Longton News

Started by Judy Harder, April 30, 2008, 10:31:39 AM

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Judy Harder

Good Morning,

Today is the Longton give back day. The town is jumping with kids and adults cleaning up and
making the town look nice.

I walked down to the fairground and back, around 9 a m,  and there was a group in each area I went past.
The fair barn was getting a fresh coat of paint........and kids were working with their adult leader picking up trash .

I got back to the Housing and there are kids painting the trim around the apartments.....(one group of kids, had left a pretty marigold for each tenant) and each and every one said goodmorning, when I said it first.

Now, they have all headed up to school to eat and they all promise to be back to get finish with the days work.

I saw a group of teenagers working in the old hotel area, an adult was on a tractor smoothing out the ground and the gang of kids were using weedeaters and muscle to clean up the place and "BOY OH BOY!" Does it make me feel proud of
them all.

You should be here watching them. I don't know if anyone is here from a newspaper.....but they should be.

I am headed back out.....they made my spring fever erupt and I am working in my flower bed. It is still so wet that I need to keep working the soil to dry it out.

I will  pay big time with a body that will shout out that I over did it, but what else do we do when spring gets here.

I noticed a nest of robins next to my apartment and I am trying to keep the humans from disturbing them too much. I had a nest of cardinals a couple of years ago.....and I am tickled that the birds trust me enough to nest this close. Oh,, my first hummingbird showed up today.....Spring is really here. Now I get to keep them fed.

Ok my turn to head up to the cafe and I just wanted to tell you what is going on in Longton and I am proud to report it is
Good news, not nasty stuff.

Get out and enjoy the sun while it isn't too hot.
God bless,

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

Thanks, Judy, for the report.  It sounds like "things are good!"

L Hendricks

Judy, I too was in Longton this am and experiencing their "community appreciation day".  In my opinion, this is a great thing that the Elk Valley school and Longton/Oak Valley/Elk Falls do.  It was also such a great asset that it was decided to duplicate it in every community that Elk Konnected services.  Unfortunately for whatever "reasons"  West Elk couldn't buy into the idea.  For me, I can't think of a better way to get the youth involved in the community and get the community connected to the youth.  Guess that is just my opinion.  The Elk Konnected group is going to do it without the school support and try to get the youth to join the cities on their city wide clean up days.  The girls and I also got to experience the new play equipment at the Longton city park - it was really nice.  The Elk Valley school also fed all the kids and volunteers lunch and the workers got snacks in the am and pm.  I wish the other cities would work on their parks.  I know the county chipped in money for the pea gravel to go under the park equipment.  Also there are funds at the county level for Parks and Recreation that comes from the sale of alcohol and is available for all cities, organizations to use.  It is not a tax levied at the county level. 

Judy Harder

Just wanted to tell all that the cafe opened again, today with Rick and Debbie Kill's name  on the door.

I ate there at noon and am just so pleased to say it is open.....and how great the mood of the place was.

They will be open daily from (I think) 6:30 till 8 each day. As of this moment they plan on being open each day all day long.

The biggest part of this is we can get breakfast all day.

This is a good thing, and Rick is one of our hometown boys. The youngest son of Kay Claytor and is a very good cook.
We had to laugh at him, cause he hit the floor running this morning and when lunch crowd was done and out the door, he sat down and had the biggest tired smile on his face.

Still bugs to work out, I even heard that Kay was there this morning and beaming from ear to ear.
I know she will be back in the kitchen when she can and I am just so pleased that the next generation is here.

Just sharing the news and telling all to come visit. They had a special today and the menu looked good and the prices were about right.

Good job Rick and welcome home!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Judy, is this the same cafe that Connie and Esiquio had?

Bonnie M.

I'm not Judy, (obviously,) but the answer is, "yes!"  That is the same restaurant.  I'm wondering what the name of the restaurant will be?  (Judy?)  I'm happy it's open, and certainly do hope that the new owners do well.  We do "love" to eat and visit in the Cafe, when we're "in town!"

Jo McDonald

WOW  OH  WOW  What would Elk County do without the Edwards family ??? generation after generation cooking in all the kitchens that they have.  Great news for Longton and we who travel through --

  Congratulations to the new owners !!!!  Good luck and smooth sailing.

  Jo and Fred


Yes I heard rumor that Kay was making her pies just like when she run it!!! I heard that Ricky and Debbie were going to try and follow her ways that she ran the Cozy Inn, if that is true they will be there as long as they want to keep running it!! Called my mom on my lunch break and she said that he even was using real potatoe's when he makes his hashbrown like Kay used too and not that frozen stuff!!!!!!!!! I wish Ricky and Debbie all of the luck and hope they stay busy enough that Ricky is tired with that smile on his face everyday.

Judy Harder

WOW  OH  WOW  What would Elk County do without the Edwards family  generation after generation cooking in all the kitchens that they have.  Great news for Longton and we who travel through --

what is even more news, is that Justin and Belinda Corle (Edwards, again) plan on opening the pizza place in a few weeks.
With Steve Edwards in Elk Falls and Rick here in Longton and Belinda and Justin,  wonder if the Edwards are thinking
of holding a monoply on the food areas.

We also are hearing and seeing that a hamburger joint (carry out or eat at picnic tables) is soon to be open in the building that use to be the liquor store or bait shop or beauty shop that is on highway 160 next to the Old Wigwam. (Oh, Jamie Bunyard will own this one) This building is small and Jamie promised me that he would also have desert like pie and cake and even ice cream, altho not soft serve as he needs to make some money before he invests in the equipment (He is planning on the 12 of June)

Wish these rising places well.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Let me tell you something!
If the Edwards have a monopoly on the cookin' in Elk County that is fine by me..
Boy oh boy..can that family put out some good eats!

Yummy!! :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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