Big Day in Longton

Started by Judy Harder, April 21, 2008, 10:26:13 AM

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Judy Harder

Well, our old hotel is no more.
I put the dog out and heard big machinery and when I checked, the big hotel was being demolished.

So, I got my shoes on and picked up my water bottle and the dog leash and walked down to watch it.

Took them no time at all. The longest time was waiting for Harrods to come from Howard, cause the big crane
was in a bind and needed some weight to get out.

The school kids came down, class by class......the people who were in town came by and we could have sold hotdogs and or drinks...........

It doesn't take much to entertain us.........!!! ;D ;D ;D

I am heading back to watch them load up the debris and then this afternoon we will have a softball game to keep books for.
I even think we will have a game.......I know I know, Mother nature could whip up some rain in no time at all, But, I can hope.

See you all later.

It is too bad that Rudy and his paper wasn't here to take pictures, I don't have a camera and didn't know if the people taking pictures would submit them to paper or not.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

Judy, it's sure going to look different, the next time we drive into Longton.  I'm glad it was taken down this way, rather than to wait for it to burn down!  Are there any plans for anything to be built at that location?  Another "end to an era!"



Wow I remember when I was in high school and a bunch of us kids were trying to raise money to open the arcade next to the cafe and the lady who owned the hotel paid us to go in and help her clean up a bit and I was amazed at how beautiful that building must have been at one time. Hate to see places like that waste away but it was probably just a time bomb wating for some kids to get hurt messing around with the building.


Judy, it is sad to see rural America loose some of the old structures like the Hotel. It is happening in many of the rural areas and will no doubt continue.
Frank Winn

Judy Harder

Frank, Bonnie and Stacy,

It was just a matter of time until one of our big brave youngsters dared another to go in the hotel and it was a death
trap. There was a couple of open wells or cisterns in the back of the hotel.....and who knows how many farmits had to vacate in a hurry

It will be an adjustment for all of us. But, it was time!
I must admit it did cause me to pause a bit when it went down. It is going to be a big hole for awhile.

Mayor Steve said that right now until the person who owns the ground either looses it in a tax sale or sells it outright
that the plans will be a nice little park.

I guess the city will be responsible for mowing it.....and I am very sure a lot of us citizens will get in there and plant and spruce it up.
We will see.

time will  tell.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

Thanks, Judy, for the follow-up.  A little park in that area would be nice.

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