2nd Checked bag = $25

Started by Tobina+1, May 12, 2008, 01:36:59 PM

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When I booked my flight last week to go to Denver, I saw that airlines are now charging $25 for a 2nd checked bag!  I must have missed the news the night they had that on, as that's the first I heard of it.  Apparently, commercial flights are able to rent out their cargo space to other companies for shipping, etc.  This is supposed to help defray the cost of fuel and to help keep ticket prices lower.  But that means that you can only check 1 bag for free (unless you meet certain club membership requirements; first class, etc.).  They still have the 50 pound weight limit on bags, too.

Diane Amberg

That was announced some time ago. Not new though. Why, I remember when I was little, some airlines charged by the weight of the bags and they weighed the passengers too! As you can imagine, that wasn't very popular. ;D

W. Gray

Last February United Air Lines announced they were going to start charging $25 for a second bag effective in May.

Since then most, if not all, airlines fell in line to begin charging in May.

Before long one will have to pay an extra door fee to get in the airplane and then a separate fee to get a seat.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

And $10.00 for the mandatory seat belt! ;D

Rudy Taylor

... and another $10 if you smoked during college.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Bonnie M.

From Southwest Airlines:

Baggage Allowance: Beginning January 29, 2008, Southwest will allow two (2) checked pieces of baggage per ticketed Customer. Size and weight limitations apply.
Excess Baggage: Effective January 29, 2008, you may check a third bag for a charge of $25. Your 4th through 9th bag or item will incur a charge of $50 per piece, and any bag or item thereafter will be $110 per piece.
Weight and Size Allowance: Maximum weight is 50 pounds and maximum size is 62 inches (length + width + height) per checked piece of luggage. Effective March 1, 2005, overweight items from 51 to 70 pounds will be accepted for a charge of $25.00 per item. Items weighing from 71 to 100 pounds and oversized items in excess of 62 inches but not more than 80 inches (i.e., surfboards, bicycles, vaulting poles) will be accepted for a charge of $50.00 per item. Any item weighing more than 100 pounds must be shipped as Air Cargo. However, Customers cannot use SWA Cargo unless classified as a Known Shipper as defined by the TSA or TSA approved Indirect Air Carriers (IAC). For full details about shipping cargo, visit swacargo.com.


Quote from: Rudy Taylor on May 12, 2008, 06:15:10 PM
... and another $10 if you smoked during college.

But $5 off if you didn't inhale..  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Ah, good to know about Southwest.  Another plus for them.
Also, a little cheaper for AirTran...
Effective May 15, 2008 — The charge for a second checked bag will be $10 when paid using Online Check-In or $20 when paid at the airport kiosks and ticket counter. For each fare-paying customer, AirTran Airways will allow one (1) checked piece free of charge, with size and weight limitations.


Just got here in Kentucky.. via 2 flights and a layover in Chicago.
As far as the flights..It was smooth and went without incident.

But.. without me knowing it..( until I checked into my hotel)  they opened my suitcase.. breaking off one of my locking handles on the side of my NEW hard case suitcase.. apparently dumped all my contents out.. ( took out and disposed of  my can of Comet that I always take cause I have a phobia of showers and bathtubs that are "not clean" ) and breaking some of my makeup .. smashing  my hat ( that I had so gingerly packed with care) and literally wading everything back up and squishing it back in my suitcase.

You have no idea the fury I felt when I opened my suitcase and found what I found. ( with the slip of paper of course informing me of their search.. ) we all know that a new can of Comet is a very dangerous thing to have in the cargo section of a plane. WHATEVER!! >:(
If they wanted the damned can of Comet.. fine.. take it! I don't care about that... And to randomly search suitcases...? Fine.. Do it if that is what they feel they have to do...
But to dump everything back in all waded up ..take my cowboy hat  and just crunch it all up and ruin it...and break my suitcase..and to be so rough as to break my powder and blush loose from the compacts is totally inexcusable.  >:(

I am so sick of people not caring about anything that belongs to anyone.
Mad mad mad... that is what I am about this.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

That is a bummer!  I've had them go through my luggage while I was standing there watching them, but not after it was out of my sight.  You can "register a complaint," and see if that does any good!

Other than that, enjoy your visit in Kentucky!

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