School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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No! Don't say it Sally.


Ok, I am the first to say it.  I am here for this district for the long haul.  I had the chance around 3 years ago to run and put my children in different districts.  I was really upset with the district for the way that I was treated.  But I put my children first.  I wanted what was best for them.  I feel that they are getting a great education.  Yes, this school is having some really hard times.  But I don't honestly think that to many on this forum can say that they are doing just wonderful money wise.  I don't think alot of their problems are the gas.  But a majority are.  They are lossing students because their parents must move closer to their jobs.  And some because of the unsteadiness, yes.  But I am not going to pull out my children at this point.  Minnie is right, we need to band together and solve the problem.  Don't run from it, or hide from it.  Hit it head on and let's take control of it.  I didn't run from this district when they weren't here for me, and honestly I can't believe that I didn't.  Let's just be more understanding of all the communities that are involved.  Not just are own personal gain.  I believe the only solution is to build or some way, have one campus here in Howard!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Rudy Taylor

Gosh, I'm just really happy to be in the straight and skinny category. As you can tell from my picture --- I'm more like crooked and chubby.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Rudy, read my post yesterday in the Misc. thread, Age is a Gift - That will explain a lot . . . LOL LOL LOL

Diane Amberg

Yep, that's Rudy alright.... chubby and totally lovable. Rudy for President!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I agree with Angie.  One campus here in Howard.  I know it is going to be hard to see the school in Severy where all my children went, closed and maybe turned into something like a flea market.  (I need a hurling happy face, Teresa).  But my personal feelings have to take a back seat to keeping Elk County from drying up and blowing away.  Just imagine what it would be like if the children had to go to another county to school.

L Hendricks

I am proud of the patrons and teachers that spent a long evening at the school board meeting last night.  I am glad that the board revisited their earlier decision and I do think it is the best "band-aid" solution.  However, once again, some stakeholders weren't at the table - no one (as I understand it) was there representing the jr/sr high school... Also I don't know how I would feel about this decision if it was my 6th grader either.  I am glad that Bert M. is retiring, but we still have a year with him at the head... I agree with Dan C.  I hope that the board in searching for a new Supt, strives to find one that is more involved in the community.  It could be tough b/c as I understand it - Bert's salary is 60% Spec Ed and 40% supt.  And I doubt the board does another combo of that sort again.  I do agree the West Elk community needs to search for a long term solution - I know what I think the answer is, but it may be in the best interest to have a 3rd party decipher the numbers to present to the West Elk Community the FACTS... and not assumption.  I also think it would be in the best interest of all to keep all the stakeholders involved and to get as much feed back as possible.  One idea that came to mind this pm was if 1 campus is the answer, a new grade school with a gym would make sense - maybe make the gym open to community as a wellness center too.  Maybe Joanna can input here, but I know Humboldt has a great gym with a walking track above it and the citizens can access the building with a key card.  That way not only do we provide a quality education to our students, but we can give back to the community and the senior citizens on fixed income who will have to foot part of the bill...

I also hope that the retreat the board is planning would incorporate more than a couple of hours for long term planning and goal setting... having been a part of several strategic planning meetings - a day seems to be a minimum.  I am also hopeful that by bringing everyone into the planning of the future of West Elk, than most everyone can buy into that fact that it is our plan - not "theirs" (school bd) or "theirs" (those darn Howard folks that burnt our school down back in 19??)

There are some positive things that are coming from this and if everyone stays engaged with the future of Elk County or (Elk Konnected) in mind, I believe we can all win. 

Another idea that many of the high school teachers I believe would buy into - is the need for an alternative school.  I have heard many of them say this... don't ask me what it entails but maybe that would be a use for one of the elem schools if they should become vacated.

W. Gray


What is the name of that former high school, I think, on 99, I  think, northeast of Eureka that is a flea market?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU



Yep!  I went to 6th grade at Tonovay.  And they quit sending 6th graders there before my brother got that age.  I know it's not in good shape now, but it's been... well, over 3 decades and a fire or two that it has been privately owned.

The new Humboldt gym is great and I got to help with some of the groundwork for that project; however we moved to Howard before it was built so I'll have to check with some of our old friends to see how it's working, what they do and don't like, and what they would have done differently.  I'll try to do that this week.

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