School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Okey dokey well I'd like to just restate my earlier post of misleading, misrepresentation ect... by the administrator. He told them it would fail and I think he is going to do everything he can to make sure that it does. After the decision Monday night we were fine teacher wise with Sally as 6th grade teacher. But now we are one short. And who do we have to thank for that. Raise your hand if you know?


Quote from: L Hendricks on July 17, 2008, 01:56:03 PM
OKay - this $150k was getting to me and after my husband came home with another rumor, I called infamous PEP and he called the Dist Office and the Dist office told PEP that it was misquoted in the paper - the new option will NOT cost an additional dime however there is $150K left on the LOB if we were to choice that option.  As far as the Sally Morgan rumor, I am trying to get that straight from the horse's mouth too.  I think we all need to be very, very careful with the rumor mill right now and if it sounds outrageous - check it out.... Too bad we don't have a for Elk County....

But Liz, rumors are what the forum is for....that and PEP's enlightenment!! ;D

L Hendricks

Lisa - don't take my comment as being directed at you - it was more to the general public... there was a comment made at the other coffee shop about an administrator had already been hired... come on folks...I wish... but the process doesn't work that fast.  It would be nice if Rudy would chime in and give us his 2 cents but that might be unprofessional... Dan - totally agree - PEP was made for the forum... he definitely gives it a new spark!...


I have to ask a question....why is West Elk stuggling so bad and they seem to spend money like water at Elk Valley?? Do we get more money than WE ??


Hey...I thought that '' was the function that Miinnie filled! (just kidding, Minnnie!)


When they told Sally they didn't have position for her.  It probably went like this:  They said they didn't have a sixth position for her because 6th was going to the highschool and mary was taken the job.  They then probably offered her the 3rd/4th grade split class and because she prefers the older kiddos she turned it down.  I will miss her so, she was a wonderful assest to the Severy school.

Rudy Taylor

I so enjoy your comments on this forum. And, Patrick has turned into quite a common sense philosopher.  I'm really impressed, Patrick!

I really don't have an opinion on whether the school board acted wisely in reversing its June 9 decision. I know it is popular with the people in Moline and Severy and that's important.

I do know about school finances and how the loss of students impacts the budget --- and USD 282 is being hit hard by these losses. In rough terms, you have lost 42 students and that will translate to over a quarter million dollars in  funds you won't be receiving from the State of Kansas (around $6,000 per student including weighting).

That's inarguable. It makes no difference whether you like the teachers, the superintendent or the school mascot --- you're still looking at making up, or cutting back, by more than $250,000 for next year's budget. By the way, the board should be approving next year's budget for publication and I assume that will be in next week's Flint Hills Express, or perhaps the one after that.  I urge everyone to read it carefully to see if the Local Option Budget goes up, because I really don't think the board will have any alternative than to raise it.

Even if the board raises the LOB, there's only between $300,000 and $400,000 that can be squeezed out of it, then you'll be at your maximum levy. After that, the superintendent and board will have only bad options at their disposal --- and bad options always start with reducing staff.  (Ugh)

I truly hope the board's reversal and the plan they have adopted for next year works out fine.  My gut feeling is that it's a band-aid solution to a long-term problem and the enrollment drops will probably continue as fuel prices continue to skyrocket. That's a huge factor in the continued operation of rural school districts.

But I've used lots of band-aids in my decision-making, and sometimes it stops the bleeding. Let's hope it does this time.

Anyway, I'm just proud of all of you for speaking your opinions. I urge you to visit your Board of Education office and get the complete copy of their proposed budget, once they approve it for publication.  That's because only a summary will be printed in the newspaper. You all owe it to yourselves, and your children, to become students of the budgeting process.  Once you start looking at the numbers, I think you'll quickly realize that the board has a difficult task ahead. Anytime I take a negative number and add it to another negative number, I really can't expect the result to be in the positive column. Passionate as we all like to get on these matters, it's simply not an emotional issue. It's a financial and managerial one.

One thing I need to point out:  Bert Moore had no idea what was going to be in the paper this week. I interviewed him by telephone and wrote the story using some of his quotes. He probably didn't like the story at all.

I had to omit a large story about last Thursday night's meeting in order to get the updated story in this week's edition. I wish both accounts could have been printed but space is always a newspaperman's nemesis.

OK, you asked for my opinion --- it's worth exactly what I was paid for it. :-)
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Sure am glad that PEP called and got the low down with Mr. Moore.  Sorry that he probably lied through his teeth, but he is really trying to make the district look bad.  I would have called when I saw the article yesterday, but to tell you the truth I couldn't I was so pissed off.  I actually think the guy is whacked- sorry that is how I feel.  I never really liked the guy, to many dealings with him.  He tells you one thing and does the other.  So glad that he is leaving.  The sooner the better!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Rudy, you are so right about everyone going and getting a copy of the budget.  I can't tell enough people that they really need to be watching what is going on.  Not because the board or even the administrators are doing anything wrong, but the fall out of all of this effects each and everyone in this community and the surrounding towns also.  I do have to say, I was at Monday nights meeting.  I learned alot.  I hope to attend other meetings in the future.  No, you can't speak unless you call the board and get put on the meetings plan, but you can get information about what is happening in each school.  It is important for us all to stay opened minded this next few years, too.  I just know in my heart that we are in for changes.  Changes aren't always that bad!  I think that we will see changes to the two grade schools.  I don't want to, but we can't keep nickle and diming the situation.

A clear solution, not one that I can see.  Will people be upset??  YES!!  But we have to be POSITIVE about this.  I spent all day yesterday, totally upset and the article and what Mr. Moore said.  But have had time to cool off, and decided to be more positive.  But if anyone know of a teacher that would be willing to take on 3-4 combination class next year, please send them to West Elk to apply!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I have always liked Bert on a personal level...but on a professional level, he is the variety to throw you under the bus if it means that he will be professionally safe-guarded.  I have personally witnessed him do it several times to some very talented professionals.  As I said, I like him personally...but have always been wary of him professionally.

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