Posting and guests

Started by Janet Harrington, May 04, 2006, 09:20:45 PM

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Janet Harrington

While looking at the Howard Forum, you can scroll down to the bottom and see how many people have visited the site in the last 1000 minutes or something like that.  I looked just now and saw that the site had 96 guests visit.  Wouldn't it be nice if those 96 guests would become members?  What wonderful things we could talk about with people that come from who knows where.  I love making new friends.  How about it guests?  Come join us.  We would love to have you.


Maybe the "guests" will listen to you Janet. I have talked til I am blue in the face to try to get people to join in.. but guess they are just too shy..  :-\  Or maybe think that they don't have anything interesting to say..or maybe they just don't care...
Whatever the reason is. please disregard it, and join in a bit.

One more time.. .................

Everyone here who is a member would love to have input and conversation from those of you who
just come in to look and read. Remember.......without people posting.. there will soon be nothing to read.
Does that make sense to anyone ???
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

W. Gray

Has anyone tried putting the web site information in the Flint Hills Express?

I was in Howard a couple weeks ago and mentioned the site to a couple people and they did not know what I was talking about.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Another idea might be to get the information to whomever sends out alumni notices or have something printed in the programs possibly.  I know there are a lot of people who come home for alumni every year.

Janet Harrington

Those are both excellent ideas.  Even putting it on Channel 2 might be a good idea.  Don't know what those costs would be.

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