Back From Oklahoma

Started by Teresa, April 21, 2008, 11:12:22 PM

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Hi everyone.
Well we left on Thursday for Edmond Oklahoma to the Oklahoma Land Run Cowboy Action Shoot. To say it was fun was an understatement. A person would have to look long and hard to find any better or more fun people to be around.
I am sure that most of you know about this as I have talked about it some on here..but I will go over it just about again.

Cowboy Action Shooting is a sport where people shoot steel targets in a competition against each others scores of time and accuracy. The dress for this occasion has to be taken from the last half of the 1800's and period correct. The guns have to be either originals or reproductions from the same time period...with single action revolvers, lever action rifles and double barrel or pump action shotguns.
There is different stages (12)  with different scenarios to shoot and things to say and do while shooting. It is full of fun with joking and camaraderie amongst friends. No matter if you are a seasoned shooter or a first timer.. in this sport there is help and tips and encouragement from everyone.

We have been around some of these people before and several of them are close friends ( even if they are from Virginia  :D )
So it was so good to get to have a few days with them.

We didn't get to shoot in this match.  :'(  I wanted to so bad, cause it would have been a fun one to do...but...
Marshal (Kjell) and I  had to work.. but what a great job to have. It was a blast.
We got tons of footage..and I took almost 800 still pictures. So now we have to start putting together a 90 minute ( 15 video's) show.
Here is the little teaser trailer Kjell made today to introduce the beginning. I hope you like it and will look forward to seeing all the other ones. We should have all of them done and ready to put up around the middle of May.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here are some of the stages that were shot. The props were so good and they sure took a lot of time and effort to building them. This shooting club has a great range for meets like this. There were about 300 shooters entered.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here is the posse that we followed for the most part. We filmed others but mostly the ones in this group.
I added a couple of pics of our friends shooting.

These 3 kids were the youngest in the Buckaroo class.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



There were lots of people who had their dogs  and most were dressed up also.
These dogs are all people dogs and the shooting etc doesn't bother them a bit.

Here is one little guy who I thought should have been given a prize.. LOL
Notice in the 2nd pic. he had his ear plugs in.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here we were on Friday and Saturday.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And then at the awards banquet and ball on Saturday night. It was held at the Cowboy Hall of Fame.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Wow - what a dress in that last picture!

A lot of work obviously went into the settings.
And your postings are very timely, since today is the anniversary of the OK land rush.

Glad you had fun and looking forward to the videos.


Teresa, it is easy to pick you out in the pictures, you are a combination of your Mother and your Father. The pictures are great and it looked like everyone had a great time. Thanks for sharing.

Roma Jean Turner

  You guys definitely look right at home in those clothes.  Great pictures, I'll be looking forward to the next videos.  Thanks for the great conversation and hospitality.

Rudy Taylor

Handsome folks.

Great project.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

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