School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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I am an absolute okra fanatic. Growing up in the midwest I had pickled okra, fried okra all the time and just thought that it was something everybody ate. Unfortunately where I live if you ask most people what is okra they would have no idea. If I ever see okra in the mainstream stores it is $4.99 a pound. Well for the quantity that I want to eat it in that is just not practical. Recently we just had an Indian Market open ( country of India) and they were mostly sold out. Just the long way of saying anyone that doesn't want to eat their okra I want it.


Jo McDonald

Tobina, did you and your Dad make any jalapeno jelly?  I haven't yet -- I don't know where the times goes when it flies by, but I sure don't seem to get any of it back -- and I'm not getting everything done that I was SURE that I would.
 I wish I could hand you some of our okra, it has been wonderful.


DNA - anybody tries to give me Okra, it's all yours


Thanks Flo I think shipping costs would kill me. I alway was a kid that loved vegetables. I always love egg plant and brussel sprouts too, but in the midwest it wasn't as popular. When I came to California the large Italian community made that something that I can get for cheap.

My Mom the Howard, KS girl tells a funny story.  When she was little she hated peas. Being from Kansas though you were taught to eat everthing on your plate and be happy you had it. For years my parents had to force my little brother to eat any kind of vegetable. My little brother one time refused to eat peas and was gagging as kids do. Finally my Mom said he doesn't have to eat peas if he doesn't want to. To find out my Mom hated peas. One of the times an exception was made  for her was by my Uncle Neil Winn  when he put his foot down and said "Mary Myrna" doesn't have to eat peas. That story has held special meaning in my family for ever.



David, this is kinda off the path of this thread, but gotta tell you.  When I was in second grade I had the true "wicked step-mother".  She BOILED okra, put it on our plates and said eat.  I could not get that slimy stuff down.  I don't know how long I had to set at that table, but it seemed like hours and hours.  Never did get it down.  She finally gave up.  Maybe okra fixed other ways is good, and I do like my vegetables, but I just can't bring myself to eat okra. 


Quote from: dnalexander on August 12, 2008, 03:36:49 PM
I am an absolute okra fanatic. Growing up in the midwest I had pickled okra, fried okra all the time and just thought that it was something everybody ate. Unfortunately where I live if you ask most people what is okra they would have no idea. If I ever see okra in the mainstream stores it is $4.99 a pound. Well for the quantity that I want to eat it in that is just not practical. Recently we just had an Indian Market open ( country of India) and they were mostly sold out. Just the long way of saying anyone that doesn't want to eat their okra I want it.


Shoot if i thought it would survive shipping i would ship ya some. Its going 3.99 a pound in the stores around here IF you can find it.  I have been selling it for 2.75 a pound.  I have some more to pick tomorrow.  Hope it keeps producing through til fall  :)

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Did we just start a horticulture thread in the middle of the school changes.  And you though I didn't learn coefficients and tangents in math class.

I only go to the meetings that offer action, fighting, and the internal struggle to bring down the other guy.   A regular meeting about regular school stuff is no fauder for ridicule......Unless I start in on the community service day.  

Why don't we take this one step further.  Don't we still teach government at the high school?   Require all students to attend city council or county commissioner meetings.  I know they are held on a school night and are during school.   Have your mom call a fake sickness, its not like she hasn't done it before.  Mondays are off most of the time anyway. Require 50 hours community service before you graduate.  Start it in the 1st grade.

The civil disobedience that I have shown is caused by apathy.   I want people to get off their butts and do something.  If it is only to tell me how stupid my darn sewing is, just do something.....(Internet thread humor)

We have 800 people in Howard.  I have never seen 800 people at one place at one time for any reason.  We have 3000 people in the county.   When have they ever been to a single solitary event.  I bet even presidential elections only have 50% turnout.   APATHY KILLS.

Dr Dave...the fair board meetings are usually on Sunday evenings.  Chamber noon meetings on every forth Tuesday.  Rotary is Wednesday night at 6:30 but there is food.  Sunday afternoon Elk Konnected action team monthly.  Sunday evenings weekly are CCD (Sunday school)for the Catholic youth.   First Thursday of every month is Investment club but again there is food.  Friday is free meeting wise but football starts soon.  Freight trucks come Monday at 10:30am and again on Thursday11:45am. Surf the chat rooms from 10 till 3.  3-6 Plan the global domination of the west side of main street.  Breakfast at 5:30-6. Toots rulz.

I'll find an old camping stove to brew you some French Roast... you will need the caffeine to keep up.



QuoteWhy don't we take this one step further.  Don't we still teach government at the high school?   Require all students to attend city council or county commissioner meetings.  I know they are held on a school night and are during school.   Have your mom call a fake sickness, its not like she hasn't done it before.  Mondays are off most of the time anyway. Require 50 hours community service before you graduate.  Start it in the 1st grade.

Government is still taught - and the students are required to attend a meeting of some kind. Most of them in the past have chosen school board meetings. The last school board meeting before the end of the semester is usually packed with kids. They have to stay at the meeting until executive session starts.

I know other districts have added community service as a graduation requirement. It would be great if we did as well.


Interesting statistic we heard last night... if a child doesn't volunteer before they're 14 years old, they do not become a volunteering adult.
MANY, MANY schools require a certain amount of community service hours from ALL kids before they can graduate.  Not just recommended.  And "volunteering" at home doesn't count.  That's called being a child who has chores.

D Whetstone


So, it looks like your 2nd Monday of the month is free.

Dr. Dave

P.S. I thougt you rulzed not Toots.

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