School Changes

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, June 10, 2008, 12:42:52 PM

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Just have a few more cups of strong hot coffee  Rudy, and you will be pounding out the "extra extra.. read all about it" paper by day break.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I know, Flo, but where were you earlier in this thread when everyone was telling me to keep my opinions to myself b/c I DON'T have kids???

Again, everyone reading this probably laughed at my comment, b/c it's rare I keep my opinions to myself.  (That's why I LOVE this forum!  You have no choice!  Hehehehehehehehe!   :angel: )


ahhh.. correction.... I NEVER said to keep your opinion to yourself.

what I said was.................
Tobina .. when you ever do have kids.. I imagine that you're posts will have a bit more emotion attached to them.
It is easy for those who have never had that "mama and papa bear protective fight" in them yet.. to talk sane and level and be text book correct and always agreeing with the rules.

THAT is what I said.
( This is how ugly rumors gets started..  ;))
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I am with Flo on this one.  Everyone needs to attend.  This school affects everyone in each and every town around it.  We do elect the school board members and it is are responsibilty to see that they do there job.  We pay the taxes that support the school.  You are everyone in this community needs to attend, Tobina.  I know you have other important things to do, that is understandable.  I'll forgive you this time!!! ;) ;)  But this is a meeting that I will not miss.  I am getting more upset as the time comes near.  I have to tell you guys something.  When I lost my job a few years back, I was angry and upset.  I have gotten over that.  But the one thing that hasn't changed in this school district is the school board.  Do you want to know why?  They have minds of their own.  They can make decisions on their own.  All that the superindent is supposed to do is give them information.  In this case, what kind of information did Mr. Moore give the board members to make such a decision.  We lost 4 teachers.  We are low on funds and this is what I want to see happen.  I think that is the kind of information that was handed to the members.  The only one that went out on a limb for this community is Mr. Wolfe.  He knew in his heart that this plan was not going to save us money.  I also feel that this is a very BIG decision that was not really thought about enough.  They didn't spend enough time on weighing the pros and cons.  If I am going to spend 1,000 of dollars on something, I myself would really consider the pros and cons of it.  They are messing with alot, and I mean alot, of peoples lives.  The most important being the children that this effects.

I also believe that if you are going to fix a problem fix it right.  Do you honestly think that this is going to fix the problem of low enrollment and no money??  I don't.  I think there were other options that could have been thought about, brought to the community, and then the board make a decision.  They did it behind EVERYONE'S back, even their employees.  I think they should have at least included the teachers in the decision that they made.  But no!!

Ok, I am done putting in my two cents.  I am very passionate about this subject.  I loved teaching, I love my kids, and I want the best education that they can get.  But I am here to tell you, I am seriously thinking of pullling my kids, too!  I have the means to home school.  Do I really want my kids to go to this, yes!!  But sending my kids two different ways is not an easy option for me.  I have to think about their well being and also what is best for me, too!!!

I hope to see everyone out there tomorrow night!!!  Don't worry I won't yell to loud!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (I am just joking!!!!)
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Angie, when the district lost you as a teacher, I'm glad that the kids gained you as an advocate.  Rob Wolfe is one of the finest people I know...he votes the way that he knows his constituents think...and his ability to stand on his own stands him head and shoulders above the rest.  I've never seen him just go along with the crowd because it's easier than raising waves!  I SO do not envy those of you who are faced with this change that is undeniably coming in your future. 


Ahh, I wasn't directing my comment particularly at you, Teresa.   ::)  (See that's what happens when I get too emotional and post too quickly.)  Just teasing Flo, anyway, about coming to my rescue too late!   ;)

Thanks for the "hall pass", Angie.  I really would have liked to go, but I'm actually enabling the parents of the volleyball girls to be able to attend, since I'll be the responsible adult in charge at the games.  I really enjoy doing this volleyball in the summer for the girls; I think everyone will be amazed at the team this year!  I'm getting excited for the season; as are the girls! 

