School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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L Hendricks

I think it is very encouraging that USD 282 is going to allow a "service learning day" in the 08-09 year for 6th-12th.   Thanks Elk Konnected Physical Image team for your hard work on this item.  This team tried to implement it in 07-08, but it wasn't possible.  Elk Valley has been very successful with their day and this is one of the assets that people felt we should duplicate. This team went ahead and had community appreciation days and so far have been in Grenola, Moline, Longton, Howard - soon to be in Severy, and Elk Falls this fall.  This approach has been to do work on a Sat with youth volunteers and adult mentors.  I helped with the Howard one and had several of the vball players.  We washed windows... great experience.  I look forward to more such days.  Also congrats to the Leos and Lions - you guys are doing a great job involving youth.  Somehow we have to connect (Konnect) the school and the community... 


Dr Knifesharpener,
You obviously have not had one of Louise's breakfasts..... Chrisman Rulz....  Just go in and order PEP's red plate.  bring a friend and plan a is not for the meek or dieting.      Don't try to eat all of it the first time you might perforate a diaphragm or something.    Cholesterol is just a fancy way to sell more oatmeal.


We are also talking about dollars per student.   What does it cost to teach a student calculus?  How much money does it take to improve  the track team to state champion status.  What is the gpa of the state winners?  Are we spending our money wisely?
 Yes there are great scholarships to be won, that will probably put many people into a college,  but there are also education grants, scholarships, and internships.  
 Is it justifiable for a struggling community to have a million dollar track?  I think so. As long as the entire community has access to it and it is available.  The same should go for the weight room and gym....

Last I remember the school was built out of taxpayer money, insured by taxpayer money, maintained by taxpayer money, and should but accessible by the tax payers.

We are throwing around ideas about creating a health and wellness center with the purpose of entertaining, educating, and improving community health through physical activity.   What on earth would we have to build on for if you had access to the building already in each town.  Liability is liability.  Pay more premium.   If it has more exposure it will cost more.  Oh well.   We spent more money busing kids to and from school that live close enough to walk than the insurance will cost.  

We will probably have to increase security with either a staff member or community paid buck stops here employee... You can get a complete workout just walking the halls locking the doors at night.    Let's leave them open and see what happens.

Uncle Bill always said it is easier to get forgiveness than permission. 


I have to ask a question to all the forum friends out there.  What is to early for kids to get on the bus??  Ok, when we were put with the option to change the schools, 1-3 to Moline and 4-6 at Severy, we were told that the kids wouldn't be put on the bus before 6:30.  If I am wrong about that please tell me.  Ok, we are now back to the regular routine, and you know what my kids are going to have to get on the bus at 6:25.  We only live 1 mile or a little over from town.  It kinda upsets me a little.  I know that I a petty about things, but it sounds crazy!!  They changed the routes anyways!!  If the girls ride to town with me, in which I have to be to work at 6:30 to, they will still have to get up at the same time.  I am not worried about the time they get on the bus, as much as the time they will be on the bus.  They will be on the bus at least 1 hour and 15 minutes.  I haven't had to worry much about the bus, what I mean is, Parker has always had Connie Nelson drive the bus since she started school.  I am not against change, but I don't really like the idea of them being on the bus that long.  I am being petty.  But I was spoiled with Connie.  I would call and tell her if she was going to ride the bus or not.  We formed a bond, I know that is silly, but I trusted that my child was in good hands while on the bus.  I know who her new bus driver is and I am sure that they will be fine, too.  But it's the other kids that worry me too.  The bus ride is the biggest part of public school that I don't like.  You would be surprised the number of things that go on behind the bus drivers back now a days.  Parker would come home telling me things and she would ask questions that I would have to try and explain, (which she didn't need to know yet about Life!!!!).  I know that they will be exposed to certain things, but the amount of words that I had to try to tell her what they mean, or lie about has been alarming!!  I know that is part of school, but I just had to get my gripe out there!!

