Do you like yourself? Why.

Started by Teresa, May 21, 2008, 11:01:52 AM

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I would like everyone to post what they like about themselves. If you are like me, you probably never think much about the things that you really like about "yourself".
We can always find the things that we don't like about ourselves.. I know that my list is long.. Some of them are in my head.. others are genuine.. LOL
I know what other people have told me what they like ( and don't like) about me.. but to talk about myself is ..well.. sometimes a bit uncomfortable and seems like I am bragging..  ::)

But lets put all those thoughts aside for now..
I want each and everyone of you to honestly write a little bit about the good things that you think is good about yourself.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Kjell H.

Well, I have a minute while my video is rendering, so I will be the first one to post on this.
Even though I hate talking about myself, and I imagine most of you feel the same.
That is why 18 people have read this and no one has been the first to post.  :D

I like my bald head.  ;D ;D
( No I am just kidding) 

I pride myself on my ability to see 2 sides to every situation and my calm patience. I am also a very positive person who very seldom lets anything get me down. I concentrate on all the good things in life's challenges and not the negatives. I laugh easily and see the beauty in the small things in life.

Marshal Halloway


well, okay, I'm guilty of reading without posting.  I find it hard to write about myself as well, but will.

Probably my best quality I like is my ability to love unconditionally.  I am proud of the fact that most of what I need done I can do myself.  I'm a what you could call "jack of all trades, master of none" sort of person, however a few trades I am master of which I am proud.  My belief is that to have a friend you must be a friend and something I really like about myself is that I do not base my friendship on the amount of money and social standing a person has.  I base my opinion of people I meet on their intelligence and actions.  Be like me, simple and genuine.  I'm a "what you see is what you get is what I am" person and I like that part of me.  ;D 


Ok, Teresas this is a hard request.  But here goes.  I have learned, the hard way, to not hold a grudge.  Life works out, maybe not exactly the way that you want, but it is what God has planned.  I guess that means that I have learned to have a positive attitude.  I also like that I try hard to be a very friendly person.  I have learned to not be embarressed about things, I will start a conversation up so much easier than I used to do before.  I think that comes from having kids.  But I do try and go out of my way to be a friendly person to everyone.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I like that I have a great sense of humor. And I always dream big. I'm a very friendly person. I love that about myself. I'm sure that if I think about it I'll come up with more.

Dale Smith

This is a very thought provoking topic.  In the past, and probably still today, I could have written volumes about what I didn't like about myself.  But, what I like about myself.... that's a bit more difficult. 

I like that I try to be the best person that I can be.  One thing that I have taken to heart, and try to live out each day is to never say anything about someone that I wouldn't be willing to say directly to them.  I like that at my job I often thanked for being so compassionate and always willing to lend an ear, or a helping hand.

I like that I am a Christian and live my life, to the best of my ability, according to what I believe is God's will.

And, to get a little more superficial, I like that I am in my mid 40's and am still looking somewhat OK.  No gray hair yet.  ;)


WOW...sister...I am with everyone else...this is a hard one.  I kind of relate because in my job, when I have to do what we call KSA' have to sell your abilities...and that is very hard for me.

But I can honestly say that what I like about me is my heart.  I truly care about others and I like to help people where I can.  Also, I like that I am an unselfish person and a good mother, sister and daughter....I had three of the best teachers in the world (my grandma, my mama and my sister) to teach me about being a unselfish and a honest heartfelt person.....These are three wonderful women that I highly respect, love and have always looked up to.


Sherri, that was well said. I know your Mother and Father and we think they are both super neat people and I am sure they were great teachers and mentors for both of you Ladies. You no doubt learned to work from both of them as they were both hard workers.

Jo McDonald

Never did I ever think that I would be writing about myself.  I like the fact that I was a good, loving, teaching Mother and Grandmother.  I like my ability to laugh and make friends easily, take life's "lumps" as they come and live through them and take personal pride in everything I do. I believe that I am right where I am supposed to be, doing the best I can.



wow, hard one Teresa! I dont know.............guess what I like about myself is my curiosity about different ideas than what I know. I've learned a lot of good stuff that way.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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