
Started by sixdogsmom, April 02, 2008, 09:26:32 PM

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Tell her not to worry about me.  After all I have known her almost all of her life and you knew my husband and his family.  If I could live with their language I can live with anyone's.  I just prefer it the other way.


Blame me.. I started it..  ;D
Like karmablvr.. it was an old saying and I'm not gonna backtrack on it.. It was a saying that has been said for many a moon..and it fit the situation to a tee.
It wasn't a barrage of foul words spoken on this forum or aimed at anyone...

((And this is to the general public))

I would say that in a group of so many different types of over age 18 adult ( or I think that is what this forum is made up of  )  to say " well, I use them, but I don't type them......and "I use them at home, but not in public".................?? and the few words that are used maybe 4 times in this whole forum.. S***  and Da** and H***  offend me...  ::) And it is uncomfortable because there are "preachers" in here? What??  You think preachers are any better or any more spiritual than someone who says S***,D*** and H***?? You think that they are anyone who hasn't sometimes used a "bad" word?
Yeah.. I cuss occasionally in my posts and in real life...
But ask my kids how much they hear me talk bad?  Very Very seldom and NEVER EVER if there are children around.  But I'm not perfect so those nasty critters do some spilling out on occasion.  ..........................................................
But no one is so almighty perfect or is in any position on this earth to set back and make judg......................................... :-X

sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  never mind.

**big level, even breath**
Ok.........................sorry... That heated me up...


Dang.. I'm battin' 0 for 0 in ticking people off this week aren't I...?   It must be the moon that is running my hormones..

Think I'm overloaded in the work dept.  need less on my desk, more time in a day to do what needs to be done and I need to take another estrogen pill.  ;D ;D ;D

I'll probably quit posting for awhile.....til I can read and post with a "who cares" attitude..
And I need to concentrate on work.. Kjell and Michael is going to demote me to janitor if I don't get my work done..
( opps.. I forgot.. I am the janitor too ))  :D
I'll give you folks a rest..I'm off to slave at this desk for the next few weeks..

Quote from: flo on April 03, 2008, 08:31:19 AM

Slipping over now to stand behind Flo's skirt tails.  :-[

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


LMAO Teresa, Strong people have strong opinions and you crack me up. :D The part about the preachers wives or what ever, I told Mom I would say the same thing in person if the sayin fit the conversation we were havin(might say scuse my french or somthing) . I try to make it a habit not to say anything behind somebody or the computer that I wouldn't say in front of em lol. Sooooooo hopefully this little tempest in a teapot has about run it's course! lol I really enjoy a good debate( think I got grandpa smiths arguin gene ma ::))
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


OMG :o let's hope not.  He'd start an argument just to start an argument, get everyone involved, then sit back and listen to everyone else argue (with a smile on his face).  :-\


LOL I remember!!!! Him and that red headed preacher, I used to sit and listen in awe LOL Granma gettin so mad she could've spit ten penny nails and him crackin up :laugh:
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


No I am not offended.  I guess I did miss out on words.  My mind thinks faster than my fingers!!  No, I don't even really know where the cussing took place at, I over looked it I guess!!  I just read over what I typed and yes I left out the not!!  Nothing on this forum has offended me.  I want everyone to know that!!!!  It is just nice to get on here and beable to speak your mind and not worry that others are judging you!!  SORRY :'( :'( :'(  PLEASE FORGIVE ME :'( :'( :'(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Angie, that must be a contagious something or other.  My mind seems to work slowerrrrrrr than my fingers.  Gets me in trouble at times, but see, I can chock it up to age, etc., so what's your excuse????  ;D ;D ;D  OMG, need to add that my age is 37  :P ;) which many of you already know.  And this year I shall remain 37.  :laugh: :angel:


Yep, I was hoping this would stay in the Politics section, but I see that it has leaked over.
No, I was not offended and I was not oversensitive.  I was irritated with the way the post was going in the Politics thread.  I already stated my mind as to WHY I was regards to THAT POST... and once again, it got blown out of proportion.  Teresa, Krmablvr, and I were having a discussion about a political issue, and we ALL got a little hot and over the top.  Rather than keep beating a dead horse and knowing all of us have our own STRONG opinions about the issue, I lit a backfire and stepped in the middle.  Drew a line in the sand.  Threw up the white flag.  Whatever.  I said I all I had to say and closed my argument.  Everyone else felt they had need to throw a couple extra punches the horse's way, and that's fine.  If I would have seen the head moving, I would have, too.  But I was at the ass end.  And it was dead.  (Yes, that's a cuss word, but it's also an anatomy word in this case.  Laugh; that was funny.)  I decided I like the Coffee Shop better than Politics, anyway.

I've never claimed to be holier than thou, and I never will.  I look in the mirror ever day and scrutinze myself harder than anyone else, as do we all, I'm sure.  We all make mistakes.  We all get a little offended because we read something wrong or read into it too much or didn't read enough into it (looked what happened with "I'm so Angry" post).  That's the problem with internet posts and e-mails... no personal emotions!  Emoti-cons don't really portray the fullness of someone... I know I have way more than 19 emotions (and that's just in 1 hour)!  (Teresa, BTW, can you look into adding bloated and high-strung into those smileys?)

So, can we all stop worrying about who was offended and who's acting like they don't care if they offended someone?  Just act as if that person is standing in front of you!  Better yet, act as if Jesus is standing in front of you!  (That'll get me some points with the preacher's wives...)  (Laugh; that was funny, too.)
Besides, if Teresa thinks that a post is too vulgar or flaming, she can edit it or even delete it.  Or boot it to the politics section.  That's why she's the Almighty Admin.
Now, let's get back to talking about the weather...


Lol, well it's rainin here and rainin and rainin lol. How's the weather in your neck of the woods? ;D ;)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Tobina on April 03, 2008, 01:25:44 PM
 (Yes, that's a cuss word, but it's also an anatomy word in this case.  Laugh; that was funny.)  

I laughed.  I really did.

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