Wake Up America!

Started by Teresa, April 21, 2008, 07:22:32 PM

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This is a poignant, yet chilling message.
It's a 'must watch' video, that lasts about 3 minutes, and I hope, will be forwarded all across America!
Don't leave the first screen, it will open automatically.

Notice at the bottom right you can reverse-stop-play the video.

What kind of world are we leaving to future generations?

After the video finishes, click on 'Enter The Site' --
scroll down halfway to see a map of the United
States, that clearly defines where the Muslims have
set up Al-Queada terrorist cells in all but a few states!

Watch this bone-chilling video ...


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Stuff like that makes ya want  to take your guns and your family and head for the timber :-\
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


yep.. it is scary alright.. a lot of people prefer to keep their heads in the sand and not think about it...claiming  that"ohhh that can't be happening " and etc etc etc..

Me? Even though I know that there isn't a darn thing I can do.. I want all the information so that I know what is going on, so I can be better prepared if and when.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


watching this video I got goosebumps, then I got MAD - then I got SCARED, AND FOLKS, look around you - the "good ole days" are gone - and you better believe you BETTER WAKE UP - This could very well happen, I sincerely believe it is in the making right now.  Muslim dominated America may not come in my lifetime, but oh, how I worry about these sweet great-grandbabies that are just now starting out in this corrupt world.  Those people have no compassion for human life, theirs or anyone elses.  They will use whatever tactics necessary to accomplish what they want and they want us.


i've learned about a few things the last few days that are kinda freakin me out a little bit :P But when it comes right down to it I think there are enough of us good ol boys left to take em out! Seriously.  forewarned is forearmed. Puts you in mama bear mode just thinkin about it >:(
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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