Spring Cleaning

Started by Devyn-Leann, April 15, 2008, 04:04:11 PM

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I started a thorough spring cleaning of the house this morning. After all of my other chores were finished of course. The things I found were crazy. I don't think I've gotten this thorough since we moved into this house. I first started in the master bedroom walk-in closet. You couldn't walk in it because the floor was just lined with shoes!! Pull on boots, lace up boots, sandals, tennis shoes, running shoes, stillettos, more dress shoes, casual shoes, 5 pairs of slippers, - all the "flip-flops" are hanging on the door in an organizer...other flip flops were thrown in a plastic storage tote on the floor.....and among all of those were Billy's 4 pairs of boots. So yes, I'm guilty - all of those are my shoes. I don't know how it happened. They just kid of accumulated over the years. And I do have a "flip-flop" addiction. Now, those were just the shoes. I had clothes lining the walls of that poor closet. I couldn't of fit another hanger in there if I tried. Jeans lined the shelves. And Billy's side was just as bad. Jeans that no longer fit were abandoned and had a fine cover of dust. I knew I needed back up.

So around noon, I called my mother. She came out and stood in awe of my zoo of a closet. She said, "Ok, we can manage this."...I told her "this" wasn't even half of it. I had more clothes stored out in the tractor building. So I cleaned out my dresser, Billy's dresser, and the entire closet. It has taken me all day! ! And it looks so great and I feel 100% better about it. I can't say that I cut down on the shoe population, but I did try.

Tomorrow I will continue...Lane's bedroom will be next. But it won't be so bad, I clean it out every season because he grows so fast. And all of his clothes are either stored or used for rags. You never know when another baby might come along!! But, with my luck, I'll have the 16 tons of boy stuff and pop out a girl!!

Anyway...Has anyone else began the horrid task of spring cleaning? How do you feel about it?? What did you find? Or, do you even bother with it?


Good heavens, Devyn, after reading what all you done, I'm wore out so no spring cleaning for me.  But living alone, I don't have much spring cleaning to do.  I went through my shoes and every pair that hurt my feet went to the American Legion Aux. shoe drive last week.  Ten or 12 pair,  some never worn, new in the box.   ;D now I have room for more new ones.


Tonight I am finished with the daycare, for now.  I did do spring cleaning, just have a few places to go through.  I have the toy boxes to go through again.  I do that just about every other week to throw out broken toys.  I cleaned my office and put in a new desk.  I need to also clean a little better in the baby sleep room.  I need to get out the fans and arrange the furniture different, but that will have to be a different day.  I rearranged the front room, which I do at least once if not twice a month, so that I get to move the furniture and get all the stuff from under it and vaccuum  under.  I wiped down the counter tops with bleach water, along with the bathroom area, the kitchen table, and the stuff that I do on a daily basis.  NOW, the big task at hand is my house.  But it is like 9:30 and I have been here since 6:30a.m.  so I think that my house will wait till this weekend, or later on this week.   :P   :-\ :-\
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


My spring cleaning will be late this year, not doing it until I get back from vacation  ;D

Judy Harder

You girls make me feel so tired.

After reading how much you all got done with your spring cleaning, I decided that what
little I have will wait until FALL...............and then I can put it off till next spring.  LOL

Living alone in a 3 room apartment, I don't have much to clean. But, I do the drapes and windows and
then clean out my closet and take extra clothing which I have got tired of or had to many of to the "Corner
Closet" in Independence.

Usually when I take clothing in to them, I bring back a sack or two and always have fun going through there goods.
They only charge a dollar a piece for pants and shirts and I have really found some bargins. Figure at a buck a throw, I can
outfit me and if the fit or type of clothing isn't any good........just take it back and donate to their cause. Win win situation.

Kind of like going garage sale-ing and for me more fun.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I take things to the Goodwill at either El Dorado or Andover. I always find terrific things there for myself and Lane. Billy is very picky about wearing used clothes. It doesn't bother me a bit. I'm not ashamed to wear used things, I can always find name brands at not any more than $2 a piece.

I really need to clean out the closet in my office. It's terrible. There's prom dresses (I am having trouble letting go), tons of coats, and all kinds of holiday decor. And, I also have a curtain obsession. I'm always buying new curtains. I use them once, maybe twice and then up they go in the closet. I'm terrible.  :-[

I also need to clean out my kitchen cabinets. There's all kinds of stuff in there. Yesterday I did get rid of a bread machine, since I had 2. Ugh...


I've decided to postpone spring cleaning around here until the wind and dirt stops blowing!  (Or at least for a day or two!)  Even in a new house, I can't believe how much dust sifts in. 
I did clean the basement bathroom last night... at 10:00!  I went down to switch laundry around and took a good look at the toilet... YIKES!  Then Chuck was up sewing (on his saddle), so I just kept cleaning... moved to my stamp/craft/spare bedroom and started organizing all my scrapbook papers.  Got them into color-coded piles, but it was midnight so I didn't get a chance to put them away. 
As for clothes, I always feel so wasteful when I go through my closet and try and weed out clothes I haven't worn in a while.  Not that I mind donating them to Goodwill or someplace like that, but I've been trying to find someone I know in the area who would appreciate them.  Except for jeans.  All jeans go into the tub to be made into jean blankets later.  I probably have enough for 10 blankets now! 
DL; don't feel bad about shoes... my closet is full of them, too!  And like I mentioned before, I have a "dealer" who keeps me supplied with new shoes all year round! 


As I was carrying a load of towels to the washer this morning, I used one of them to wipe the dust off the dresser.  My spring cleaning is done.

Bonnie M.

And then, there's me!  :D :D :D

Cleaning Poem 

I asked the Lord to tell me
Why my house is such a mess.

He asked if I'd been 'computering',
And I had to answer 'yes.'

He told me to get off my fanny
And tidy up the house.

And so I started cleaning up...
The smudges off my mouse.

I wiped and shined the topside.
That really did the trick...

I was just admiring my work...
I didn't mean to 'click.'

But click, I did, and oops I found
A real absorbing site.

That I got SO way into.
I was into it all night.<<Sigh>>

Nothing's changed except my mouse
It's very, very shiny.

I guess my house will stay a mess...
While I sit here on my hiney.

(This isn't really true, well, maybe a bit!)

Ole Granny

I certainly know this is more true for me that I would like to admit.   :-[ :-[
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

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