Started by flo, April 08, 2008, 01:46:11 PM

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Again, most of what I know I have heard on TV - both about the evacuation and interviews with those that have escaped to the outside world.  One woman ( a former wife of this Jeffs) said that from the time they are born, women are taught that they are the servant of the men, they are brain washed and do exactly as told or are beaten.  They don't know any different.  She said she was scared to death of the "outside people" when she first escaped because of the things she had been told.  How evil they were.  Her reason for escaping was the beatings and physical abuse of her and her 8 children.  She took them with her, but left her "step-children" behind and hopes that they are among the evacuees.  As for this 16 yr. old, if I heard and read the captions right, she was hoping if she faked injuries she would be rescued.  Everyone has a right to worship as they choose, but sounds like to me that the "males" (I hesitate to call them men) were the only ones doing the choosing.  Back "in the day" marriage at 14, or younger, was not all that uncommon, but it was their choice.  I don't think these girls had that choice.  Forced marriages, incest, rape, beatings and abuse, it's time to let these women and children have a life.


It's not polygamy I have a problem with, this sect is male dominated, the leader decides who marries who and when, the women don't have any rights at all , the man is the one who decides everything, and if you are grown and that's what you want fine but those girls don't have a choice from the minute they are born their life is mapped out for them, very little education, trained in "womens"work, taught to obey without question.And no I don't think being forced to marry a 50 year old man when you are 14 or 15 against your will is a better alternative. No difference between that and Islam as far as women are concerned. As you may be able to tell this is a pet peeve of mine, I was raised with the idea that I could do anything a man could do and I have been making my livin doin so-called mens work for the last 25 or 30 years and I've never used the "I can"t do it cause I'm a girl" card.( and look y'all I didn't cuss once :P ::)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


very well stated.  There is a BIG difference between religious beliefs and physical, mental and sexual abuse, especially with children.


Soooo do we close the synagogues? Circumcision without anesthesia is very painful; nobody asked the baby. The child is certainly underage and uneducated. And what about abortion? Does not the child have a right to live? Isn't it painful to be pulled apart by a suction device? And what about the poor little screaming babies being given piercings in the Walmart jewelery counter? Were they asked or educated? We gotta be very careful here, religous freedom is precious as is other freedoms. We must be very careful how we point the finger, cause when a finger is pointed, always several are pointing back at us.

Just a few thoughts here. I too worked in a male dominated job force but it is changing. The good old boy network is alive and well, but things are beginning to change. I hope this thing in Texas can be resolved without bloodshed, as this sect has been in existence for over 100 years. You cannot legislate morals, just make a little stab at them, and there are many people that use the law as a matter of convenience and advantage for themselves. We must be very careful not to lose the wide system of beliefs that this country was founded on.


Lol Maybe I didn't make myself clear on whether or not I care about their religion, I don't. They can tatoo theirselves blue and run around naked for all I care. I don't care how many wives they have, or husbands for that matter  :P. I don't care how or where they go to church. Or any other religion for that matter. I care about girls bein taught they are lesser beings from the time they are old enough to pay attention. I care about grown men who in any other context would be considered child molesters taking girls 20 or 30 years younger than them, saying oh shes my "wife" and using her. We say oh well in the old days girls got married that young and did it all the time. In the old days a 14 or 15 year old was as mature as a 30 year old is now. 14 or 15 year olds nowadays as a general rule are nowhere near ready for that kind of responsibility. I don't see any reason for bloodshed for that matter, who would?! I'm fightin a losin battle here I know, it's not about religion it's about domination and worth of human beings. It's about the worth of women.
      Just so it's clear, I have not a thing against men either, men are the other half of women. I guess that's my point, we are equal and equally important.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Abortion is a very serious issue all on it's own
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Freedom of Religion - that is one of our rights.  I agree, worship as you wish in your own way.  Sorry, but child abuse and domestic abuse does not have a place in religion of any kind, shape or form.  Yes, LDS has been in existance for 100's of years.  The guy that took over after Brigham Young died is in my family tree.  Cowboys used to carry guns and fight indians too.  That has changed.  The LDS has also changed.  This sect has split from the original church and formed their own religion.  They worship what is in their pants and will use it to their own advantage whenever and wherever with whomever.  This has nothing to do with abortion.  That is another subject all it's own.  This has to do with domestic and child abuse, PERIOD, and they need to be stopped.  Do you think I could form my own religion and one of the beliefs is that I can kill and rob whoever I please whenever I please and do it in the name of "my church" that they would let me get away with it? Not on your life, so why should these "men". OMG, I got carried away, but sorry, I feel very strong about this.


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


didn't give my position on circumcision.  I only had girls, but circumcision is a "one time only" operation.  Not a night, after night, after night happening.  Circumcision is done as a "cleanliness" thing, I think, not sure.  There could be some religious ritual connected to it, I don't know, but once it's done, it's done.  Big difference, I'm thinking, to what is happening in ElDorado, Texas.


doess anyone know, are there any of these Mormon enclaves in Kansas ?

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