Another "devil's advocate" question here... has anyone talked to any of the school board members about their decision now?  Do they feel betrayed/misled by the information they were given?  Do they regret their quick decision?  Or are they standing behind it?

L Hendricks

Well here goes my 2 cents or 5 depending... I personally have only talked to Rob W about the decision and I appreciate him going against the grain... that is tough.  I too feel like the decision was made too hasty...My question is why was a special meeting not called immediately after the 3-4 teachers resigned at Severy.  Why was the public not informed that this was to be on the agenda?  Why was a decision of this magnitude ever decided on in one session.  I have talked with 2 other public office holders and both have made that point.  Why was teachers' input not sought?  What is also sad is that I don't feel like most teachers will stand up and discuss this at the public meeting b/c they fear losing their job - that is sad - b/c they are the ones in the day-to-day trenches.  We the general public do not have a clue what goes on in those school building.  I am not a big fan of Mr. Moore's either.  (am probably risking my HS Vball job for that comment)  I think he did and does a fantastic job as a special ed director, but not as supt.  Through the last year, I have witnessed 1st hand, some of the decisions he has made, and have heard from reliable sources about some of the others.  I don't feel he is community-minded or in touch with the students.  BUT is he the whole problem - NO!  We have a climate and attitude that needs changing  - why do we still have 2 school dist, 5 alumni assn (not one of which is West Elk).  My fear is that we are no longer fighting for our towns (Severy, Moline, Howard, Grenola, Elk Falls) We are fighting for West Elk.  Why was a decision not made after the 2006 public meeting - we have had a declining enrollment since the mid 90's. 

Okay - now what can we do - I definitely think EVERYONE (but Tobina - she needs to keep my Vball girls going) NEEDS TO BE AT THE MEETING - it is about the future of Elk County and surrounding areas.  Some ideas floating around.... a) Keep both elem open, move 6th to Howard and move towards a consolidated campus....   b) move in portable classrooms at Howard, move both elem. schools there and move towards a permanent consolidated campus.  c)  Keep both elem. open and do combo classrooms and move towards a permanent consolidated campus.... these are just a few... I know these are not pleasant solutions, but we are going to nickle and dime ourselves to death otherwise.  If you look at area schools our size, they do not have all the campuses we have, hence high dollar administrators and personnel.  Elk Valley for example, 1A (we are currently 2A) has one man who does supt, HS prin, JR prin, and Elem prin.  But he can walk from one buildling to the next in mere minutes.  I do agree we need an adm in each building given the distance, but that is what is costing us money. I realize we have just spent a lot of money on those 2 elem school - but like you do when you are in business for yourself - if you have a piece of equipment or a vehicle that you have overalled and overalled, at some point, you just have to bite the bullet and start over.

I do appreciate those parents with kids in our system that have chosen to keep them here regardless of the decision.  I do appreciate our school board members for taking on being a board member - it is not easy being an elected official.  I do appreciate our teachers and staff for trying to give our kids the best education possible.  But why not use all of these talented people and put our heads TOGETHER to find the best solution for the long term - not another band-aid that keeps falling off. 

I too am afraid that this meeting could be emotionally filled.  I hope that a plan of action has been developed and that everyone (myself included) can maintain an open mind to change - as it is coming.  You are either changing or you are dead - YOUR CHOICE - I definitely want the first.

Dale Smith

Liz, I loved reading your thoughtful approaches to this problem.  What I found to be very interesting, was that back in the 70's when the discussions concering building the new high school were going on, your Mom was a powerful force in advocating for new building.  (That is if I am remembering correctly who your Mom was)  Sounds like you will be a powerful and knowledgable force as well.  :-)

L Hendricks

Dale - not sure if it was my mom or someone else - who do you think my mom is?  I do know my dad was on the board in the 70s when they consolidated - and there are still some who "hate" him for that.  So no - it is not an easy decision and will have life changing effects, but no decision is worse in my opinion.   

momof 2boys

These are some wonderful ideas Liz.  As for the first one moving 6th to Jr. High, there are many districts in our area that have a "middle school" that includes 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.  I know our community will come together to help make the best decisions for West Elk.

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