Poll: Boards on the Forum

Started by Teresa, June 05, 2008, 01:34:27 PM

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What boards ..if any..on this forum would you like to see taken off.

1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
None of the above
24 (92.3%)
I'd like to have a board added.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: June 12, 2008, 10:18:36 PM


I really enjoy the different points of view and I try not to take any comment as a personal affront.  Let freedom of speech abound on the forum.


i think every thing is good in the nieghborhood right know and hopefully now and for on
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


The great thing about the internet is its free flow of information, ideas,and commerce. While sometimes there is misinformation, crime, and offensive discourse I value the ability of the free flow of ideas. A free open environment is what educates us and brings us together in this great big diverse world. My vote is for no limits. Use your own brain and if you don't like it ,you are not required to view or participate in the conversation\activity. True democracy in my opinion. (Ok, I'm off my soap box now)


Ole Granny

Perfectly stated.  I am in complete agreement!
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Rudy Taylor

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Yes, yes, yes.  The only thing we need to be careful of is that this forum doesn't run amuck and end up like the Hays forum (I think it had to be shut down because of too much offensiveness).  I think that's why we still need Admin to manage things and de-flame when necessary.  Teresa and Kjell are doing a great job of keeping this forum community minded and "family fun for all"!

Not that it's my business, I guess, but did some of the suggestions help with the complaints you received?


You can please all the people some of the time, but it is impossible to please all the people all the time. I agree with Tobina, I am all for free speech; speech that is acceptable in polite company. The other can be found in any public bathroom, and has no place in a community based forum IMO.


Yes they did Tobina... Thanks for your 2 suggestions. I used one and the other is on the 'to do' list.  I went in to change the title of the new friends etc..but I can't program only a part of the title.. Kjell made it one section..so he will have to do it..( when he has time). Right now I don't ask him to do too much as he is buried under deadline contracts and work.. but when he has some time, I'll ask if he will change it.

Something I want to say here...
What no one knows is:    I get a lot of personal messages...concerning everything.  People's personality's..(good and bad)  things people have said that is disliked..and liked.  Topics that are not liked.. topics that are liked.. Topics and articles that people want me to put on and NOT say it is from them..(confidential integrity comes into play on my part in these areas ( hence the heat I take on some who think I am on the being negative bandwagon at times   ::) :P )  ..but that is okay cause I am a bit publically controversial on some issues anyway..so I don't mind)  ;) And I'm a tough old bird.. LOL

But anything that is said to me in e-mails and P'M's is VERY confidential.. I tell no one..that is why it is called pm's. (personal)
I even use the pm system to some of my friends whom I trust.. :)

I have gotten some feedback lately, since the polls..and I appreciate all of it..and I DO listen and take in account what you say.

What I will say publically is this.
"I wish everyone would feel like they could voice "most" of their opinions on the forum..but ..most feel that they can't without fear of making someone mad or stepping over the line etc etc.. so they tell me and sometimes in a-roundabout way..I get it on here."
Owning and moderating a forum with so many different personality's, backgrounds and lifestyles is challenging to say the least. If there isn't something a bit "controversial" or "conversation sparking" ..people get bored and don't come in. But if it's TOO controversial..then you make people mad.   Then.. you get 80% of the people that ONLY read.. and never contribute anything. (which is a double whammy on those of us that try to keep the forum exciting and interesting for ourselves AND everyone else..)
*can a person ever win?*  ;D

From the people....   I have so many positive good e-mails  sent to me praising the forum and the topics and how they LOVE to get on everyday and read all the things posted. How I make them laugh and yeeessss.. they want me to not to change on my..(as someone put it)  "in your face" postings..
(but I am going to back off some as most around here just can't deal with it too well   ;) )

I hear how they like Warph's style of writing..and how Frank and Waldo are so knowledgeable about issues and how much they wish Marcia would post more on all her wonderful things that she has. ( Marcia?? Where IS that book of yours?  :D)
And who is this Diane and she is so "nice" to everyone. ...and Is Roma Jean really a doctor? and do I know who sixdogsmom really is.. and have I ever met Ole'Granny. .and is Bonnie M my aunt..and questions about flo and pam...etc etc etc...comments about this person and that person... complaints and compliments..
There are those who get upset easily..and those who are happy go lucky..and those who are serious and those who are clowns and the list of people and posts and differences goes on and on and on. I am like Dear Abby.. LOL ..I hear it all. ;D   
Sometimes it  wears me out to tell you the truth. ..and other times I love the versatility's...and I always love the feedback and mail.. even though I can't share it with the forum .

Hopefully we will continue to have a good place to gather and shoot the breeze.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa; it is great that you're getting so much feedback!  I know the PM's you get are personal, but sometimes it's nice to get some of the "good stuff" posted on here.  Wonder if we started a "Feedback" post if people would post on there for us all to read?  Maybe we'd have to make a "rule" of no replies to Feedback posts, so as not to step on someone's feedback and make them feel bad.
But that brings me to another question... maybe complaint... maybe just curiosity that kills the cat...
Why so many "Guest" users (that we jokingly call "lurkers")?  Why allow so many people to just watch what we write instead of making them identify themselves... even if it's anonymous?  Does anyone else feel "watched"?  I feel like it's almost like eavesdropping.  Not that I don't want them to know what I'm saying, but I at least want to know they're there.  Maybe I'm just paranoid... (What?  Did you hear that noise?  Did something move?)   :laugh:


A lot of those "guest" are members. They just don't log on.
I use the feature ..log on "forever"..and then I never have to log on.
I just bring up the web page and I am automatically logged on.

Guests are just that... Guests. Some of them are registered and some of them are not.

We are only in the 9th day of the month and here is the stats for these 9 days...

Monthly Summary     New Topics     New Posts     New Members     Most Online     Online Today   Page views
June 2008             44                1354                     1                    448           332                 56156

56,000 pages have been opened... and 1,300 new posts made.
Can you imagine how cool it would be if everyone  of the guests who "only read"..posted?
wow.. talk about information and content!  That would be just awesome!

(What? Did you say something? It wasn't you? Sounded like you. That "voice " ..  :o  there it goes again.)   

*in my ghost voice*   Guests.... unseen , unheard guests. Watching...waiting..... listening.  you can't see     them..but you know that they're there~~~~~~~~                                     
da da dada~~da da dada (twillight zone music)
You have just entered ....................................................The Elk County Forum Zone.

((Help..I need a life)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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