Barack Hussein Obama -- Muslim apostate?... or just 'Little Black Sambo'

Started by Warph, May 20, 2008, 03:02:35 AM

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I remember the book and the restraunt chain both. Unfortunately the phrase has beenused as a racist remark in recent years. That is my objection. I wonder just how the true author of the article would react to having her article altred in this manner. It changes a rather good argument into a racist bunch of garbage.

Sorry, I have never heard any remark made by Senator Obama that could be considered racist. I have read all his speeches and am in the process of reading his two books. I have heard him repeatedly state that we must all work together and forget divisions of race religion or party affiliations. He is correct, and that is why I support him.

momof 2boys

I did read the article and found it quite thought provoking.  My reply simply had to do with the fact that the title was altered with a racist comment.  I looked back at my postings and am quite certain that I called no one a name, nor did I question anyone's intelligence.  I am sure Warph is a very intelligent person, he has to be to post the writings and comments that he has.  I am just  appaulled by the racial comment that was not part of the original title of the article. 

I did take it personally because I have family that is black.  It pains my heart that people dislike them simply because of their skin color!! Face it simple words are painful and damaging no matter how simple someone else might think they are.  Especially when those words attack a person's self-worth in this world.   

I'm done!!!


Y'now, every one of the comments on here has a point somwhat. Yeah little black sambo could be seen as racist, if you don't have a sense of humor, Yeah, the muslims COuld use obamas "christianity" as a tool to incite more hate and violence against the US. And yeah there isn't a race of people on the face of the earth that wasn't persecuted or murdered or enslaved at some point in the history of the world and that is ALL colors NOT just the black ones so everybody really needs to just get on with it. Y'all ever seen Carlos Mencia the comedian? He uses ALL the no-no words lol and he's hilarious. But mostly he's about makin people get over themselves and all the real and imagined persecutions of the past OR the present. He uses all the "racial" names and makes people laugh at themselves. He says yeah I said nigger  so what? He makes fun of his own race:) He makes fun of white peoples uptightness about even hearin words like the n-word or beaner or whatever. More people oughta have his attitude about it if you ask me. If somebody really IS racist well thats on them, kinda stupid but on them nontheless. And everybody gaspin and actin all shocked is really kinda goofy too cause like Teresa said we've all said one or more of them words at some time or other, whether or not we meant em is on US! My daughter-in-laws 1/2 brother and sister are 1/2 black and look black and are pretty good kids and I ain't gonna let anybody dis them but they've heard the words and mostly people are talkin just out of habit not meanness and the ones that are talkin out of meanness are just stupid so who cares  what they think anyway:) You should NEVER let sombody elses words give or take your self worth.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I read this article on yahoo news, but I just looked & it was removed as well as several other news media pages. 
I don't think Obama wants this to get to the public (It never really made the "headlines", but I believe it should have been)

Thanks for posting it.

This is some scary stuff.


Thank you to Wilma, Teresa, Flo, and Frank for having the guts to put out some common sense statements into this particular thread.


Hi am Lina,
New here stumbled upon this site a couple of hours ago.

I replied but if you look at my topic reply back, I didn't like that black sambo or samba thing (Have no clue what it means, but didn't want that in my answer)

I am from Missouri.
(so we are neighbors)

I have you tell you, that Obama does scare me. (Not because of color, but because of his ties in muslim )

I would love to here feedback.

I a Mom of 2, worried about my children & the future of the US.


I am not scared of anyone being a muslim myself, I am scared for our country when It come to a man with extremist friends & family (yes family)

I have been researching both (BOTH candidates, because I want to make sure my children are safe)  I could care less your race , even religion, but since we are in war, it's a BIG factor.

I have been on the fence with my voting, but the extremist influence has been more than disheartening.

I have an asian friend (Buddah) & my best friend is black  (Even though if you ask her she says she's not black "she's cholocate"  (she kids around with me all the time when I am a grump (not her words) I am Mayonaise & when I am back to normal...white chocolate  lol...PS most the time she calls me mayo

I take offense that you think I am prejudice.  I just want the right president in office, when our country needs it the most.  I am Christian, & I can see what is happening in our world.

I look at people not by race, age or their religion, I look upon their intent (Especially leaders)


Sorry everyone here.  First day, wow! what an intense time.

God Bless you all, even though I never met anyone.

Sending you hugs from Missouri, take care!


I have been reading and re-reading this thread and am at the same time sad and amused...sad, because even though it be 2008, we're still divided along the same lines that we were back in 1958 (times may change but human nature never does)...and amused, because as I read Warph, it's pretty obvious that he posted it to yank a few chains...and boy, did he ever succeed!  A number of people here have been played like a finely tuned violin.  Warph knew the reception that the posting would have and he posted it anyway.  I hope the level of rancor received was worth the moment of amusement that he enjoyed.

There are many paths to the same conclusions...

(1)  No matter who or what you deem God to be, when you tear away the layers of manmade dogma, there remains only God-law..and the tenets of that are universal.  It really doesn't matter which religion you study, the God-laws are really pretty much the is only when the manmade crap gets into it that you begin to have differences.  The main thing to be considered here is whether or not you're astute enough to cut through that manmade dogma and realize that we, regardless of race, religion or income, are driven by the same hopes, fears, joys and insecurities that everyone across the world faces.  President Eisenhower once stated (and I'm paraphrasing here) that mankind will one day rise up as one and demand peace of it's leaders...they will not accept war in any way being waged again.  I'm still waiting for that day.

(2)  No matter who or what you deem the correct candidate to be, when you really get down to it, the only essential things to be considered revolve around the maintaining of our national security and the welfare of the common US citizen.  Ergo, the person best qualified should lead. 

Now, I'm getting off of my soapbox.   Peace, please?


I do not like the title of this thread, I agree the title is racist, everytime I post to it, it reminds me of how much I dislike the title and how disappointing it is that it is there. I guess if I dislike it so much I should refuse to post to it.

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