The British Called! They Want Their Guns Back!

Started by Teresa, May 30, 2008, 01:11:01 PM

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sounds like once again one of my smart alec comments has got me in trouble, I don't explain what i'm thinkin when i say things. By crazy I don't mean demented, I mean openminded and up for dang near anything which is NOT a bad way to be. Most of em are in places like California because when I was young they all left their constrictin middle america homes to go to california where the free-thinkers were! Where they could be with other people with original ideas who thought OUTSIDE the box of their parents. They explored different religions and different politics and I only wish I was as "crazy" as they were. So for anybody I accidently insulted, my sincerest apologies.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam since I am from California and commented on your "crazy" Californian comment. I will say I did not take it as an offensive comment. We are used to it.  We really are proud of being a little different compared to other places. Our wacky ideas have spread to many places. Computers sitting on a desk in your home, alternative power sources, hot tubs,  and electric cars to name a few. I am particularly proud of the electric car showroom just down the street from me. Check out Tesla motors the closest thing we have to the electric car coming to all of us. The great thing about this forum is you are free to state your opinion. Thanks for yours.



Tesla was quite the scientist! The battles betwen him and Edison are largely unknown but have affected our lives ever since. There is still a lot that is unkown about the man and his research. Hope this vehicle catches on and most of all I hope it is something the regular Joe could afford.

Bonnie M.

I'll have to admit, I've never heard of Tesla, and I've not seen a picture of this car before!  It's really "snazzy", isn't it?



Google Tesla and see what you find. He was a fascinating man! They had a series on the history channel about him awhile back, I became acquainted with his work when I was in school studying electrical technology.


I knew you didn't mean people in Calif. were all crazy--it's just that the term was so offensive to many many people.  Did you ever think how many people went to Calif during the depression to find work?  Most were from Ks., OK, Mo, the farm belt.  I know personally many people there in Howard whose families went to Calif. to work as they could work in the fields there.  I personally just don't like the offensive connotations that are sometimes used.  Debate is fine, just think about what is being said and who might be reading.  We have friends and family in Calif. as many do, but you know, they are just like those of us here----they have feelings.  I won't say anymore, as I don't want to get something more started, I just think everyone has feelings and like to be treated kindly.

Bonnie M.

One of the Pastors in our Church (retired) always used the phrase "Just get over it!"

I'm "over it!"


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats



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