School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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D Whetstone

Quote from: Rudy Taylor on October 31, 2008, 11:37:53 AM

Again, I'm not even suggesting that can be done here, but something creative should be considered, especially since the district's finances are minimal.

This is what I am talking about Rudy and all. And I think creativity is best if given a clean slate and all interested parties are allowed to dream from the beginning.  Once a plan starts to take shape, it is hard to modify. Logic says it can be; reality is very different (in my opinion).

And, again, if all stakeholders are able to be creative, offer input, and everyone feels like they have had a say in the plans design, it will have a great chance to succeed.




Why can't we do it here?  Why should the school district be a financial burden?  Since when did turning a profit or gitting off the welfare mentality of someone else providing the funding for our lives become something that will not work here? It is our money that is being spent so why can't we use it to the best of our abilities.   

To debate me on a subject I would have to be on the opposite side of the debated subject.   I am not against any community involvement.  The more the better.  The problem is if you have ever built a church you have the same problem.   Everybody wants to help.  But now one is a construction worker, one is a banker, one is a lawyer, and the doctor is still on call.....  We don't have any outside influence because we don't have the same problems as other more progressive communities.  The community  needs to stand up  and give input at the beginning of the process which is now. 

The initial meeting was to get the ball rolling.  The first pitch so to speak.  I think we can hit it out of the park. 

......see I am not totally against sports.


And I keep thinking of the six blind men being asked to describe the elephant.

Everybody's got a different idea of the same animal.


D Whetstone

A Community Conversation concerning "Our Communities and Our Schools" will be held in the commons area of the West Elk USD 282 High School on Monday, December 1, 2008, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM..

The meeting is being organized by the Elk Konnected Steering Committee and will be moderated by The Kansas Communities LLC President, Mr Terry Woodbury. 

The purpose of the conversation is to engage all interested citizens of the community in a unified group effort to plan the most effective educational future for our young people.  As every citizen of the community will be impacted by the decisions to be made in the near future, we are encouraging interested citizens, parents,  grandparents, business owners, school administrators, staff and youth  to attend and present your positive ideas and to relay the questions that  will need answered before decisions are made.

We hope you will plan to join us as a show of involvement and support for the huge task at hand.


I am glad to see this occuring...and am sure that there will be a good turn-out. ;)


Quote from: jerry wagner on October 29, 2008, 10:07:53 PM
I couldn't agree more David, I firmly believed that despite what was said at the meeting, the school board isn't encouragin community involvement.  We (meaning us but also the school board) should go to great lengths to ensure that the community is actively involved in all the discussions not only on our "campus" but the curriculum as well.  This presents the perfect opportunity to coordinate the curriculum and the facilities and attempt to provide a facility that can be flexible enough to adapt to the educational needs of our students for the next 25 years.

On my rant, if the school board were truly interested in receiving the opinions of the community, they could have sent home letters informing parents of the meaning.  Was it on channel 2?(sorry, I never watch it)  Did we post flyers or other notices of a special meeting?  I read the Prairie Star, I don't recall a notice of a special meeting (not saying that it is necessary), but rather that it would be intelligent to have done so.

I don't blieve that the board understands to get a bond passed that will geniunely improve the educational environment of this area, you need to actively court the community.  This needs to be resolved.  This board and its administrators have a communication disability.  Certainly you will never have the attendance that you will hope for at any school board meeting, but no effort was made.  They need to seek the buy-in of the community from the beginning, that way we aren't redoing this several times to get community support.

Sorry for the rant, was upsetting me.  I will get off my soap box now! ::)

I'm just saying obiously if it was mean't to be announced...It would have been It wasn't like it was the end of the world that they didn't put it out there I mean yah It would have been nice but...It didn't really say much just PROPOSALLS just ideas not an actual deal an IDEA IDEA IDEa lol ...just throwing this out into the obviously ever ending world.
Sword with a double edged'll cut you either way.

D Whetstone

Update and School Board action.....

Mr. Moore will be employed as the Director of Special Education at a 1/2 time position beginning Aug 1, 2009.

The Superintendent position opening will be advertised.  The board voted to advertise this internally first for a two week period.

The Board did hear from Elk Konnected Steering Committee about the Dec 1st Community Conversation. Richard Fish made the presentation.  Other Steering Committee members present were myself, Liz Hendricks, and Nancy Barker.  The Board did not as a group make any formal commitment to be at the meeting.  Five of the members said they could be there. Two were not sure.  If 4 or more are present, and I greatly hope this is so, it will have to be a special meeting of the board.  So, if you see a special board meeting advertised for Dec 1st, this is why.  To comply with Kansas Open Meetins Act, this must be done. The meeting will be opened by the board. The single agenda item will be a Community Conversation moderated by Elk Konnected. After the conversation, the Board will close the meeting.

Any questions?



I don't mean to be a smartass here, but does that mean when the board members attend the HS play this weekend, if there are 4 or more members present at the same showing, it's considered a special meeting?
Why does it have to be considered a special meeting and not just a group of community members getting together for a discussion?  I guess it doesn't matter either way if the board is willing to call it a special meeting, but I hope they're not going to discourage BOE to attend so they don't have to call it one.

D Whetstone


Several of us were wandering the same.  Sporting events, etc. where board members are gathered.

The difference is, however, that the discussion will be about the schools.  And, the Boards interpretation of the KOMA is such.

Shouldn't make a difference.  Just a technicality.



Hmmmm.  So...Bert is sticking with his resignation and moving down to a half-time position as Dir. of SPED.  It will be interesting to see who they get in as Sup't. this time...I sure hope the BOE makes a concerted effort to find someone qualified, instead of someone who will just simply do as the Board wishes.  It would be good if they could find someone who has been a Sup't. previously, for longer than 10 years.  There is no substitute for experience...and not just experience gained through a short stint at some small town...the kind of experience that will enable West Elk to go forward with fiscally sound decisions that come from a basis of proven experience.  Maybe someone from a larger district who is now retired and looking for a smaller venue in which to spend the rest of their career before going onto Social Security?

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