SMOKING BAN, what do you think?

Started by flo, May 06, 2008, 09:09:20 PM

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Rudy Taylor

... but then Pam would start governing and none of us would like it.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

   Hey, you fertilizer farmers out careful what you suggest in the way of controlling fertilizer use. There are already stricter measures here in regards to field run off and what gets into the water table.  Be glad you've got lots of land out there!  One of the big buzzwords here is "containment"  Ya oughta see us jumpin' if a big compost farm catches fire or there's a big spill of something on the road.  Stopping the runoff from the fire fighting is almost more important than the emergency.  We have to soak it up, or contain it somehow or there can be fines and real trouble.  But you are correct, "controls" raise the overhead of growing, raising or producing everything. That, like it or not, is the future.  Little Delaware is 42% farmland, most of it downstate.  Soil nitrates are becoming a problem, as is salt in the soils from irrigating from ground water. Our water supplies are in trouble in spite of everything that gets tried. The oyster industry is in bad shape, the sport fishing is down, the variety of fish is less, and the Chesapeake Bay is slowly on it's way out.  On the coasts, and big metro areas ,the problems are more obvious, quicker to happen, and harder to fix.  Nobody wants to have someone else's will imposed on them, but sometimes you have to look at the greater good. I hate patching up drunks who wreck their cars...but that's part of what we do, if for no other reason to get everybody else on the road moving again. I can't very well  take care of just those I decide are the innocents. I don't agree with lots of decisions people make, but the chances are they pay their taxes just like I do. One of the dumbest things I think Delaware ever did was to repeal our motorcycle helmet law. But the bikers won out and they are happy.....even though the number of deaths and head injury cases rose dramatically. So be it. Some people feel just as strongly about seat belts. They equate personal freedom with belts. But that's another story.


Yes, in this instance I do believe that it is okay for the government to implement a smoking ban.  #1 and foremost is the impact that smoking has on the health care industry.  One good way for the government to attempt to lessen the health care burden is to make it more difficult to smoke.   It is a plus for the smoker and the nonsmoker.  Businesses are NOT going to lose money by NOT having cigarette smoke in their establishments.  I have lived in an area for 10 years that has had a smoking ban in ALL enclosed establishments.  No one has lost money or gone out of business.  There is now a provincial bylaw that bans smoking within 29' of any outside doorway on any building other than a private residence.  It's HEAVEN to not have to walk through a haze of cigarette smoke to get into the bank, or the grocery store, or our favorite local restaurant. 
The Canadian health care system is much different than the US privatizied health care system.  The government in Canada provides, free of charge, basic health care.   My husband and I are lucky in that both of our employers provide additional health insurance.  Basically we have zero out of pocket medical costs.  My point in saying that is the cost of health care in the US is insane and a lot of instances not affordable.  A  portion of government sponsored health care monies in the US could be redirected to another area if the lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, and other lung disorder cases were fewer.
I don't think it should be looked at as if the government is dictating or taking rights away...actually I think the government is giving rights back to the public in general.  The right to have the opportunity to breathe untainted fresh air.


this discussion was a bust far as I'm concerned.  It WAS NOT about smoking or not smoking - it is about individual RIGHTS of business OWNERS to make their own rules about whether or not to allow smoking in THEIR own establishment.  I guess it's okay for government to be able to stick their noses into any business, public or private.  So next is our PRIVATE lives in the homes we OWN.  Does this sound like another country, maybe? 


Florene, I don't want to offend you, but it seems to me that majority ruled in passing laws about smoking or nonsmoking. I don't see where rights were violated if that is what the majority wanted. They are passing no smoking laws in every state and in every city, that is a democracy at work doing what the majority wants.


Frank, sorry, I don't consider the city council the majority.


Flo, I so agree with you.  I'm really not interested in being dictated to.  Most are so into not smoking that they miss the point.  Watch out if they are reformed smokers or drinkers!!!!!!!!!!  It was nice when we did live in a free country.


thank you, Sally, for getting the point I was trying to make.  Maybe I came on a little too strong and failed to word my concerns correctly.


       LOL, I wanna know where all this fresh UNTAINTED air is, I wanna breathe some of it. If there is a car in your neighborhood, your air is tainted lol. The main reason businesses don't lose money when there is a smoking ban is because unless you move or want to drive you really don't have any choice but to keep shoppin there.
        As for the majority rules etc. were you all ok when the majority ( of the supreme court anyway) ruled your kids couldn't pray in school anymore? When the majority ( of congress anyway )believed Bushs lies and voted to start a war with Iraq? Did anybody ask you? Did you vote your kid can't pray in school? Did you vote to take all christian symbols out of government buildings? Did you vote to legalize abortion or any of the other things you don't agree with?
         It's all about freedom people and it's gettin chipped away a little at a time everytime you sit there and say oh, ok, well I don't like smokin so it's ok to take that right away from somebody else who does. Or well I hate guns so go ahead and take those other guys guns, they don't need em anyway. One of these days it's gonna be you and you ain't goin to like it one bit either. So be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
         As for runnin for governor lol you couldn't melt me down and pour me into politics LOL. Bout two days with all the corruption and glad-handin and I'd be in BIG trouble :P
          That's my opinion and I'm stickin to it ;D
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Flo, one last comment then I will not make another about the subject. The City council is selected by the voters just like all legislative/governing bodies in a democracy.  In most cases, each one does what their constituents in their ward, district,or state wants. There has never been a law put in place that everyone is in favor of.  Our system is not perfect but is still the best one in the world, and our country is still the best place to live and raise a family.

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