School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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 Hey Judy, I knew I had seen that story on the news down here, I found the story on KOAMs website:

Nina Criscuolo
Laughter is Combating Depression in Coffeyville

Updated: Aug 30, 2008 09:51 PM CDT

Doctors often say the best medicine is laughter and in Coffeyville, Kansas -- that laughter comes in a child size dose.
   They have decided to combine their retirement home and kindergarten class to fight the loneliness and depression that sometimes occurs when an elder goes to nursing home.
   The Coffeyville superintendent says he was skeptical at first, but seeing is believing.
He now believes the children revitalize the residents with their energy and the elderly are giving their gift as well.
   "Sometimes we don't look at the value that they can bring to kids," said Superintendent Robert Morton. "And so they've lived through a lifetime of things so they have a lifetime of knowledge and we probably can learn something from that knowledge."
   The teacher for the program says grandma and grandpa reading is the student's favorite part of the day.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


One year in Wichita a nursing home there had a North Pole program at Christmas time. During several hours a day, the children could call and talk to Santa, Mrs. Claus or one of the elves. The kids loved it as did the Nursing home residents. The AD who thought that one up should have received a raise at the very least. A reading program between residents and students would be great. Maybe Twilight Manor should be the bus stop waiting depot, where the kids wait to change buses.


We have to do something to entertain you old coots other wise you will continue to drive slow and keep asking me about the weather.    How about taking the Twlight manor residents to all the schools in the area.  Starting with Longton and ending up in Severy.  Have them tutor, teach, watch or just be involved with the energy that those little demons put out there. 

The chinese have one thing over on us they keep there eldery within the household.  Granted it isn't a very big house but they all live in there together.  Most asian cultures honor the eldery much more than we do.  Warehousing and isolating them is what we are famous for.  I think the more program we start the more help we can do.....

I don't pipe dream........Build it and they will come.


Maybe this old coot likes to be isolated.  Those energetic little angels wear me out.


You reap what you sew.   I bet they take a nap as soon as they get home probably elder influence.


Why is the Moline grade school being locked down every day?   Why isn't Severy or Howard so secure? 

Have we had an incident?  Are we scared?  Under attack?   

Need to explain this to me like I have small children.....How is locking the door in a town of less than 500 in a county of less than 3000 going to make my kids smarter?   Maybe we need armed security to walk the halls looking for evildoers. 

How do I explain to my children that prison is way different than gradeschool?  They have TV's that work in prison.  Paranoia is just the beginning, soon we will have a sighting.  Then we can start building the bunkers.   After the airport is converted to militia control we can be more prepared because they came by air the last time.



Since I am all locked on this subject anyway.  Why is the school always locked up?  Why can't taxpayers use the gym and hallways anytime we want.  We have the title, we paid for it, why can't we use it?  Don't the state, federal, and local taxes that I paid pay the salaries and the insurance policy of the building?   Even if I jump through the hoops of renting the building for an event should I have to pay again to use something that I already bought and paid for?  I think the lease holder should not also be the

Isn't that called double taxation without representation?  Didn't we have a revolutionary war over the same type of issue a couple of years ago? 


A good example of 2 opposite sides of the coin exist within 30 miles of our booming metropolis.  For example...

Longton has an "open gym" on Sunday nights, open to anyone to come and play sports or walk around the gym.  To my knowledge, they have had no one sue them for a twisted ankle or heavy breathing, nor has any damages been done to the school.  In fact, I think the community is more involved in the school and the kids.

On the other side... Sedan has had some serious issues lately with vandalism, break-ins, and theft at their school.  I think they are getting heavier security measures in place, and I doubt they are very trusting of letting anyone into the school outside of school hours.

So, I think WE should be somewhere in between.  (Notice how the initials for West Elk, also spell "We"?  As in "all of us"?  As in unity?)  I respect that the school has a process to go through to rent the school, and that you need to have a sponsor from the school to be there, but I don't like the fact that they charge so much (we pay $30 for 2 hours every Sunday night of volleyball/basketball)... or charge at all.  Why not bridge the gap between school and community and eliminate this cost for community members?  As long as there is no extra work for the school to set up or clean up, why the cost?  I guarantee that the school sponsor isn't the one getting paid for being there.


I do know a little bit about the charging thing.  The FlintHills Assembly of God Church in Howard and the Ministrial Alliance brought the Power Team to town a few years ago.  The did charge the church to use the school.  But was told that Longton does not charge.  Does anyone know anything about this??  I also think that Longton lets the 4-H use the building, not sure if they charge, free???  It cost around $100.00 if you are going to use the kitchen area, or something like that.  I think that it probably has something to do with insurance, but not sure. 
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I believe the rational for locking all doors except the front door is so that there is a forced flow to the public as they enter the building, thus enabling the office to better monitor those entering the physical plant.  Believe me...when you stop to consider the nuts who travel 99 and 160, there'll probably be a copycat who tries to pull the same crap as was pulled in Wichita recently...someone trying to make off with a kid.  Be glad that at least Moline takes proactive measures, instead of having to explain how a child was abducted due to lax security measures.

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