David Oakleaf preforming after CMA Awards TONIGHT!!

Started by Teresa, April 14, 2008, 10:42:52 AM

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Bonnie M.

We were invited to the home of some friends for supper last evening, so I also missed the show!  Like Flo, I will be anxious for a report!  I wonder if there will be a "rerun" of the show?


Ok..I will give you a quick answer...
I am away on location but will be back Sunday and then I will take off the different  little flash of what is on my TV of David,  and post it on here.
We hurried back to our room on Friday night to see Duet.  ..and actually the 2 hrs were:
The first hour was a rerun of the first night. The second hour was more try outs and winners and losers.
David was not on this week. Hopefully he will be on THIS coming Friday. They are going to audition more this Friday.

Will post a pic when I get home.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.


Rudy Taylor

I'd like to do a newspaper story on David Oakleaf. Does anyone know how he did on Friday night?

Do his parents have an email address?

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Here is proof that he made it to the finals..
Hopefully we will get to see his audition this Friday.

Hang in there folks..and stay tuned. ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I hope we finally get to see him tonight. And more than just a glimpse this time!! He and Billy were in the same class and it just gets Billy that David is on t.v. It is pretty crazy, and I hope he does well. He's extremely talented.


I have my DVR set to record all the episodes.  I remember David when I was a senior in High school.  He is a very talented young man.  I hope that he achieves his dream.  He has always wanted to be a singer!!!  And he is, like I said, very talented.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I watched the show tonight, but of course the phone rang during the time when David was being told if he was "safe".  I think he and his partner were going on to the next round, but maybe they got split up??  He got lots of face-time on the show tonight.  I was very impressed by the duo's performance, too!

Bonnie M.

Yes, they're going on, but they did get split up.  (I don't know why!)  I thought they did well, also.


I think that this show is .............I don't know.. not even in the class that American Idol is..

I wonder about the little dark headed girl and her knowledge of "singing". She is Faith Hills songwriter.. not a singer.. and some of her ideas and judgments are to say the least short of professional knowledge I think. She doesn't sing.. she only writes.. so why would they get her to be a judge?  ???
And then the guy with that horrible hateful hair in his face is the #1 of all Nashville's singing mentor and tutor to all the big name stars. ( At least he does know about singing) And David said he is married to the most gorgeous woman in Nashville.. LOL
Mama Judd? She is tough as nails. But at least she has some idea of the singing business and the competition.

I am not the only one who thinks like this, as we have heard it quite a bit... in different ways.
To split people up and then just "randomly put them with someone else.. then saying that there isn't any "chemistry there and booting them out.. is just stupid! How can you have comfortable chemistry with someone you have never met or sang with before?

They have some really good singers in this competition who are being eliminated for dumb reasons..one being to separate them from someone who they are very comfortable with ..who can sing together with and have confidence etc. to throwing them with a stranger who after singing their song, the judges say that "ohhh sorry, we made a mistake putting you 2 together..but now you or you have to go.. You didn't sound very good together'!  Well duh.... 

The show, itself,  is just "okay" ... in my opinion.. I think it has the feel of being very amateur TV with judges who seem to have the feel that they don't seem like they are comfortable or really have a grip on what they are being asked to do in this area. I guess I have watched American Idol too long and expected it to be in a higher class than it is.
But I also know that the top winner and even the ones who make it to the top 3 or 4 have huge career boosts and opportunities from being in on this and getting to the end.. That is a good thing.

I will watch every single minute of every single show.. cause David is on .. and I do love that boy! And he did get a lot of "face and image time" on this episode.
I hope he goes straight to the top...and just keeps going .. With his singing and his song writing.. ( he is one heck of a good songwriter too.)  :)

I will be taking out all his segments and compiling them to make him a video of his journey oin this show.
I will also try to put each week of him on here..( "try" is the word here... )   ;D

So summing it up.. Am I the only one on here that feels that this show could be done better?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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