
Started by W. Gray, June 05, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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It is indeed a beautiful day! We received nearly three inches of rain last night here in Moline. Our sump pump is still running in the cellar. The water table is high for sure. I was in Coffeeville yesterday, and all the ponds there are full to running over. I wonder if they are all holding their collective breath since the flooding last year. Enjoy!


I came in from Houston last evening.  First of all, we were an hour late leaving (no crew--had to fly one in from Dallas).  They did go ahead and board us after they started and cooled down the plane, but the pilots still had to go through their check routine).  Anyway, that put us away behind time.  They took us over by Little Rock and then into Tulsa---It was pretty rough coming down through that storm.  Fortunately, most of the storm was south of us.  The wind had blown all day, I guess, and it was blowing hard about11 when we got home.  Fortunately, I don't think people here had much damage, or power loss, but the Tulsa area sure did.  They have sure been hit hard this year--first the ice storm, and they have had several of these "wind and lightning storms) hit that area.



Quote from: Teresa on June 05, 2008, 04:48:50 PM
Well...  :-\
just a heads up..
(dang you Tobina   :( for making me have to post this)  ;D ;D

All of us Cooksons are getting together for supper and playing Baggo and cards tonight.. sooooooo listen very carefully and make sure you know if the siren is a fire or a tornado.. LOL LOL

I'll make the daughter in laws go out and do a "go away bad stuff" dance.. lol
The Gods like the young ones better than us old hags out there stomping under the night sky.. LOL

((Ohhh I do crack myself up sometimes.)  ;D ;D

Well, Teresa, you got my hopes up... I thought you were going to invite us to join in the fun!  But NO, you just wanted us to watch the skies for you!  (wink)

I was in KC this week and make it home last night before the storms hit.  But drive the speed limit I did NOT.  I think I burned a 1/2 tank of gas from Beto Jct to Howard!  Driving straight into the wind... and about 9.5 mph over the speed limit!  I usually try and keep it a little lower (and been trying especially hard lately to help conserve gas), but I didn't care last night!  I was gonna get HOME.
Luckily, where I was at in KC we didn't get bad storms.  But it sounds like we weren't too far away from where they did have them!


Well we ate supper, but didn't play cards. ( Maybe that was why we didn't have a fire or tornado.. ) lol
. I fried chicken  and had the fixin's and took to Dereks. We were all going to be here but Derek has a full cement top to bottom bomb shelter inside of his basement.. so we thought since the weather was as it was.. we should be at his house.
We all ended up setting out on the porch all night and watching it rain, visiting. Seemed when it started raining, the wind stopped blowing and all was clam. But it sure did rain.  :o
Then Ashley came home with me and stayed the night so we could be up bright and early for our day of "shopping"  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Maybe with all the suggested changes on the forum, we should have suggested a whole separate category for Weather!
Tornadoes in North-Central Kansas last night, including Salina, Chapman, and Manhattan.  Also, more east of there, too, but Wichita doesn't cover too much in that area. 
Salina had a cabinet factory destroyed in the South part of the city.  They were hit with 3 separate storms last night in a matter of 1.5 hours!
Chapman is 85% destroyed. Population of 1,300 (according to an old map I have laying around), so fairly small town.  One woman killed there, and another person in Soldier.
Manhattan had the Waters True-Value store completely destroyed along Seth Childs road in SW Manhattan.  Took the roof off a grade school on Anderson (about 2 blocks from my sister's house).  Estimates of $20 million damages to K-State.  Took the roof off of the Animal Science building, along with destroying the Wind Erosion Lab (that's kind of ironic).  My sister said they had lots of debris and trash in their yard, including probably some metal from the True-Value store (although unfortunately no power tools or useful things).
Also, more sad news in Iowa/Nebraska.  4 Boy Scouts killed in a tornado that struck their camp.


My son lives in Manhattan.  They live on the east side of town and didn't have damage, but his friend lost his house.
I think the first two pictures are the hardware store.  The third is Chris' friend's house and the last is of the neighborhood there.  Chris was pretty upset, he helped this guy move into his new home a year ago next week, and spent today trying to help him gather up what little they could find.


Howard has indeed been lucky this year that the "bad" storms so far have missed us.  Last night's tornado is just horrible.  Joanna, you probably know Megan Thornton from Eureka (Mary Ann's daughter).  Megan and my granddaughter Cheyenne are good friends and Cheyenne tried this morning to get ahold of Megan who, with her sister, lives in Manhattan.  Having no luck, called Mary Ann and she had been able to contact the girls.  Megan and her sister lost everything they own, but they are okay.  Seems their apt. complex was completely destroyed. Have no idea what part of Manhattan they lived in.  Thanks for sharing the pictures.


Hold on folks, it's gonna get bumpy. I just pulled up the radar for Piedmont and it shows the whole shebang headed right across Elk County. Hail insurance anyone?


dang, I expected to log on this morning and see all kinds of weather reports.  My rain gauge has 4.75" in it and it only holds 5" so guess I better get another rain gauge to hold the excess. lol  We were in Dexter at a granddaughter's ball game last night.  Game was called after the 3rd inning of the second game because of lightening.  But, we made it home before anything really hit.

Judy Harder


when I went out first thing this morning, I have 2 and a half inches in my gauge and it is still coming down.

It is just about done, tho...........and this was since midnight.

I slept well........not much lighting and the wind didn't cause a ruckus and except for the rain triggering my bladder, had a good night.

Of course, all this water is doing a number on my hips and knees, but I am alive and I am looking forward to the day.

I think Diane said she was going to be at the Longton cafe at noon, I am looking forward to meeting her.
If you are in town, ever, holler and I would love to meet you too.

With gas prices like they are, I am saving my car/gas for necessary trips.......and emergency's.

Have a good day,
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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