Poll: Boards on the Forum

Started by Teresa, June 05, 2008, 01:34:27 PM

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What boards ..if any..on this forum would you like to see taken off.

1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
1 (3.8%)
None of the above
24 (92.3%)
I'd like to have a board added.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: June 12, 2008, 10:18:36 PM


There are absolutely zillions of people in this country who are reticent to voice an opinion on anything. They do not want to appear pushy, or don't want to take the heat for an unpopular opinion, or just want to appear to go along with the crowd. It is also one reason that this country has voter apathy, the old 'my opinion won't make a difference' cop out. Some are just downright lazy. And there are those who feel that any kind of debate is the same as an argument, and lest they are ready to declare war, don't think they should participate. Too bad that healthy debate is not a required subject in high school. These days unless you are peaceful, and go along without challenging an issue, it is expected you will reel out the old howitzer and blast away. I suspect there has been more thought given to several issues that affect this country by members of this forum, such as the election, the economy. energy, race relations, guncontrol, and of course spiritual thoughts. Many funny bones have been tickled, and imaginations sparked, all because of this forum. The somewhat anonymity of the forum allows some to express opinion they would not ordinarily express. In some cases this is good, in others not so good. But this is what makes the forum so different from the local coffee shop.

Bonnie M.

"and is Bonnie M my aunt"

That would be nice!   :)  :)  :)



In answer to your question Teresa, a person can only win if they are willing to play the game and I do believe you're a winner.  I love to play the game, win lose or draw. ;) ;)


Tomorrow is the last day for the poll on Boards on the Forum.  If you have something to say and haven't said it yet, hurry.  I have something more to say and surprise of surprises, it is not going to be critical.

This is what I like about the Forum.

Board by Board now:

General Announcements & Events:  This keeps me up on what is going to happen in the community.  Since I don't have the usual source of information, coffee at Toots, senior center or post office, I appreciate the postings of things to come.

Greetings, Birthdays and Anniversaries:  This includes greetings to new members, which I try to catch as soon as possible.  When I first joined, I was welcomed and it made me feel good, like they were glad to have me.  This is what I try to do for new members.  The only reason that I seem to be the welcoming committee is that my eyes see changes to the page (years of proofreading) very quickly.  Feel free to do the greeting if you catch it before I do.

Coffee Shop:  I am going to make this one short.  There is so much that could be said but I am just going to say, I like the visiting, the repartee, Ms. T's and Ta Ta's shots at one another.  I really appreciate the reports of fires that young Mr. Cookson does for us.  They are always well written, without incorrect words or mispelled words and that makes them easy to read.  I don't have to go back and try to figure out what he meant.  I have found some good friends here.

Video and slide shows:  We have had some really good shows here, especially the pictures of the fires and the video of Sgt. Mackey's funeral procession.

Good Old Days:  This is a wonderful board.  Much of the credit goes to Marcia Moore for her posts, but we have had contributions from others that are of real interest.  It has provided me with a more comprehensive understanding of early Elk County.

Genealogy:  This board can be of a real help to someone that is searching for their ancestors.  If the person being looked for is not on the board, a single question can get real answers in a hurry.  Several of our members have been helped in finding where there ancestors are buried and didn't even have to journey to Elk County to do it.

Obituaries:  This one is almost my favorite.  Several people are very good about posting death notices and obituaries.  Without this, I might not know a person is gone until I meet them in heaven.  Every day that my name isn't listed in it, is a good day for me.

Natural Health & Wellness:  Not of much interest for me, but good for those who are interested.

Recipes & Home Remedy's:  I enjoy reading other people's recipes, but I don't cook much anymore.  The home remedies are always interesting.

Recipes & Spiritual:  If you haven't checked this one out, do so.  Judy Harder does a good job of posting a Devotional for the Day, every day.

Political:  Probably my least favorite.

Poetry:  We have had fun with this, haven't we?

Favorite Quotes:  Very timely at times.

Misc:  Mostly jokes and who couldn't use a good one every day or even a bad one.

Games:  Not of much interest to me

FAQ - Using the Board:  I have to admit, I have never looked at this one.

Business Ads:  Could be useful if you want to advertise and it's free.

Classified Ads:  Very helpful if you are needing something or want to get rid of something.

And the best part is that if you have a question, someone has an answer.

Bonnie M.

Very well written, Wilma.  My interests lie mostly with yours, it looks like.  But, I think it's a great way to communicate with interesting people, and, in my way of thinking, we can never have too many friends, whether they are new, or not so new!

Thanks again, Teresa and Kjeil, for all of the work you do to keep the Forum up and running.


I thoroughly enjoy the forum. I think I get more local news here than anywhere else.

The Coffee Shop is my absolute favorite. It's like sitting around drinking coffee with you all at Toot's. (Minus the delicious hamburgers). I sometimes browse the Politics section, but just to see what's happening. It really doesn't interest me.

I think it may be helpful if we had a News category. Sometimes the fire reports, ambulance news, and weather get lost in the "hub-bub" in the Coffee Shop.


Quote from: Devyn-Leann on June 11, 2008, 06:31:11 AM

I think it may be helpful if we had a News category. Sometimes the fire reports, ambulance news, and weather get lost in the "hub-bub" in the Coffee Shop.

Devyn has a good idea here.


I agree, this would indeed be useful!


I have always found the forum to be a fun, friendly and fascinating place to visit. I don't post daily but I do check the boards for new messages just to see what topics are "hot"...and yes, I'm one of those "lurkers." There are times I like to add my two cents, but mostly I just enjoy keeping my finger on the community pulse.

The forum also provided an excellent topic for an anthropology paper. I could have easily written two or three times the number of pages and still not have shared half of the interesting conversations that take place here on a daily basis.

I feel fortunate to belong to a community that communicates on so many levels. The people who participate here -- whether as family, neighbors, or faraway friends -- are never slow to pay a compliment, offer a condolence or share an interesting tidbit. All ages are represented, as are all incomes and educational levels. Each person's individual viewpoint adds to the rich texture of conversation, and it's a pleasure to belong to this group. I've been active in several online chat rooms in the past, and this is by far one of the finest.


Quote from: indygal on June 11, 2008, 04:21:42 PM
I have always found the forum to be a fun, friendly and fascinating place to visit. I don't post daily but I do check the boards for new messages just to see what topics are "hot"...and yes, I'm one of those "lurkers." There are times I like to add my two cents, but mostly I just enjoy keeping my finger on the community pulse.

The forum also provided an excellent topic for an anthropology paper. I could have easily written two or three times the number of pages and still not have shared half of the interesting conversations that take place here on a daily basis.

I feel fortunate to belong to a community that communicates on so many levels. The people who participate here -- whether as family, neighbors, or faraway friends -- are never slow to pay a compliment, offer a condolence or share an interesting tidbit. All ages are represented, as are all incomes and educational levels. Each person's individual viewpoint adds to the rich texture of conversation, and it's a pleasure to belong to this group. I've been active in several online chat rooms in the past, and this is by far one of the finest.
I completely agree with you on everything you've said.  It has been a hoot to read everyone's thoughts...and the aspect of civil discussions, whether you agree with the other individual or not, is an exciting one.  You can tell that there are those who are not accustomed to being disagreed with (lol) but they are forced to have to slow down and listen when using this format. 

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