National Griper's Day

Started by Wilma, April 15, 2008, 09:36:57 AM

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Flo, I would have said Arkansas, but I don't know anyone that lives in Arkansas.  Daughter Jean, (the one you couldn't remember) has lived in Missouri for more than 30 years and she is barefoot most of the time. 


I am guilty of letting my kids wear no shoes.  My husband gets down right mad when they don't have shoes on.  He doesn't like flip flops either.  I don't see anything wrong with them, but he says they are farm girls and they need to wear shoes that cover their feet.  But most of the time they are in town with me.  ;D So, why does he get so mad???? :-\
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

W. Gray

What about Crocs from the Peoples Republic of Boulder [Colorado]?

Does anyone wear Crocs?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, just took my crocs off.  Been working outside.  Granny, absolutely nothing wrong with going barefoot.  Do a lot of that myself and have since I was a kid.  I put on shoes only to go outside the house.  Love my little satin slippers.  My gripe was the referrence to being barefoot and  she isn't even from Missouri, or something to that effect.

Ole Granny

I know,  I was just going along with the fun.  I Love my Crocs for outside-just rinse them off.  Can't stand flip-flops because it irritates  skin between my toes.  Daughters and granddaughters love the flip-flops.  Two year old grandson has some Crocs that look like Cars.  Loves them.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


I just had to put my two cents (or co-pay) which ever comes first.  I have never walked around barefoot in my life that I can remember,anyhow. The story I want to put in here is about my lovely wife who walks around barefoot all the time.

A few weeks ago while walking through our room with a glass of water, she dropped the glass and as it was one of her nice leaded chrystal glasses, it shattered all over the place.  She failed to mention this incident to me and I found a piece all by myself which bled a lot and took a few days to heal.  The reason I was barefoot was that I was going from bed to bathroom.  End of story? NOT!      A few days later she "found" her own piece of glass into the ball of the foot.  This is after both of us had cleaned the floor and the cleaning lady was told and she cleaned the floor real good.  Anyway, she took some glass out of our foot and bandaged it.  Later, it was bothering her and she and one of her co-workers worked on it and took some more glass out.  It was still bothering her so she went to her Doctor who also removed some glass from her foot.  It was still bothering her so she went to a podiatrist who removed more glass and ordered an x-ray (leaded glass).  The x-ray revealed another sliver of glass embedded deep into the tendon and next to a nerve.  Last Tuesday, she underwent surgery to remove the remaining glass and will be off work for three weeks.  So beware, those of you who will meander around shoeless, you just never know what you will step on or in, as the case may be.  And, I am blessed to have my wonderful wife home crippled somewhat asking for room service and having to drive her to the Doctor.  This I don't mind as it was read to me somewhere in the vows about sickness and health and she has had to wait on me a few times, hand and FOOT!  I just love this forum so thank you for keeping me happy!!! Larryj
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Ha!  Get this... my favorite shoes are my Croc-Flops!  I guess since this is the gripe thread, I better have something to gripe about... so my gripe is the brand X crocs; not near as comfortable or long-lasting.  And they don't have the special treatment that prevents foot odor, either.  But then again, my mother-in-law owns a shoe store, so I guess I have an "in" for cheap (free) Crocs!  (I believe the count is up to 4 pair; pink with holes for winter indoors, solid sole for outdoors, and 2 pair of Croc-flops... one can never have too many flip flops!)

Judy Harder

Oh! I love going barefoot..........I don't mind being compared to a right in with the crowd.
In fact there is nothing better than walking across a grassy yard that feels like carpet.
Plus when I waded through the creek and the oosy goosy mud would ooze between my toes that was
very nice.........Now, if a leech attached itself to my foot, I would scream bloody murder.........but that
doesn't stop me from being barefooted.

Just gripes me to pieces when I have to wear shoes in the winter cause of the cold and arthritic grumps.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


My gripe is carts....It never fails, everytime I go into Walmart, Dillons, or even Target...I ALWAYS get the cart with the squeaky wheel. ALWAYS!!

Do they ever do cart maintenance? I'm so tempted to take a can of WD-40 on my next shopping excursion!!


several comments (I've already taken care of my co-pay) - Larry, I am so glad that your wife's foot is healing, but so sorry that she has one less of those beautiful crystal glasses.  Cheap crocs can be compared to leather vs plastic - AND chances are if your shopping cart wheels don't squeek, they won't roll straight or around the corner to the next isle in their "wobbly" state.  Have to add that my oldest grandson was outside barefooted and cut his foot pretty seriously and his mother took him to the doctor for stitches.  That doctor said he could report her for child abuse for allowing him to run around without shoes on.  She, me and everyone else were taken aback.  He didn't, but the fact that he could have - - - - :-\

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