Good Night All

Started by flo, April 01, 2008, 11:54:39 PM

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I"m back for a few days and then off again... Then after this trip we will be home for about 4 weeks.  Or I will be . Kjell has to travel some more but I get to finally stay home for a little while.
All my outside lights are up.. The house is totally cleaned and tree and decorations are all put up and done inside.. Laundry is done.. Bills are paid.. paperwork is almost done ( computer work is NEVER done  :( ) and I'm packed and ready for this next trip.
Sorry I have not even been on the computer for what seems like weeks.. THANK YOU to the moderators for hanging in there and doing all you do for me.. You are very much appreciated! :-*

Stay safe everyone.. and goodnight...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Welcome home, your majesty! We always miss you.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Ohhhh how I love that submissive sound to your voice.. hahaha
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

I'm very sad right now. I lost my 4 legged best buddy tonight. Back on Jan. 30 1999 we adopted a big strapping long haired black adult cat who was the delight of our lives. He was a special needs cat who had suffered a broken tail and because of it had some bowl problems due to nerve damage, but nothing we couldn't handle. He really started acting old over the past year and the vet thought he might be as old as 18 or so, we were never sure. Last week he started failing a bit and last night he really slipped, weak in the legs, lost bladder and bowl control and tonight he slipped away with his head on my hand. He was a great old guy. Oh, he was a bit like Samuel Clemens. Jan. 1999 was a blue moon month, hence the cat's name...Blue Moon. Dec 2009 is a blue moon month too, so he came and went on a blue moon. I'll really miss him.


I am so sorry to hear about your fellas' death. We are never prepared to let them go, he ended up with a good life though. Bless you both for adopting an older pet, they can be very special, I think that somehow they know about their good fortune. I will be thinking about you Diane.

Diane Amberg

Thank you.Today is very hard. Al dug Blue's grave before hand, right next to his old predecessor, Drizzle. It's a good thing too, because things have frozen solid here now and we have a major storm on the way. So by Saturday evening the two should have a nice white blanket of snow to make it look nice. This may be one of our uncommon big boomer storms, not sure yet. Usually we don't get those until February and not commonly even then. 6-12 inches is predicted so far, maybe more. When these come up from the south they pick up a lot of moisture.Then it depends on how close they come to the coast.That determines our snow fall amount.


I saw that weather along the coast last night on the news. We have yet to get a 'real' snow, however that is not uncommon here. Usually our snow comes when we are really ready for the end of winter; late Feb. and early March. Ugh! I would really like to see a decent snow, just to change the outlook on things. I just had to interrupt this to answer the door. It was Tim, a young man from our church who stops by nearly every day on his way home from New Beginnings, a workshop for the impaired. We have nearly the exact same conversation every visit with the same jokes and devilment. Tim is nearly blind and is autistic; he mows several yards around town and is pretty bored in the winter. His mother and me are pretty close; we sing together quite often. I always leave my paper out on the porch so that Tim can 'get' it for me, hes' a good kid. After Ted died, he asked me to marry him, I took that as a great compliment. 8)

Ms Bear

Diane, I am sorry to read about your precious friend.  I adopted a 5 month old kitten last month and he is a lot of company.  It has been about two years since my last cat died and over a year since I have had an animal in the house.  It was finally time for another one, now if I can just train him to pick up his toys.

I hope you will be ready for another special friend soon.


Diane Amberg

Thank you. We went to a party just up the street for awhile and it helped a lot until we went to open the front door and I suddenly remembered he wouldn't be there to greet us. We want to do more traveling next spring, so it will be some time before I'll try again.


Goodnight everyone.. its 2:30 again...... sighhhhhh .. I can't seem to get to bed anymore before 3:00.
I have massages in the morning..( no... Rudy still hasn't shed his chicken feathers and booked one ) so I better get in the shower and get myself to bed. The alarm is not going to be a pleasant sound in a few hours..

Had some girlfriends over tonight.. We ordered Poplar.. then played 3 games of Pinochle.. After the total of the 3 games.. Becky and I were declared the winner by 237 points..
Hard to beat us 2 old biddys...  ;D

The night before Mama and Daddy were here for supper and we played a couple games of Spades..
Daddy and I just whipped Mother and Kjell to death!.. LOL
Maybe the next time we play they will play smarter and be more of a challenge.

Daddy and I RULE!!

G'night ~~
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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