Poll: Boards on the Forum

Started by Teresa, June 05, 2008, 01:34:27 PM

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What boards ..if any..on this forum would you like to see taken off.

1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
None of the above
24 (92.3%)
I'd like to have a board added.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: June 12, 2008, 10:18:36 PM

Roma Jean Turner

  I agree with the rest of you.  I quit playing the games months ago, but to assume they should stop because I did is just
......oh, I "ll be nice and not finish the sentence. I love this Forum. 

Judy Harder

Does it sound more like a family than ever?

Each one of us has a favorite site to go to or someone we like to read about and since we live in the USA, we can do what ever we want.

If you don't like a  category, you don't have to read it. Also for the ones who do like that special category...you go for it.

Wonder if the gripers don't have anything better to do.
God bless them and He will.......
Teresa and Kjell, you do what ever you want and I know it will be a "Good Thing"
Thanks for your time and patience with us.


Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I sure hope things stay the same:) I don't mean to offend I just like a good argument! That's how I learn new things!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Well we must argue so you can learn something new. ;) ;)


To argue is to speak with a closed mind.  To debate and discuss is to listen, review, remark, and learn.
I can see that there are some heated arguments on some of these boards/threads.  But there have also been some great discussions, too!  I, for one, have learned something on a lot of threads that I disagreed with.
The majority of the boards I don't even view (obits, history, wellness, and the games on Misc).  I have no interest, so I don't even take the time to look.  I usually ignore most of the posts on the politics section, too (except when I feel I can lend useful information to a discussion).
I do not think we should bash the people who are speaking their minds about the boards, though!  If they have legitimate complaints, and there are multiple people with the same complaint, then I would suggest that Teresa and Kjell figure out how to make the situation best for all.  Maybe it's a matter of putting clearer definitions of each board on the home page so people know what topics to post where.  Maybe Teresa should go back to "booting" threads to a different board when they don't fit on that particular one.  Also, read the signs... there is a little logo for "sticky" threads and "hot" topics.  And lastly; this is a COMMUNITY forum... "keep in touch with the community and old friends".  (Although I do have an opinion about that one... that it should be changed to "keep in touch with the community; chat with old friends, and make new ones"!)


Oh, one last thought... maybe an option is to create a new board just for Games?  Would that help keep the Misc category cleaner and easier to read/post?  I just know the Games section gets a lot of traffic.


Quote from: Tobina on June 06, 2008, 04:44:35 PM
And lastly; this is a COMMUNITY forum... "keep in touch with the community and old friends".  (Although I do have an opinion about that one... that it should be changed to "keep in touch with the community; chat with old friends, and make new ones"!)

Quote from: Tobina on June 06, 2008, 04:48:44 PM
Oh, one last thought... maybe an option is to create a new board just for Games?  Would that help keep the Misc category cleaner and easier to read/post?  I just know the Games section gets a lot of traffic.

Excellent idea and suggestion.. and one I will put to good use. 
Thanks Tobina.  :)
I have had several suggestions on how ..IF.. I could figure out a way to put some word or puzzle games up on the forum. I haven't had time to look into it actually.. but if it isn't a whole lot of programming  to gt it accomplished I will  see what I can do.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Tobina, I like that idea of "making new friends".  This forum does do that.  And I like your definition of argue and debate.  I think any argument or debate should be backed up with fact.  Not just opinion.  An opinion is just that and belongs to you and you shouldn't have to argue about it.  And why does anyone have to defend their opinion?  If you have stated your opinion, you shouldn't have to repeat it.  But that is just my opinion.  And I am not going to repeat it.

I don't think anything should be done to change the forum unless some of the categories are split and spread out.  I need the obituaries, the news (fires, tornadoes, etc.)  upcoming events, birthdays, new members:  the things that neighbors share with each other.   It is all part of my day.  And that is just my opinion.


Thanks for splitting the miscellaneous category and making a separate Games of the Mind category.  Those of us who enjoy those types of things sometimes get on at the same time and do alot of back and forth traffic on the site challenging others, so it will now not clog up the miscellaneous category.  We don't want to annoy anyone, and the few of us who are regulars welcome others to try the games out.  (it's a good idea to have a dictionary at hand too.........it's sometimes quite a challenge!) 


 ;D I say argue you say debate you say tomahto i say tomayto it's all the same to me ;)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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