Personal Writing

Started by Teresa, May 04, 2006, 12:30:29 PM

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I  have written hundreds of pages of inner personal healing's, in the form of words, for my own spiritual and personal journey and for many others that have needed help at different times in their life.
I think that what I say here pertains to all of us at one time or other in our lives....if it your time to understand and relate to it..then you will..and may possibly gain something from it..

May it give you some strength if you need it.

~Gentle Breezes..

Today I'm going to immerse myself completely in what is,
to align myself with what is actually happening around me and what is
heading my way. I am going to do this with a positive feeling ..
as I know that my souls growth depends on it.
This lifetime holds new adventures around every turn and when the heart is so strongly
connected to what is ..and has always been there..then you must not try to go against what has been the way of the river for lifetimes.

In this river of life, we are where we are.
If you float looking  backwards, you will lose awareness of the current moment
and what is immediately ahead of you. 
So right now, today, turn around and consciously let go of the past.
Just let it go.
For you see~~ you are moving forward no matter what you do, and
there sometimes is  fear in change but there is also peril in moving forward without awareness.

Do not be afraid, for the future ahead holds excitement and growth.
But be aware.
Become aware of the current in the river.  These currents are
opportunities to use the power of life and what they have to offer with little effort
on your part.  If you can sense a current, all you need to do is dip down your arm
as a guiding oar and gently relax into the flow and it will propel you along with it.
Know, too, that the force of a particular current can also be used to
propel yourself out of it, if you use its force and then simply turn your oar
at the right time.

So thinking of this aware of the knowledge of where you are in
your life and the forces which are around you.  As you do this, be certain to connect
to your souls center, your heart of rightness, so you can feel the current.
It requires that you let go completely of what you had thought to be true and instead come to understand what is true.  And this is all known deep inside, if you will but stop resisting the truth your own heart and soul center are telling you.

And now, with a full awareness of what is, take a look out to the immediate future.
See if there is a fork in the river ahead and if one side looks
more desirable than another.  A few powerful strokes could position you so that
you are carried easily where you wish to go.

And listen carefully as well.  Do you hear the rapids approaching?  Can you
make any choices to avoid them.... or are you going to be carried to them,
regardless of what you do?

  If so, prepare yourself by moving into a state of relaxed awareness.

The way to go through the rapids is to become one with the
turbulent, swirling waters, to become so closely connected to it, that you are
reacting instantly and by instinct, not requiring conscious thought.
Become so tuned in that you are a part of all that is, even though sometimes
it was not what you had desired...or thought you desired.
  It is what it is and this is what you must respond to.
If you try to fight the current or even cling to a rock, you will simply become worn down,
and when you eventually lose your grip, you will not be strong enough hang on.
Instead, let yourself be one with what is.  Do not resist it.  The more you
become one with what is, the more your intuitive senses will take over and
tell you to twist and turn at the right moment to reach the calm river on the
other side.

And know, too, that the rapids never last forever.
Just do what you need to do now and know that there will be an end to it,
and know that you will one day find again a calm stretch of river,
a time to roll over on your back and gaze up at a few fluffy clouds as they drift lazily
across the sky, while you just relax and regain your strength.

And after you drift for a while, then look around, release your attachment
to the rapids you have just traveled...and become aware of this new spot in the
river in which you find yourself. See the beauty of it all.. Smell it..Hear it..
  Feel its more gentle currents, and  become aware of what it contains and where it is heading.

Yes, this is life. Always changing, always challenging, always an adventure.
Ahhhh, how fortunate we are!
It is our own  personal journey that we are allowed to take..
Embrace it..enjoy it...make the most of it.


~*~ In black, there are all colors.
             Where darkness, always the light.
                   Iridescent the raven's wing in sunlight. ~*~
                                        ~ Medicine Eagle

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