SMOKING BAN, what do you think?

Started by flo, May 06, 2008, 09:09:20 PM

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QuoteShould city government have the right to tell private business owners how to run their businesses?
We've got to have some rules and regulations, but banning smoking should be a business choice.

If smoking is banned what will be next? Cars? Every time I drive my truck to Howard from Elk Falls I'm sure I put more carcinogens in the air then there is in several cases of cigarettes. Ever hear anybody in Kansas complain about second hand exhaust? Then there is the thousands killed,maimed and crippled each year in auto accidents.
What about all the second hand smoke from the pastures we burn last month? Better ban ag burning (got to raise beef prices cause our pasture won't support as many head without burning). I wonder how many thousands of tons of nitrates we will dump on our farm ground in Elk County so we can fertilize our corn, beans and milo this spring. Hmmm...nitrates leech out of the soil into creeks, rivers, and lakes poisoning our water supply. Better ban fertilizer (tighten your belts cause we are going to get hungry real soon).
Herbicides and Pesticides, carcinogens in a can. Anybody got an idea how many tons of this stuff the farmers, ranchers and the county spray on Elk county each year? My brothers blood test show he had Tordon (herbicide) in his system 16 months after he quit using it. This stuff is a lot whose then cigarettes, better ban them too.
No burning or herbicides, trees and brush will take over the pastures in a matter of a few years. No grass. No cattle.
No herbicides, pesticides or nitrates crop yields drop to 25% if I'm very lucky and the weathers good.
Think I'll move to town and get a job.


Everyone keeps talking about the government and "they" banning smoking and taking away people's rights.  Actually, Wichita was the first city I've heard of that the city government made the ban themselves... every other city I've heard of (at least in KS lately), "they" were the voters of that city who decided to ban smoking.  "They" were actually democracy at work; people making choices that affect their own lives.


Myrna, you didn't get off the subject.  This is not about smoking.  This is about rights.  People voting on such things?  Did the people vote to ban anything christian from "public" buildings? I don't think People voted for the smoking ban, either, and I've been in towns where there is absolutely no smoking inside ANY building, private, public or outhouse. But my rights and your rights are going down the drain, fast, and I don't mean "smoking" rights. AND
This is off the subject somewhat also, but do you know why the Ten Commandments are no longer allowed in the Nation's Capital Building? Because anything that says "Thou shall not steal", "Thou shall not commit adultry", "Thou shall not bear false witness" hanging on the wall of a building full of politians, lawyers and judges would create a riot.


Tobina "they" also had the choice to patronize a business that did not allow smoking.


Well as Ma knows I don't smoke never smoked and never will smoke but it really doesn't bother me in public. Never has, so I think smokers can smoke whereever they want as far as I'm concerned.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Rudy Taylor

The problem is: You're all so bashful about expressing your opinions!


Flo, you really did open a little can of worms here, didn't you?
It truly is "a wonderful life."


I think our Government is doing such a wonderful job.  They should ban guns so you won't be shooting those darling little quail.  They should tell me how to spend my money and tax me a little more on my cigarettes and gasoline ( of which I will be using more of since they have already decided I can't vote in Piedmont, but must drive to Eureka.)  I think having to have a picture to vote is a wonderful idea.  If only they would tell me when I can have sex and when to eat it would be a wonerful life.


Man, I'm sorry but I just GOT to go there, smokers are worse for pollution than all the coal fired electric plants they fired up when Bush turned em loose?? Smokers cause more pollution than the 50 zillion cars runnin up and down the roads in major cities??? GIVE me a friggin break!!!! This society we are livin in can't make a decision about ANYTHING without some politician or lobbyist tellin em what they should be thinkin! It's not the tobbaco that causes the problems, it's the chemicals they put IN the tobacco. And the blah blah blah about what it costs the taxpayers in medical costs, so what! 99.9% of those people have BEEN taxpayers all their lives! If you really think all that pollution outside stops at the door and bannin smokin is gonna make that much difference.............Like I said I don't smoke, never have but I don't  think my way is the only way. Just keep it up and they WILL be tellin ya when you can have sex and how many kids you can have and where you have to live and what your career is gonna be and you'll be good little sheep and not make any waves. As for me and mine we are gonna rock the boat!!!!!!!!!!!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I think some of your need to speak to your senators and representatives!  You know our Government is run by people that WE elect.  After all, the Government is: of the people, by the people, for the people!

Lazy Bear

I want Pam to run for Govenor,,,I like her style.  8)

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