Uhls-Criger Are Married (1964)

Started by genealogynut, May 14, 2007, 09:57:19 AM

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Howard Courant-Citizen
July 23, 1964

Linda Uhls and Pat Criger were married in a simple single ring ceremony at eight o'clock on July 17, at the home of the bridegrooms's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Criger, in Howard.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spurlock of Sedan are the parents of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Criger of Howard are the bridegroom's parents.

The couple was married before the living room fireplace, banked with white gladiolus and chrysanthemums, by the Rev. Frank H. Ebright of Emporia.

Sherry Wemmer and Weldon Harrod were bridesmaid and groomsman.

The bride and bridesmaid were attired in pink silk suits and wore corages of whilte and pink carnations.

Following the ceremony, refreshments were served from a table laid with a white cloth and centerpiece of pastel flowers.  Carla Mae Criger served punch and Susan Harrod served the two tiered wedding cake from a cake stand which had belonged to the bridegroom's great, great grandmother.  Rozann and Colette Criger attended the gift table.

The couple left immediately for a short honeymoon in the Ozarks.   They will be at home on the Carl Criger and Son ranch, west of Howard.


what a beautiful wedding this must have been.

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