were talking about closing one day a week, eliminating programs,  shorting business and Spanish is all I have seen.

How big is our existing facilities?  When does the roof need to be replaced on the rest of the schools not just the current problem.  If you build a flat roof you will always have a flat roof.....Pitch it and it will run water.......This was not invented after the current school was designed.

How can we go forward if we don't know where we are.  How much does it cost to keep the lights on every day at each of the three facilities.....Gas.....Sewer.....Water...Water that is not palatable drinkable or unsafe should not be purchased and consumed by an elementary school student.  We better not be paying for water that we have to treat again...  If we can afford to provide a water filter for water than I assume that we can afford an emergency generator for all the schools, reserve gas supply for when the line breaks or the price is going to go up, enough water storage to put a fire out in the building should it ever need to be.   

$161 per square foot.... That is what a new building costs.

   That is $96,600 per classroom.  Plus hallways that is $161,000.  Plus bathrooms   $193,200  plus caffeteria $515,200  plus kitchen   $386,400       

....I get 2 million dollars. 

OK..then there is..Books $200,000.....12 Teachers $510,000  copier $5600    one laptop  $1500   ........annual VPL invoice $3000.......

....I can only come up with .....$2,941,900

                                                                   How do the big guns get $14 million?

                         Is a 86,956.521square foot print really needed for a school building in Howard, Kansas?


Why can't we have school in churches until the building gets built?  They sit empty all week.  A better teacher never walked this earth.  We could bus the town in about 12 minutes.  Miss your bus walk to class........Just like a real job with commuting...only you don't get paid.

How can we use the classrooms when they are not being used for class?   How can we utilize the area of the commons and hallways for civic or multipurpose.   Why does there have to be a hall way between classrooms why can't there be another class room or better yet a multipurpose room.   Walk through English to get to Spanish.  Walk through Chemistry to get to Trig.   

Put the ag shop in the west barn in a Info Link sponsored barn with state of the are student id cards.  If microsoft can build an entire town surely some one would sponsor a class room.

D Whetstone

The information from the Community Conversation of Dec 1 conducted by the Elk Konnected Steering committee was presented to the West Elk School Board last night.  I have listed that information here.  This information is taken directly from the written material produced by the participants. It has been organized by themes but otherwise not changed and no conclusions drawn by us.  If you would like a hard copy of this information, please contact one of the Steering Committee members.

David Whetstone
Elk Konnected Steering Committee

Community Conversation
Our Schools and Our Communities
December 1, 2008

Round tables of eight persons were formed by community.  They were to find consensus on their three top issues/concerns/problems.

>   Federal, state, local funding used in an efficient way
>   Tax issue on our city if we lose population
>   Concern for health and safety for our kids. Concern for the financial issue for the district (i.e. busing, class size).

Save School
>   We do not want to lose our school!
>   We don't want the Severy School shut down

>   Have a vision/plan for our district.

>   Concerns for the employees losing their jobs.

Quality of Education
>   Take the steps to provide the highest quality education we can provide.

Share Leadership
>   Can we share superintendent with our counties.

Moline/Grenola/Elk Falls
Community Health
>   Health of our community without a school in town.
>   School issues may/will cause continued division of communities/county.

Family Involvement
>   Families not a part of education.

Population Loss
>   Rural population loss affecting the student's education and preparation of the future.

Quality of Education
>   Maintaining quality education and teachers living within the town they teach in

>   Concern about increase in costs and taxes of building new or maintaining present buildings.

Quality of Education
>   Quality of education more well rounded; courses offered physics, accounting, journalism, advertising, etc
>   Teachers need to be evaluated for moral standards so that students receive the best education, discipline and mentoring needed with strong administration to enforce it.
>   Electives are needed to prepare kids for the technology age.
>   Curriculum expanded – more emphasis on academics and vocational and less emphasis on extra curricular.
>   Advertise the strengths of our schools (test scores, success of post secondary and military, quality of teachers).

>   Growth community/school
>   Maintain and increase enrollment
>   Promote housing for families
>   Industry to area and this will have to involve community as well as school

>   Continue community input conversations.
>   Vision for District. Both short and long term planning.
>   Long term sustainability whether one school district or two (USD 282/283).

>   Centralize school system
>   One grade school, centrally located.
>   One school on consolidated campus with emergency facilities.

