
Started by Wilma, May 05, 2008, 04:39:58 PM

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VOTE VOTE VOTE, it does make a difference. When the American people stop voting the rest of the world will say that a Democracy doesn't work. The worst thing one can do is not vote, pick the best candidate of your choice and vote. The liberals groups are registering and voting in large numbers and they will elect the next President if enough of the conservatives don't vote.


Lol, just who would you have me vote for? I can't vote for ANY of these canditates, the major ones anyway, with a clear conscience. I'm not a conservative, I'm not a liberal, I'm for whatever works. Just votin for somebody because  the other side is hollering oh no the liberals are gonna take over, or oh no the conservatives want to run it their way is just stupid if you ask me, kinda like chicken little runnin around hollerin the sky is fallin :P Actually if liberals can fix it more power to em, but they can't cause they are just as lame in their way as the conservatives are in theirs. So I'll sit and agonize over who will do the least harm and vote for them probly and kick myself in the ass for votin for em till next time.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Well pam, at least you would be voting. The right to vote is a right that many people in the world do not have. I have worked in countries where the people had no rights and it is not pleasant. Millions of Americans have died to keep us the right of Freedom and to vote, it goes clear back to the Revolution and intend to honor them by exericising my right to vote and doing it. I have always preached to my kids to vote and they all do.


Yes.. we HAVE to vote.
As long as you vote you are not throwing your vote away.  People look at where every vote goes.
Above all remember to vote correctly for Congress, both Senators (if one of yours comes up this time) and even more important right now the House.  We need to start rebuilding from that area.  Regardless who gets in as the president, Congress is the place to control him or her.  Don't let your votes go to waste by not voting, it's the right our fore fathers fought to give us and we need to exercise it.

Pick one.......
  Which will impose that which you do not like on you?  Who will impose, who will allow freedom and which will stand and be effective.  Being pushed from any side...is being pushed.  Push comes to shove.  Strong opinion is fine, yet we don't want a dictatorial stance either.  We are supposed to be a republic...but hey that doesn't appear to be working too well right now anyway.
Bottom line.....................
  Support of an individual is likely not the most important thing to be involved with now.  Concentrate not on the candidates but on the principles.

In the end you must look at who you think will go to bat for your issues.  For me that is someone who will uphold the 2nd Amendment.  I would much rather have someone who is a 2A person and disagree  with them on a host of other issues.  For me the most important thing is my and our gun rights.  The 1st step to taking away freedoms is not to control the press or the ability to have free speech but, is to take away the people's ability to defend themselves.  You see it all the time in other countries.

The 2nd on my list is the immigration problem .. but if they are a true  2A defender, I will vote for them  and try to fight the other  battles later.  I might lose those battles but if I do I"ll still have my 2nd Amendment  rights and my guns and my ability to defend my family.

What happened during  Katrina sickened me on many levels but the worst thing was the disarming of law abiding citizens.
Those poor souls were being set up to be to be victimized. And victimized they were. Like setting ducks on a pond surrounded by wolves. We can not lose our freedom to protect ourselves and our family's and property's.
The Democrats are now talking about curbing the free speech amendment. ( because of the shows like O'Reilly, Glen Beck, Imus....etc. )
**Just my simple opinion here*** But to me a vote for a write in or a 3rd party might make you feel smug and satisfied when you walk out of the voting booth.... but how smug are you going to feel when Hillery or Obama is announced to be the President of our country? And the United States is now more of a a mushy mass of Illegals and over run with crime because we have no 2nd amendment rights? . **Like I said.. that is just MY opinion***
Frankly, I don't like any of them that is on the ballot. I wanted Ron Paul.. but that is a done deal.. sooooo I'll vote for McCain.
Do I like him? Nope.. Not really but he is better in my opinion ( by a smigeon than the other 2.. who have publically said they will sell us down the river.)

The worst thing you can do is NOT to VOTE.

Stand Up and be Counted.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well said Teresa, to me there is nothing more important than to vote. I agree with you on the 2nd Amendment right and it's importance but I think the first thing that is taken away from people in Communist and non-democratic countries is the right to vote, the right to vote is of the greatest importance to a Democracy and to the future of America. None of the candidates are what I call ideal or perfect but at least one of them is worth voting for verses not voting at all.

Kjell H.

I know I shouldn't do this...... I don't even have the time to do it. I don't even have any good answers !!!

I shouldn't even discuss freakin' politics or even think about it. I have been involved in gun politics (in 2 continents) so long that it makes me sick. I have been the buffer between politics and bureaucrats. I have been a punch ball between shooting organizations and bureaucrats. I have faced media when things went wrong and they all blamed us for the wrong doings of criminals.

