Down the Rabbit Hole: The Death of Common Sense

Started by Warph, June 01, 2008, 01:43:54 AM

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I understand where it was at. I read the article before I posted it.

What I am referring to is......... if you think that the same thing can't happen here( so much of it already HAS started )..then you need to get out in the sunshine more. We are being more and more and more ..little by little ..inch by inch .... regulated into a herd that can be "controlled " every single day.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


this was security at an airport they need to have a firm standard for security to follow, that way theres no hemming and hawing and holding up the process while the guard consults with his superior to see if this is banned or that can go through. Security at Heathrow moves through quickly. The lines are long but not slow, simply because they know what is allowed and it is posted all over the place so the public also knows what is allowed, and they know there are no exceptions. In Chicago where the guidlines are not set in stone the lines were long and verrrrrrrrrry slow because alot of people had no clue (including the security who where talking back and forth about what should go through) although there were some signs there as well.
regulating airport/plane security is a whole different ball game to regulating everyday life.
I for one would not fly anymore if they were not strict about what does and does not go through security in this day and age. Some of it does seem ridiculous when taken in part but looking at the whole picture it make sense to me


I'm not disputing the fact that we need security.. But just how silly are they going to get before "common sense" is no longer prevailant?
But what I am also saying is...
Little by little, everything that the government does (so they say.."for our own good" of course..) is becoming more and more the taking away of our own rights as humans and individualism...and leaning more and more to socialistic and regimented attitudes of government controlled masses.   
You say that regulating airport/plane security is a whole different ball game to regulating everyday life.
Yes it is..( right now) but if they start telling us what we can and can not 'wear' to ride an airplane..hence an emblem on a t-shirt or ball cap..then how and when do  the rules start creeping into the home and business on other things.
( as it already has with smoking and firearms and a host of other rules and regs. that take our god given rights as human beings way from us...slowly and small of steps that most don't even know it's happening)
Where do we say "Stop!"
Little by little .. piece by piece  our individual rights as free thinking and acting individuals are being replaced with " We have made a new law...You have to do this because of regulation #_. it is for your own good. "   ::)
It might not be very much off the rule before that (which we had to get used to and accept.) so we go along with it.
After all..... the government is taking care of us and they DID said it is for our 'safety' .. :police:   Never mind that it makes absolutely NO SENSE. And we KNOW it doesn't make any sense..buuuutttt, we convince ourself that it isn't too bad, and we have gotten to the "numb and dumb "stage, so we add it to the 'list'. And another day goes on.  After all.. the government KNOWS what is best and they are keeping us all safe.. right?
The laws are getting to be more and more stupid and more and more controlling.

*Just one Example..
In Washington DC..IF you fill out LOTS of paperwork (more than we do here) and go through more than normal background checks the state "allows"  ALLOWS?? you to have a firearm in your home.
(First off, I find that totally unacceptable and preposterous that anyone outside of myself can ALLOW me to have anything in the privacy of my home!
You can not load it or carry it loaded anywhere in your home or property. WHAT?

That's right ladies and gents.....  >:(
The only way you can transport the gun to any other part of your home is to dissemble it and THEN take it to another room. The ammo of course is NOT in it In fact, the ammo can not be in it. If you have a break in and someone is threatening you and your families life (of course the criminal has a gun cause he doesn't care about laws anyway) you have to load your gun and then shoot..and then ..............(get this) you will be subject to being arrested for "breaking the rule' that was originally in effect.
(Hence the big supreme court hearing on Heller vs Heller which is in effect right now.

I realize I am going off on this..and I realize that this t-shirt logo thing is not here( yet)
But I'm tired of feeling like I am in a cattle chute slowly walking ..step by step..tiny rule by tiny rule into a government made slaughter pit.
When are we going to stand up and quit accepting every regulation that is shoved down our throat?
The more you accept.. the more they make and enforce.
That was my focus on the post.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, I said I wasn't gonna do this anymore but what the hell, unfortunatley most people are herd animals and as my husband says" the only thing they know is STAY with the mob, it's safe in the mob" The few of us who haven't been hammered into round holes get pooh poohed when we try to get the attention of the mob BEFORE they walk off the cliff. It starts in school with dress codes and rules about how to wear your hair and what kind of music is allowed etc etc and they just keep tryin to round off your square corners for the rest of your life. There is a difference between security and stupid. Blockin somebody because of a t-shirt is stupid. I say screw the mob and support the mavericks. there is also a difference between trying to keep your individuality and bein a terrorist. Duh.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


good bye everybody!!!!!!! 2 years ago when I came upon this forum it was a good place to be fun way to keep up with local news and to discuss things back and forth share ideas ect. and being new to the area it was a great way to learn about Howard and Elk county and to get to know the people here but over the last year there have been several occaisions when I have felt "shouted" at I have come to agree with Kermit and a couple of others who left the forum that it is not such a good place to be anymore. Being called a herd animal is not my idea of a place to come and toss around ideas. So those of you who know me have my phone number and as for the rest it was nice knowing you


i came here because I was born and raised in that neck of the woods. I am sorry that MY opinions are not to y'alls likin. When you have a discussion on politics you're gonna get differin opinions and some of em are gonna tick you off. Takin them personal is a personal thing. People talk politics to argue, period. Just cause my opinion isn't the same as yours doesnt make it wrong and vice versa. Sorry if I hurt feelins but it doesn't change my opinion, guess I'll just keep my opinions to myself. Actually I was talkin in generalities and wasn't talkin to any one person except maybe Teresa so guess it's on you for takin it personal.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


WELL, I have been one to post my opinions and they are just that.  MY opinions.  A good discussion lets a person see ALL sides of a subject.  Why can't people discuss politics, or anything else for that matter, without getting mad and taking their bat and ball and going home? Unless you are named specifically, why must you take it personal?  If you believe strongly enough about your convictions, then by all means let everyone else know your feelings on the subject.  That doesn't mean they have to agree with you.  And some may agree with part of it and some disagree with all of it.  THAT IS AMERICA - THE RIGHT TO YOUR BELIEFS. (for the time being, anyhow  :-\)  I have some very good friends on here and some relatives on here and we don't always agree, but we can agree to disagree without getting mad over it.


My opinions have always been a little outside the norm but they are mine :) Thanks Ma.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


 ;D ;D you had a good teacher, or teachers.  I think I may need to borrow Teresa's saying LORD KEEP YOUR ARM AROUND MY SHOULDERS AND YOUR HAND OVER MY MOUTH and while you're at it, could you please keep my fingers off this keyboard for a few?


I agree with Marinemom, this forum used to be a fun place to be.  But it has turned into a place to vent negative feelings about life in general.  Negative feelings will never get you anywhere.  Maybe I am a Pollyanna, but I believe that there is a positive side to everything, even though it is hard to see sometimes.  I am so sick of negative that I am skipping reading a lot of the postings.  If they make me feel bad at the start, I just skip them.  I am hoping that after the general election, everybody will go back to being nice human beings again.  Maybe I do have my head in the sand, but the world as I see it is much more pleasant than a lot of you are seeing it.  Maybe I am not mad at the world, but I don't feel as if the world is mad at me.  As for the coming election, I will vote.  My vote won't count for a lot, but nothing anyone says on this forum is going to influence my decision as to whom I will vote for.  So all your raving and ranting and posting of unsubstantiated bad mouthing is going for naught.  But if it makes you feel better, then you are in bad shape.

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