Spiritual Truth

Started by pam, June 03, 2008, 12:43:10 PM

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Seeking Answers

Humanity is plagued by an ingrained belief that they are helpless and dependent upon others who seem more powerful/knowing/spiritual for information and salvation... So they go to churches, psychics, priests and gurus seeking answers to life's problems and mysteries...

THE ANSWERS ARE ALREADY WITHIN YOU... but by giving your power to others to access and interpret your Truth for you... you perpetuate the false belief that someone outside yourSelf has more power/knowledge and is more spiritual than you!

A belief system based upon something you've been taught to accept without question is false! Many have profound spiritual experiences that they do not understand because of this disconnect!

When you really 'know' something through personal experience - you don't need others to interpret it for you! It is your truth and you don't need to justify/defend or prove it...

Each must find their own truth, which will grow and evolve with them... Truth can only be found in the sanctuary of the Heart! Seek within to access it and trust only your Soul for the answers!

                                                                                      ~ Swirling Blue Vortex~
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Yes.....................and Yes.....................and yes.................. :)
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