Good Night All

Started by flo, April 01, 2008, 11:54:39 PM

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Diane Amberg

   Here I am checking in again. What a wonderful day we had. We paid our respects to my family at Howard's cemetery, and stopped by Cookson's and met "the boys", then met  Kjeill, Teresa and her lovely family. Jo and Fred are totally delightful, as I knew they would be. and Teresa, well you would have thought we had just seen each other yesterday. What fun..afterward we had a tasty chicken burrito at Poplar Pizza and got to see the museum, as it was opened for us to visit. We took a leisurely drive out Limestone Road and found the old family place and wandered 'way up on top of the hill to look out over Howard and Elk County. I thought the wind might blow me all the way to Topeka! A fudge monkey at Toots cooled us off and then it was time for a rest back at Crooked Creek Lodge. Getting to meet Liz and Lisa at the Swinging Bridge Cafe finished my beautiful day.
   Hi, D L and thank you for the welcome. I'm so glad we came out. Tomorrow is Caney (I found out my cell phone doesn't work here!) Friday we'll have lunch around noon at the cafe at Longton and then back here at Crooked Creek in Moline for dinner and visiting in the lounge. If any of you are around, we'd love to see you. Saturday we leave for Lawrence and points north.


What a wonderful visit we had with Diane and Al. (who is very handsome  ;) )
Diane is absolutely the most easy going down to earth person with an energy that
is one who you are immediately comfortable with. It felt like she and I had been old friends forever.  :)
Bless her heart.. She was so hot. She hadn't got used to the Kansas heat..and I had turned off my a/c cause I didn't think it was that hot this morning. So that didn't help her sweating problem any.. But we had such a fun visit. And Mama and Daddy just happened to here for the that was so nice too.

Diane.. I had everyone try the Potato chips with the Old Bay seasoning on them. They would take some getting used they have a distinct flavor.. But I finished the bag this evening. Thanks so much for the seasoning and the chips and of course my shell. ( She now knows how that shell fits right in with all my "bones" in my house. LOL )

I had Mason tonight as Derek had fire meeting and Rochelle had Eastern Star. He is soooo smart and so funny. What a joy my 2 little shining stars are.  :)

Guess we are going to leave later than we thought for New Mexico.. We finally got some decisions from the upper management.. so I'll be packing all day tomorrow..
Good Night ..Sleep Tight ... No Worries....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Ohhhhh What a wonderful day yesterday was !!!  It was sort of a last minute decision to go to Howard, Fred called Derek and asked him to look at his lawnmower, knowing full well, that it would be "fixed" when he got through with it -- so off to Howard we went.  While Teresa and I were up town  - to the bank - post office - city office and then back to Cookson's only to learn that Diane and Al had been there and as she said she would, gave money for the fireworks display.  When Mark told us that, I was soooo disappointed, as I just knew I wouldn't get to meet these delightful people, but as we drove around the corner to Kjell and Teresa's home, THERE THEY WERE standing on the front porch talking to Kjell.  They are just as friendly as can be and as I was standing looking at Diane's profile, I told her how much she looked like her Grandmother Dessie Amberg.  Well, as you can guess, I was very happy that I was was able to meet these two, and anyone that will be lucky enough to do so, will be just as glad as Teresa, Kjell, Fred and I are.
  We wish for them a safe and happy journey, as they work their way back home.
  Happy Trails, Diane and Al !!


Diane; which direction did you go on Limestone?  How far out did you go?  We live West of Howard on Limestone, about 7 miles.  Right before Limestone ends and the big hills begin.  Did you drive by our house?  Too bad you didn't stop!

Rudy Taylor

I, too, got a Diane and Al fix.

And it was wonderful.  From the moment Diane walked through our front door, we instantly connected and started visiting. What a lovely pair of friends.

Plus, she always makes me feel good about rural Kansas.  As much as I like it, I sometimes find myself apologizing for it because we don't have many of the niceties found in larger places.  You all know what I mean.

Then along comes Diane and she gives me a list a mile long of all the things she has found here, all the nice folks she has met, and all the good food she has eaten.

So I repent.

And I'm glad Diane and Al came to our town today.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Steph said that you went out to the ranch and things look about the same.  Hope you wrote your names in the garage again.  When you are up on "top of the hill" and look behind you instead of towards town, way off in the distance  you can see a wind farm!  It was in the process of being built in when we were out there in 06.  When you are in the cemetery see if the pennies are still on the graves.  If you go to Horton, look there too.  Just don't go there at night.
Glad you are having fun visits with your new Howard friends!  Enjoy your trip down memory lane and all the other neat places too.
Watch out for Tornadoes!   :o

Diane Amberg

  I'm back once again. We had breakfast for dinner and those pancakes were good! Tobina, to find what's left of our old home place, you have to go out Limestone road, west about 10 miles. The house is derelict, but the barn and other out buildings are in good shape. Mr. Perkins bought it in 2001 after Mom died and Daddy decided to sell everything off. It sits on the north side along where road 7 crosses. It was a huge spread at one time long ago, but was sold off bit by bit. If you turn left there, you go over a low water crossing and go all the way up on the top...there is a pumping jack up there, an old machinery shed and the most beautiful view out across the area.  I'm not sure which house is yours. The place with the big columns at the curve? or another one? Are you around tomorrow? We could come out in the afternoon, if I can figure out your place. We're going to have lunch at Longton at noon tomorrow and be back here for dinner tomorrow night.


Didn't have to find you.  Been coming here for several years.  (Someone else sent me here)  I just have never had anything I wanted to say but have enjoyed reading what everyone writes. 
Remember Zimmermans fire?  I told you you could come here to read about it.  I am happy that you have made so many wonderful friends and have gotten to meet many of them!    :)
Thank you for the information on the pennies and also thank you for putting the roses on the graves.  Have a fun time.


Diane, the big house with the columns is Jim Perkins, I think.  I am not sure if Tobina is east or west of there, but I think it is west.  You said 10 miles west and across a low water bridge.  If my memory serves me right, if you turn north at the corner, you go past the oil field that my son-in-law works.  Haven't been out that way for probably 5 years or more.

Roma Jean Turner

Makes me wish I could run down there for the day and have a good visit.  Maybe next time.    Glad you guys are having such a wonderful trip.

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