Now I stand in the legal line to become a US citizen. A part of me hope it won't happen until after the election, so I don't have to cast a vote in a state of mind where I ask myself: What the hell am I doing ?

Many of us feel the same way. That's why this thread is running right now.

We are living in a world where US sovereignty has been "posted on eBay" for a long time. International trade and treaties, multinational organizations, the international oil industry, everything is mixed together in a stew called Money and Power.

Politics is no longer about "we the people". It is not about democracy. The movers and shakers in national and international politics don't care about "the people". They have invested too much in their own interests.

To invest in "the people", to restore the foundation that made this country is not even on the list of priorities. All of that is now pickup lines to draw attention from "the people" to make them feel good and riled up.

The puppeteers of the world.... like George Soros and you find them in both camps (liberals and conservatives) are working backstage to finance and control the puppets called career politicians. They are so powerful and influential that crooks like the Clintons can commit fraud after fraud and still be respected among their blind followers.

Throughout the years, "we the people" have gone blind while money and power puppeteers have created a group we can call the untouchables, people that can make mistake after mistake with a carte blanche amnesty attached to it. These untouchables are career politicians and bureaucrats financed by corporations and organizations with multinational interests.

We have come to a point where we feel we cannot trust anyone anymore. The last stunt by the Bush administration (The Bush Sell-Out) is just another example of how fast they can forget "the people" that trusted them.

Then you have the media also owned by these puppeteers. Media controls the priorities, as in what what we should focus on. In between breaking news about Britney Spears we are forced to focus on politicians who create the best ratings. The message, the news are not important, it is all about the definition of what is considered good tv and how "the people" can be manipulated.

Fred Thompson went down the drain and not because he was a bad candidate, but because he did not create good ratings in the media. He was also a threat to the puppeteers and the untouchables. He was not lazy ! He worked as hard as any other candidate, but his message was so boring that the media "decided" to forget him. And "we the people" agreed, at least in the early states which also influence "we the people" in other states on how to vote.

Yeah, I know.... it sounds like I am about to jump off the porch to kill myself in a confused state of mind....  ;D

We are in a situation where we are standing in front of a line of slot machines. Which one should we pick to be able to feel good and as long as we can until we are asked to put more money through the slot?

The  Hillary machine where the illegals will have full open borders with the US supporting all of them forever?
The Obama machine where the only ones who will be allowed to have a firearm for protection is the gangs and bad guys?
Or the old John McCain quarter machine where you know for sure you will lose some and win some.

No matter what, you know for sure you have to play and you know you'll lose.

This is what we are up against and I warned you! I don't have any good answers.

But I do know this. Doing nothing or staying home is the wrong message. It is a victory for the puppeteers who want "the people" to do just that - staying home. If we do, they can keep on manipulating with an an outcome that is all about money and power, all about interests that has nothing to do with US sovereignty.

These puppeteers don't really care who wins, democrats or republicans. They do know that "we the people" on the left side is a whole lot easier to manipulate than those on the right. And if the right side stays home.....

Wow! That would be awesome !!!! The herd of sheep on the left is so much easier to move around.

The puppeteers, the programmers of political slot machines will lean back and say..... Damn, we are good. Let's move on and conquer the world called United Nations.

I know, I should have kept my mouth shut.....but guess it is starting to run in the family of 2 in this house..  ;D ;D
Marshal Halloway


Kjell,Lots of wisdom and truth. The United Nations scares me more than any other group. Not so much for me at my age but for my children and Grandchildren and their future. Lord I would like to have Ronald Regan back but I know we can't so I would gladly take Colin Powell. I wish we could get  a draft Colin Powell  going, he is knowledgable, sensible, and widely respected.


I will vote because I want to have the right to complain, but I think I shall be like Teresa and keep my mouth shut on this one. I have voiced my opinion enough and I have a saying that I need to stick with and that is "I don't discuss religion or politics because everyone has their own beliefs and opinions and I certainly have mine" and that's what I'm sticking to.  ::) AND who I vote for is my business and I will have my reasons for voting for that person.


Quote from: flo on May 06, 2008, 01:14:12 PM
but I think I shall be like Teresa and keep my mouth shut on this one.

Well Flo... I shoulda, woulda and coulda.. but I didn't!  ( which is typical of me)  :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


noticed that, Teresa  ;D I started a post then got sidetracked.  :-\ story of my life  ;D hour late and dollar short

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