I am being petty, I know that!!  But just worried about my kids!!  I guess we will have to sit down with my middle child tonight and really go over the bus rules with her.  I did in the past, but she is only going to start Kindergarten and I am worried that she will have a hard time on the bus!!

You can add anything to help, or relieve the stress that I am feeling now ??? ???
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Angie...This was one of my questions when we were at the public forum. Lane would be on the bus at 6:30 and have to ride allllll the way to Moline. He'd be on the bus almost 2 hours!

I was informed by board members that kids are versatile and it doesn't bother them. Please! I don't want to get a cranky kid off of the bus in the evenings...and then only get to spend 3 hours with him before he goes to bed.

However, I don't have this problem yet. I'm just tickled that they are finally going to pick him up at the house instead of me having to drive him into town everyday.

Billy tells me he always had to get on the bus at 6:30 or sometimes before that time. I can't even imagine that. I was always on the bus at 7:30, until I was able to drive. But then again, I lived in town. In my opinion, that is a little early, especially for Rebecca...but I suppose it's the price we pay for living in the country.


I rode the school bus for over an hour since pretty much the beginning of school... until I was able to drive. 
AND I did learn a lot about "life" on the school bus, too.
I think it's lucky that the bus still runs and enables kids to be picked up at their house.
AND I feel sorry for them that it's such a long ride; their day ends later and begins earlier that everyone else.

YES, Angie, talk to your daughters about activities, friends, bullies, etc that happens on the bus.  When talking to your kids at the end of the day, ask them about the bus ride, too.  And get to know the new bus driver, too!  In such a small community, you're lucky that you don't have a new/different driver each day.  And you're lucky to have the option to take them to school, too, if the situation calls for it (which there may be instances that it does).


Golly that is a long time for a little one to set on a bus................ :-\
I know I spoiled my kids but if they had to get on the bus at 6:25..and I had to be at my "other home"(aka daycare) and I could have them with me until school time.. I would do that.. but that is just me.

Angie.. can't they pick the girls up later in town at the day care?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I am well aware of what we all did to get to school. Some of it is unavoidable just to to the way life works. Most of the current science say that kids need more sleep than we give them and school should start later. I don't have the perfect solution to when they should start and how long they should go to school. I am glad we think of it and do our best to fit it into the reality of real life. I hope we can improve. The average commute time for my urban are of California and the average commute time in Elk county are about the same. 40 minutes. Something is wrong when the kids are up at 6:30 and spend 90 minutes commuting to school just about twice as long as we spend going to work. Again, no solution just reality.


L Hendricks

I haven't talked to Debbie Stange about the bus routes - but it might be worth a call if someone is concerned about the pickup time.  I am guessing it has to do with so few bus drivers, few kids, but many miles to drive between pickups - especially in the country. 


When I was in grade school, I was about the third stop on the route in the morning and the third to last off in the evening.  I don't remember exactly when I got on the bus, but I do remember having to ride it all the way to Elk Falls via 160, then clear to Huntington's and Peter's halfway to Longton on old 160, then back to Moline via the Garvin Road.  And the farm is only two miles from the Moline Grade School.  Then in the afternoon, the route ran exactly backwards of the morning route.  First on, last off. >:( :(

What I never understood is why the first on in the morning couldn't be the first off in the afternoon.  Why can't they run the route the same direction both times, so that it would average out a little, instead of some kids being on the bus 2 hours each way? ??? :(


They can pick up the girls here at 7:30 or so.  The oldest wants to ride the bus from the house.  Rebecca don't really care.  They would still have to get up around 6 or a little earlier since I open at 6:30, too.  We thought we would give it a try to see how they do.  The good thing is that they will get off the bus here.  So, it shouldn't be to late.  We really haven't changed their sleep time throughout the summer, but the closer it is getting to school the harder it is to get them to go to sleep.  We have always put them to bed around 8:30 and 9:00.  Last night, they were in bed at that time, but didn't go to sleep until after 10.  We will just have to see how it goes!!  I am being positive about it!!!! ;)
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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