Good Night All

Started by flo, April 01, 2008, 11:54:39 PM

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Warph:  I have had the voice of the turtle dove all winter, plus a couple of ring necked doves.  They feed regularly at my feeder.


Jo's column in the paper today mentioned the actions of animals when bad weather is moving in.  Being another farm/country girl, everything she said is true.  Today I noticed something different about the birds.  There were blue jays in my feeder all day.  Two and three of them at a time.  I didn't notice many other birds, but the blue jays were acting as if they had to get filled up.  Tomorrow our weather is supposed to change.  There have been reports of heavy rains in the system that is moving in.  Do you think this might be what the blue jays are trying to tell us.

Jo also mentioned how the old mother hen would cluck and gather her chicks to protect them during a storm.  This is true except for one old hen that I used to know.  During my teen years I was the only one home when one of the worst storms in years hit.  This old hen had a coop that she could stay in, but would she?  No!  I couldn't even get her to go near it.  I did finally get her into the barn with her chicks and she would stay there until it quit raining.  Then she was out again, then I was out again and we would go through the same thing.  I finally got her pushed to her coop where I could lock her in.   Our old dog wasn't any help.  He knew there was something different about this storm and I couldn't get two feet away from him.  The clouds were funny that day and things just weren't right.  After the storm, my father and brothers came home.  They had been combining wheat about six miles away.  The hail hit where they were and when it was through the country looked like the middle of winter.  There wasn't any wheat left standing.   The field looked like it had been disked.  The trees were bare.  I don't know what I would have done if it had hit like that where I was.


Going to shut down for the night.. Had a big day and a good day..
Had Mason most of the day.. ( what a precious angel he is) then got all of everyone's book work done.. and I'm almost totally packed for the 4 day Cowboy Shoot ( Called Land Run ) in Oklahoma that we are going to compete in Thurs-Sunday. It should be fun but I'm already starting to get nervous..
Trying to refocus and get myself geared down for it.. but there is lots of good shooters and I always get all jittery before big shoots.. I just want to not mess up.....................
* send me some luck long distance*  ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

I made you your lucky bracelet --- Don't forget to wear it!!
  Shoot 'em up, pretty girl !!!!


That you did.. and I will have it on ... :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Ms Bear

And don't forget to just have fun.

Diane Amberg

We went to our defensive driving refresher tonight, saw a lot of friends there. Not sure if we'll be any safer but sure had a good time. Will you all please stop sending us your storms? We've had enough now. 5 days is plenty. G'night all.

Diane Amberg

I wasn't sure where to put this, but I guess here will do. I just had a delightful conversation with David Alexander. He sounds very good and is doing well. He said to be sure to tell you all he misses you, really enjoyed the cards and good wishes so many of you sent and promises to come back and visit the forum again some day. He is without a computer right now.


I was just wondering about him today.  Hadn't thought of him for ages.  Isn't it funny how great minds work together.


Diane, thanks for sharing the news about David.  I've been wondering about him.  Where is he at now?

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