Princess Theatre, Howard, Kansas

Started by W. Gray, April 27, 2008, 09:06:25 PM

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W. Gray

One of the features mentioned below is a two-reeler and another is a three-reeler. I believe originally one reel was ten minutes. At some point, the they increased to twenty minutes.

Some might recall that during our movie watching days there was an unobnoxious spot appearing at the end of each reel for several frames in the upper right hand corner of the movie screen. That spot was a warning, which told the film operator to get ready to switch to his other projector with the new reel. Most of the time, we were so engrossed in the movie that we never noticed it. I think the projectionist only had to push one button to stop the projector with the exhausted reel and automatically start the other with the new reel.

The projectionist then loaded a new reel and waited twenty minutes for another spot to appear. Some movies on VHS and DVD still have those spots.

At some point, they started releasing movies having the entire movie on one much larger reel and the film revolved sideways rather than upright. They went to having one projector rather than two.

Now, along comes digital and theater owners are beginning show movies without film.

Last movie I saw in the theaters was Flags of Our Fathers and everyone in the audience had gray hair. Many people under forty or so just do not seem to like our history.

Did you ever wonder why previews of coming attractions were called "Trailers?" That is because in the early days of motion pictures the previews came at the end of the movie.

Advertisement from the January 29, 1914, Howard Courant.
For Week End, January 29-31
G.H. HIGGINS, Prop'r & Man'gr

Thursday Night, Jan. 29
EUREKA.......2-Reel Feature
(The Newlyweds and Their Baby)

Friday Night, Jan. 30
Great 3-Reel Feature

Saturday Night, January 31
THE HEART OF A JEWESS..Victor's 2-Reel Feature
Gertrude Robison in the Leading Role


Show Starts at 7:30
Admission 10c

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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