The second session of round tables of no more than eight persons were formed with each having representation from each of the communities listed on page one.  They were charged with finding consensus on solutions, ideas, plans.

>   Advertise our schools excellence!  Help bring in more students, families.
>   "Sell our school" ? Promote
>   Advertise our strengths on our schools and our communities to strengthen businesses and communities.
>   Promote our community (test scores, community support of youth, natural beauty).
>   Advertise school and communities (TV/compute) (test scores, scholastic achievements, scholarships, 4-H, churches, restaurants, small town feel

Quality of Education
>   Work together as an Elk Konnected community to put the educational needs of our children first.
>   Maintain current quality of education and high teaching standards.
>   Make an informed decision in a timely manner by doing thorough research to get the highest quality of education with financial resources available and research alternative uses for facilities.  This means prioritize, develop a vision and a plan.  We suspect that means one campus and a dynamic PR program.

>   Continue efforts for better communications among different communities – post the school board agenda on Elk County Forum and in the newspaper so that everyone is informed.
>   Communication is the key.  Communicate about bond issue and current situation (financial).
>   Communication – School Board to communicate with the public and reach out to other schools for ideas – KASB

Community Friendly
>   Encourage district to use facilities in a more "Community" manor (without fees) –example: after "school hours" use of gym; community gym time; youth activities
>   Industry brought into existing buildings if school centralized into one campus.
>   Making school more community friendly – open gym, community wellness center

>   Closing of a schools to build one centralized campus brings opportunity for grow through use of elementary school buildings in Severy and Moline.
>   Win-Win ("Our School") If we lose our elementary school, what plan do we have for the lost schools
>   Centralized school: add on to central building; build green school to get grants; develop plan for unused buildings in communities (rec centers, storm shelters); create storm shelter for school

Combine w/ other district
>   Encourage explorations of combining strengths of both school districts. i.e. one county school board, superintendent, teleclasses for foreign languages and physics
>   "Grow your own..." teacher, nurse/doctor, welder, auto mechanic; community support ($) for post-secondary education; internship, apprenticeship in the community; "Community Investment"

>   Structure our school system financially so that we can bring back much needed technical/elective programs/classes.

D Whetstone

After attending the West Elk School Board meeting last night, I wanted to update any and all on what I would charactarize as some very positive steps for our community. Mr. Moore suggested to the board that they form a Facilities Advisory Committee. This had been recommended by PBA (architects). They recommend a committee of 20-30 and that their be community representation. They voted to form this committee immediately and attend the January board meeting where PBA will be making some initial presentations. The makeup of that committee will be as follows:

West Elk School Board members - 3: Marty Taliaferro, Jim Roebuck, Roxane Walker
Faculty - two from each building - 6
Mr. Moore - 1
Administrators - 3
Site Councils - two from each - 6
Elk Konnected - 8

Total of 27.

Two other notes about Board Actions last night. Both of which are direct investments in our youth and their education.

1) Purchase of A+LS Softward for Virtual Prescriptive Learning - this will cost $30,500 initially and then a $3,000 annual update/maintenance fee. This will allow a great amount of flexability and opportunity in the high school. It will give alternatives for students having problems in the traditional class room, opportunity for students who fall behind to catch up and graduate with their peirs, and eventually give opportunity for classes not offerred at this time (Spanish, Physics).

2) SCOOT (Students Can Overcome Obstacles Together) - a program initiated by Pam Leiker. It will offer an enrichment program based on Problem Solving. This will offer some additional education opportunities to students that meet certain criteria (have done all of their regular classroom work, making good grades, no behavior issues) to be involved in some educational experience that there is not time for during the regular school day. Will be after school. Will run for four sessions in the second half of the year. If successful and if funding is available, will be expanded to Moline Elementary. Funding was approved.

David Whetstone

L Hendricks

Positive conversation changes the world!  It appears that we are taking steps in the right direction - very enouraging.... thanks for the update Dave.  Let's keep the communication lines open between the school and the community...

Rudy Taylor

Thanks so much, Dr. Whetstone, Liz and others who are working to keep Elk County moving in a forward direction.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Yes, thank you for posting this information. I was unable to make it to the meeting due to being ill. These are all wonderful ideas. Thanks again!

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