Obama, plain and simple

Started by flo, May 16, 2008, 10:16:17 AM

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Well said mama.
We must never ever let government forget!
We are "THE PEOPLE"....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Yes, Frank, that is the way the majority of us were raised in small town America.  Also -- if you had $1.00 then you didn't spend 2...and another saying was "make do or do without", and believe me, in Fred and my lives that saying has come into play more times than I like to recall.  lol lol

If one earned what they had - I truly do believe it was appreciated much more, than if it was given to you.


Roma Jean Turner

  This is the truth that needs to be said, all across the country.  I'm with you Jo. I'm so tired of hearing.....What about the poor?, every time a good idea comes up for most of us.  Keeping them all feeling like helpless victims, is what is keeping them all where they are.  And the ones, who rise above it, get put down by the ones who don't, instead of looking to them as an example.   >:(


I am totally confused! What does this have to do with Barack Obama being the democratic presidential nominee? Welfare recipients are racially divided at White=64%, and black =36 %. Of course in some areas those figures will be skewed the other way, since here in Elk county we have racial division of 95% White, and 5% of other than White. Truthfully I do not think one black family now resides in Elk county. Therefore, statistically speaking, 95% of the welfare recipients in Elk county are white. The federal budget devotes 14% to welfare, not a lot, but more than I would desire. White america as well as black america need to take responsibility for the sharp decline of the underclasses. The number one offender is drugs! And the gangs that import and sell drugs! And the groups that enable these people to stay in business! How many times have we seen a promising student just go down the drain due to drugs. But it is only a little wacky backy, just a little coke, horse or meth.

We see a co-mingling of right wing groups that support open borders, ( no more laws please), free gun trade and the free movement of people. Have a look-see at the prison population in California. They are dedicated hard core gangs. Being in prison does not stop the operations, but enhances the perpetrator. Mix that all up with Posse Comitatus and religion and you have an unhappy soup. Support all these things with political pacs and we don't have a chance of getting America back! I grew up in a country where I could walk the several miles to the middle of our small city. Didn't have to worry as nobody was gonna bother me. I went to school where there were no security guards, not one! We didn't have locker shake downs, didn't need 'em. Of course we didn't see umpteen deaths everyday on the boob tube, and thought Jane Russell in the haystack was too risque. In fact it was considered too raw to be shown on the local movie screens. But of course we cannot have any laws restricting what youngsters see or participate in. Ron Paul you know. Gotta have smaller government. It is true we have far more legislation than we really need. But as the populace grows and changes we must legislate and as Americans we can no more allow the least of us to be treated any worse than the best. Off the soap box now.


you know what, the government is not who should be sayin what my kids can or can't see. I do. The government is not who should be tellin my kids to get a job. I do. The government should not raise my kids. I do and did. And they are raisin their kids the same way I raised them. The same way my parents raised me.

You know what... my boys watched freddie Kreuger and Jason and all the horror movies that were popular then, they listened to heavy metal, same as I did and do. They had a few beers and smoked a little weed same as I did. You know what? They outgrew it same as I did and they go to work everyday, pay their bills, take care of their kids the same as I did and the government didn't have a damn thing to do with it.

you know what? My sons had guns! I gave em to em. I taught them how to handle them and their uncle taught them how to hunt. I have guns, my dad taught me how to handle them and my grandpa taught me how to hunt. Guess what, the government didn't have anything to do with that either and none of us has shot anybody or become an mass murderer.

Common sense and personal responsibility.....that's what I was taught by my parents, that's what my kids were taught by me, and that's what they are teachin their kids. Guess what..... the government didn't have to tell any of us how to do it.

family is the answer and the sad fact of the matter is that the gangbangers are gangbangers because that is the closest thing to family they have ever known.

i swear the more I write the more CONFUSED I get, the answer is family not government but I don't know how to say what I'm thinkin. maybe I've kinda made my point I don't know.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Dee Gee

You are correct it is the family responsibility to teach the children what is acceptable and how to behave.  I feel that the general society has failed in this respect.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


I don't really think it's society in general.....I know too many people who were raised just like me and are raisin their kids the same way. What I'm gonna say next is probly gonna start a storm but I really think it is rooted in the quest for material possessions that so many people are caught up in. A lot of kids have got lost in the race to the top their parents are makin and a lot of kids have got lost in the race to steal what you can't afford that some people have fallen into. The whole world seems to revolve around havin the "right" stuff. The guy that dies with the most toys don't REALLY win, he's just dead. If that same guy blew off teachin and lovin and spendin time with his kids then he's way poorer than the "poor" guy who did teach and love and spend time with his kids instead of tryin to get a hummer or a 52million room house so the neighbors would think he was special. It's kinda hard to teach your kids SELF-worth if you don't have any and think the only thing that makes you worthwhile is how much stuff you have. And people who don't value themselves don't value other people, which brings it to what we have in the world today. But that's just my opinion and I COULD be wrong :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


By golly girl, I do believe you're on to something there!


I totally agree with you Pam, on all points! However I cannot agree that Freddie Kruger is a fit baby sitter for children whose parents don't give a rats' patootie! That is how Columbine occurred. Stuff isn't love for sure, and many families do not know how to love, in fact do not know how to live! But, I hesitate to say that it's okay for kids to watch that stuff. Maybe yours turned out okay, and have become responsible citizens. But I cannot agree that it is okay to lay a loaded gun on the sidewalk, and expect children to do the correct thing. Kids are kids and one-upmanship is alive and well among youths. As far as gangs are concerned, I am not speaking of the street corner do-wop group, but the hard core gangs like Hells' Angels, Bloods, MS  (can't remeber the rest of it), and all the others who send diciples throughout the land for recruits. These are the groups that are responsible for the drug trafficing, and it is these groups that are infiltrating the right wing groups in our country. Check it out!

P.S. Just to assure you that I have been handling guns my entire life, have brought home my share of game for the table. But guns are not the point of my existence, and do not indicate freedom to me. I refuse to feel paranoid in my world. I drove back and forth third shift in the city for many years. Never a problem, not once.


I need to brag a bit here.  When you raise your children you teach them the right things to do and caution them about wrong choices.  You wonder if you are doing a good job parenting but you do the best you can.  I'm here to tell you that I am very very proud of all my girls and Pam especially.  Yes, I figured she'd tried the alcohol and weed.  Any parent who thinks their child as a teenager would never do that, get your head out of the sand.  Most everybody's child will try it at least once.  One daughter tried it more than once and got caught.  ;D Her dad made her watch it going down the toilet.  I'm sure she tried it again.  But over all, our parenting skills produced three fantastic girls who are raising, or have raised their children and now are passing on "words of wisdom" to help raise their grandchildren.  They are all free thinkers and that is a good thing.  All are quick to voice their opinions, and that is a good thing.  They were never told they had to follow our political beliefs or our religious beliefs.  That was a decision for them to make when they were old enough.  They done a darn good job.  Thanks for listening to a few words from this proud mom.  This doesn't have a lot to do with Obama, matter of fact nothing to do with Obama, but Pam has expressed her opinions on here several times and every post has made good sense, to me anyhow, whether I agreed with her or not.

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