School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Ok, I just read the article about the new up to date school changes.  Mr. Moore states that it will cost $150,000 more than the other pilot.  Why?? I don't understand.  If it was going to cost more, why did he just sit there Monday night and not tell the board and us that were in the crowd that.  He never said that.  I don't understand how he could just sit there and not say anything.  And then he reports it in the paper.  This is what I hate about the situation.  He can't be for the district if he is saying things .  I am really upset!!!! >:( >:(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I think Mr. Moore is pissy cause HIS plan was rebuked, therefore he can throw numbers out that he doesn't have to prove or justify.  I think he has gotten used to whatever he suggested or put out to the board they just went with.  Now it appears the community and a few board members grew a set of balls (parden the expression, but it seems to fit), so it is just "I will take my ball and go home" time for Mr. Moore.

Fine with me, that position needs to be a position of leadership, communication, and most of all the ability to get many parts to work as one.  Appears the search is on for that person.

I want to take a minute to thank the board members for using their judgment.  By that, I mean their personal judgment and listening to people.  It is not an easy thing to go against your fellow board members and the administration, but it was done and that is why people are elected.  Hopefully the feathers that have been ruffled in this process can be put back in place and everyone can move on to tackling the bigger picture.

A few things I would LOVE to see:

1. A side by side financial statement of each school.
2. Estimated financial statement of each school if the other didn't exist.
3. Estimated costs to build and operate a new central school.

I know that modern efficiencies have came a long ways.  I replaced my Central Heat and Air Unit last year and it was free!!!!! (Considering a 19 month reduction in my bills, it paid for itself!!!)

If the costs associated with running these schools are as such, it merits a look!!!

W. Gray

Or, as Madeline Albright would say, "cohonas."
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Dan, at the meeting the other night they did talk about how much more it cost to run Severy then Moline.  I think the big thing is the city of Severy's Gas is really high.  It is independantly owed gas company, or a small company and the cost is outrages.  They are concerned that this winter what the cost will be.   I personally would like to see numbers, too.  How is one to make a decision that is sound without seeing the numbers?  Also, why were not bus schuedules available to see?   I know that this stuff takes time.  But the papers that they gave to us, were nothing that we as citizens couldn't get off of the school report card on the Kansas Department of Education web site.  I think Mr. Moore needs to leave the district NOW!!  He either needs to get on board with the communities or get off, don't KEEP pulling us done!!!

As you can tell, I am very passionate about our educational system here.  I want my children to experience it, too.  Ask my girls, especially Parker, I push very hard to get the best that I can out of them.  This is no less than what any parents do for their children. 
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

L Hendricks

It is very disturbing that Mr. Moore just made the $150k increase in operations number available to the press and it was not mentioned to the public during the board meeting.  I would have presumed after the meeting on Thurs that someone would look at the 6th grade move and see if it was going to change the finances and/or personel etc.   I personally have a hard time understanding where this number is coming from.  I agree with Dan - Mr. Moore - are you just mad b/c someone questioned you... I worry that this next year is going to be miserable - I also hope that no repercussion happens to the teachers who expressed their opinions at the last board meeting...I agree with Dan & Angie - SHOW US THE NUMBERS so that we can be informed and make educated decisions....


Uhm, Patrick...I think the 'Elk County Electoral College' has need to run for school board in the next election.  Sure wish I still lived there...I'd volunteer to inhabit all of the coffee spots and run your campaign for you!  :laugh: :laugh:


Actually, people, the facts and figures pertaining to the running of the schools are supposed to be public domain material.  All you have to do is go into the District Office and request those facts and figures.  As for Bert's having thrown out the 150k figure...that is typical Bert...have a little something up your sleeve in reserve for when you need to make a point...although, I'm a little surprised that he accepted the ginormous raise that he received, knowing that the district had the type of financial difficulties that it obviously does.  I am sure that he had his reasons...but I'm not sure those reasons were in sympathy with the district that he works for.  Sounds to me like his resignation/retirement is going to benefit the district on a number of different levels.


Don't we just need a consultant rebel rouser more than a new board member.  I don't think the current board has been totally utilized to it greatest potential.  There is some talent there. 
I get bored easily. 
Have little patience for ignorance. 
Question authority. 
Read too fast for normal comprehension.
Don't play well with others.
I blame it all on the Special education coop, my IEP was not specific enough to challenge my ADD, ADHD, or what ever the new acronym is for lazy and don't pay attention.
I think we should not teach no child left behind but call it teach to the lowest common denominator.
I vote we bring back swats.  A good whoopin' now and again and the world will be a better place.  Spare the rod spoil the school. 

:angel: :P

Whew.....  that will get the liberals off my bandwagon.

Jo McDonald

To waaayyyy back in the '70's   --- loved you then --- love you now, Patrick!


Is the new six grade teacher been picked yet? SALLY or GENA? Any one? Inquiring young impressionable minds want to know. 

Hope they are up to the challenge. 

Sixteen screaming, yelling, hard to get along with  .................sets of parents instead of just 8. ;)

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